How many females have you had sex with?
How many females have you had sex with?
About tree fiddy
11 or so I forget
18 or 20? At 27 they be beta numbers I know.
none of your business
somewhere between 10 and 30 before I found somebody to settle down with.
i miss my 20s... at least i have money now...
1, my wife
None I actually loved, maybe 7 or 8 I actually found attractive. The species is damaged and it's never getting better.
Somewhere in the 40s or 50s
I'm 23
5. I'm 29
23 in a four years. Had a good career but have somewhat retired from it to focus 100% on money so I'm not a broke 30yo boomer.
>none of your business
>none of your
>none of
The grand total of 0
Now that I'm Jow Forums and /fa/ I got friends and orbiting females trough, so it should come next year, this summer I have abs and the whole set, but I'm in full monk mode starting next week until 30 August, no internet or distractions, only gym-work and study, then in september, last year of hs, I plan to smash a qt gf or settle for a orbiter and just do it, a 6 is now easy to get.
>pic related
Dang. Look at her.
They really are the fairer sex aren't they?
I see a new girl on this site everyday and think: she's perfect, none could surpass her beauty.
In reality, they're all perfectly beautiful equally.
explain this meme
boomers are 50+ years old
30-50 is gen x, and should have at least 100k net worth to be on track
I've taken 3 virginities.
Thots aren't worth counting.
She's a solid 9 IRL if you're into irish girls. Skin like silk, squishy in all the right places, nice rack.
I know what you mean though. It's kind of appalling to see the parade of beautiful women on image boards..
2,couldnt keep it up maybe cause theyre hookers or cause i fapped too much? Either way im gonna start injecting test til the day i die even if it cuts my lifespan to 2 years at least im gonna die as a man instead of a faggot who cant keep his dick hard
Ill try nofap for 90 days if it still happens guess who starts roiding
3 (2)
You are gonna make it, I believe in you
too high inhibition to go outside much and also to initiate sex so only 2
No, she's an ugly subhuman you white knight cuck. All women are ugly and should be relegated to a status slightly above cattle but below for example fine pottery.
Zero because I'm too busy doing hella posts, surfin' the webs, and catching up on podcasts and important internet stuff. I'm sure the ladies can understand.
One, you degenerate filth.
1 but she was really dirty and loved getting face fucked and anal and licking my butt
does that count as more than 1?
and I don't want no other. I took her virginity she was the first girl I've kissed
now she's drifting away from me
guess drugs and alcohol are more important things to her
Fucking degenerate whore isn't even 18 yet
1, shes 5 days late for her period, she said shes usually late but im fucking scared.
rapes and prositutes count?
5, 28 yo
15-20 with penny. Hooked up with countless more (hj, bj, make out/dry humping) and I was in relationships 3/4 years while in school,
so only had 1 year to go on a tear. College was so easy boyz.
13. could be like 18 but various thing happened with the other 5. not bad for 24 though. But now I want another real relationship.
>all these sluts
1. We're 7 years strong.
Better question: how many of those do you regret?
My interest in even talking to women goes down every day. Women are absolutely awful generally, and barely worth any interaction overall. Maybe I have high standards. I can live with that. What I can't live with is handling crazy entitled stupid cunts.
0, almost did with two girls pretty recently but honestly thought i could do better.
25ish at 25 years old, some stable relationships mostly one or two night stands
90% of them, no one talks about how awkward it is waking up with a head-pounding hangover trying to make friendly small talk with a girl you don't care about
So why did you do it? Out of horniness?
>t. Ugly dyel incel
25? 26? Mostly been in monogamous relationships tho. 26 btw
Are you me? 2 girls send me nudes and wanted to fuck me so bad, the thing is they were both fuckable(one had big tits and the other a nice ass, no whales btw) but i just ended up ghosting them because i was insecure. Last week a girl wanted to netflix and chill, nice tits and ass solid 7 but i said no. Now i really wanna bang even 5-6 will do
I am you from the future and I’m here to tell you that you still haven’t managed to fuck any girls :(
Yeah always seems like a great idea when shes grabbing your dick under the table
Then I wake up and regret it and say I'm never doing it again
Then a month goes by and I forget that feeling and do it again
This is the most important question, because if they do then my number is close to 30, possibly 40, if they don't then I'm only at 5.
You know that women don't even like you or men in general the same way you worship them right? Stop being a slave.
45 women, which is pretty good considering I'm a fat fuck at 6'1 260lbs. God bless Tinder
0 at 19
I'm 23;-;
You’re 19, you’re still young kiddo
2 1/2
1/2 because she was ugly and bonerlost.jpg
Im gonna be a lonely bitter old man
30 years old by the way.
ye, pretty much
34, 24 years old
Started lifting at 19, lost v at 20, 3 year relationship after that
25 in the last 11 months, 12 in the last two.
I've had vaginal sex with one woman. I've slept with, had blowjobs or handjobs with 6 other women. Tried to have sex and failed with 3 of them. I can't have sex outside of a stable relationship for some reason, and I'm too autistic to have a long term relationship. Being good looking and autistic is a miserable combination.
1.5, 21yo
5 at 23, wish I was at 0
Only one.
Your mother.
At what age were you when you took them? How old were they?
>being this autistic
8 at 22 and still going, although not as strongly as I'd want.
I dont know why I laughed so hard at this.
>I'm in full monk mode starting next week until 30 August, no internet or distractions, only gym-work and study
just 10 minutes ago I was thinking of what should I do this month
I'll follow the same path as you
thanks user for the enlightenment
No problem user, I'm just sharing what better men taught me
How do you plan to survive in our modern world without the internet?
>30 years old
I literally only use it to shitpost and watch YouTube, living without it won't even be close to a problem, it's just very hard to not use it
@ 21 years old
i'm trying to improve on this
I don't regret any of them now that time has passed. I regret not fucking the ones I turned down because they would have been good stories/memories.
kissless virgin, almost 20 yo
unironically considering fucking an escort this summer