I'm currently 1.77m and I was wondering if I am fucked?
Are there any chances for me left Jow Forumsbros?
I'm currently 1.77m and I was wondering if I am fucked?
Are there any chances for me left Jow Forumsbros?
bitch what
i'm fucking 1.60m you don't know shit about pain
>tfw over 6 ft and Everytime I go to Safeway I feel like a manlet
I'm 6' was 157 lb and every photo of my whole body I look like a pencil. I'm 171 now 10 weeks into SL but I don't see how anything other than roids will improve my silhouette. I thought I had a nice shoulder width but not for my height I guess.
Lanklets that don't have a great frame have it rough too.
Steroids will make you grow like 2 extra inches, but if you get off them or when you get older you'll lose about 5. Not really worth it just for a temporary height growth IMO.
Dumbest broscience post of the day.
you are not being serious, r-right?
stop giving a shit about height unless ur that desperate of being a stud for a brainless 70 IQ bimbo. not the end of the world. u can still live through other outlets nigga
Look at pro wrestlers or even Arnie, they shrank like motherfuckers when they stopped doing roids.
>Drink milk
>Work on posture
>Always remember that you might be big, but you're not always gonna be the biggest dog in the yard (people who are 6'2" that feel uncomfortable or get mad when they see someone who's like 6'4", and that 6'4" guy feeling less because he saw a 6'7" guy in Wal Mart and so on and so forth)
These stretches loosen you up and decompress your spine
These stretches help with fixing your posture and also help decompress that spine.
Drink milk
You're already fucked because you think so much about your vain insecurity. Just get fucking big and mog everyone by pure size.
This. I'm a lanklet and wide manlets still sorta bully me because I'm so skelly. Don't think it's even possible for me to be intimidating while natty.
Put on some weight on you wouldn't look so scronny
thanks a lot user I needed a complete infochart, got tired of having everything dispersed
No worries. They'll decompress your spine and strengthen and stretch your muscles. Plus, once you get used to the system, you'll get some pretty nice bone cracks in places you couldn't crack before.
Literal 5'3 here. I just found out a while back. I was real depressed for a while but I've come to terms with it. Just keep on lifting. Self pity won't fix that height or physique while lifting will fix one.
i'm 0.00108902 miles tall and I consider myself short
Has this actually worked for anyone?
All it does is decompress your spine, you'll get an inch or two from that but it won't actually make you grow. So if you're 5'11" you could maybe become 6'0" if you have an inch to give. Your spine compresses through out the day and you shrink by I think half an inch or something like that at the end of the day anyways.
I'm 6'2" but easily mogged due to being a recovering fatty. So close to my goal weight but I still look like shit due to a lot of stubborn fat on my belly and chest.
Don't worry about height too much, there are plenty of more important things.
Isn't that 6'2"?
manlets, there are multiple ways to compensate your height inscurities: limb lenghtening, heel implants, lifts, glucosamine to mantain morning height
And being a manlet is only when you're significantly below average, considering the american average is 5'9 and the world male average is 5'7.75, you are a manlet only below 5'6 or 5'7 if you're american
Now imagine if you were a 30 year old boomer
LOL, that would be hard because there is no way to become younger lmao you better thank God for not being an oldsack, being OLD is being over
You all should consider yourself lucky that you don't live in the Netherlands/western Germany. I swear the average height of young non-shitskins here is atleast 6'3. Im 6'1 but I even get mogged by girls multiple times a day, it's fucking crazy.
Every German person I've met is tallercthan or around the same height as me (6'4")
this is all good info but it actually works better if you say "grow, grow, grow" while u do it
lmao imagine having such a shit perspective that being 30 is being over.
this is why we get Jow Forums nigger. so we can mog on other old people while we're still healthy and looking good.
I'm 5'2" and my gf is 5'4". I'm pretty strong, but not Jow Forums, and she is currently trying to bike away her chub. She can't run with me much because of her large breasts and she has trouble sweating the heat build up away. I'll support her all the way, but she's unwilling to do strength exercises with me until she loses some weight.
If a midget like me can at least try to make it, so can you. No reason to not try.
That's the secret ;)
5'11¾ king of manlets
182.87cm Emperor of manlets here.
I just want to become god-emperor of manlets at 6'1 but I'm still just a manlet King. Is it possible to get two full inches from stretching my spine
I'm 180 and need 2 extra centimeters to transit from manlet to normal guy
thing is, my torso is long enough as it is, so its my legs that need to grow. any way of making some height gains without stretching my spine?
>tfw 6'3 but say i'm 5'10 whenever someone asks
Yes sir, as long as it isn't already decompressed. Try swimming.
How much do you weigh?
my man.
I'm 5'3, my gf is also 5'3. How much do you weigh? I'm trying to cut down to ~135 pounds (from 165).
>not claiming 5'2 when you are actually 6'8
> be me
> 6'1 or 186 cm
> 6'2 in shoes
> qT girls tell me "holy shit you are so tall wtf?? are you 6'4??"
> keep mentioning "omg user is so tall"
this is how fucked up people's perception of height in the US is lmfao. 5'10 dudes LARPing as 6'1 make legit 6'1ers look like 6'3
>What is spinal compression
>What is getting old
In these posts, height should be posted as relative to the averages of both women and men of one's own country.
Same here claim 6' to everyone I've ever known
I have a very wide bone set (I was scouted for football, even at my height), so I'm around 155 lb. I control my weight through strength exercises combined with a veggie protein diet (no onions). Veggie noodles and Greek yogurt are my friend
How many cm is that?
Honestly this. Some girl asked me to help her reach something because I was tall, she asked me how tall I was and I said 5'11". She didn't believe me because of all her 5'9-5'10 friends who tell her they're 6+.
I still consider myself a manlet though because I get heightmogged by guys who don't even look that tall every fucking day at my uni.
Really short women don't always want to deal with the logistics of a man 12 inches taller than her. There's always someone out there
you are legit retarded my man
I'm 32 yo and I wake up at 1.83 and end up 1.82 at the end of the day.
I think both lifting and age have taken a toll on me, as I had measured at 1.85 in the past.
How old are you?
heh, you're all so short.
1.98m here
Manlet cutoff is 2.15, midget.
How do you know? Have you done it?
That's crazy. Wtf. I'm 29 still exactly the same as when I was 18.
>fwb is 155cm
>mfw throwing her around like a football
>>mfw throwing her around like a football
I don't doubt it
I swam for years
And it made you taller? How much did you grow?
5'11 18. Already taller than my brother who is older. Can I grow even taller?
I was 5'10.5 at 13 and I'm 5'11 at 29. It depends on if your plates are open or not. I stopped growing at 16.
165cm at the age of 20 thanks to chink genetics. Should I join the midget circus or just kill myself?
That's rough