memes aside, is this shit at all a good idea? anybody experience either success or injury with penis exercises? dont tell me to google search forums i dont trust that shit.
Jelqing/penile stretching
you fags better help me before i go and break my penis
it doesnt do anything significant and will damage your penis and make you impotent
do kegels for better erection, but in general you cant make your dick bigger
Do what the porn producers do with black dudes, slice into the inner penis (the gooch) insert a rubber extension then pump it with silicon, then hire a fluffer
Just take Citrulline. PE exercises are memes and you're more likely to break crucial fibers that turn you into a limpdick than to gain half an inch
It works, but don't expect miracles. I went from like 6 inches to 6.3 or so. Combine it with reverse kegels for stronger erections and more stamina.
Just do cardio and generally live a healthful lifestyle. Good testosterone levels, low stress hormone levels, and strong circulation will do more than some dangerous meme exercise.
yea it works.
visit thundersplace
do you have peyronies, user? thats what you posted
Definitely works to increase girth. Do some stretching routines to increase length and avoid injury. And use coconut oil.
>And use coconut oil.
Why coconut oil? Why not another oil or body lotion?
I'd say it helps your soft size especially if you're a "grower". Atleast it did for me. Like your dick doesn't turtle in as much.
I stopped doing it after like 3 weeks because it felt like I was losing sensitivity
> will do more than some dangerous meme exercise.
What, grow you dick?
I'm didn't do jelqing, but I used a penis extender and went from 7 inches to 8.
Tried it years ago. No results but no harm either
Ok guys, did some research on penis extenders and found something interesting.
Apparently there are 2 differnt types of extenders, those which stretch to the front (Andropenis etc) and those which stretch "flatly" to the side (only Phallosan).
Which of the 2 types is better?
how to increase girth
Andropenis. The side things are meant for concealed carry, but they fuck up your dick in the long run.
what are the warning signs for fucking your shit up? i usually just do a quick stretch followed by 30-50 jelqs, around 50% erection. Gained a quarter inch in length and some amount of girth. I err on the side of caution at the expense of max gains but im still worried about continuing this
dont start with a device
start doing a normal routine without devices
do this for 6 months
then you can start looking at devices
Did you lose girth
I actually gained some.
I wouldn't play Russian roulette with my dick like that. It's gonna be a hard no from me
Those water pumps seems pretty easy to use and seem to be legit. Why not look into those? Hydromax I think they were called.
My man.
Angion Method has transformed my sex life and it's been less than two months. Near instant EQ gains.
I'm also doing stretching a couple of times a week, and now incorporating the Angion guy's "Oscillator" in some of my sessions. My stretching is manual, but I use a VLC Tugger to grip the glans.
I came into the scene shortly before Janus Bifrons debuted his videos. I didn't like jelqing to start, and now I'll never fuck with it.
Please don't break your benis anons.
will these actually make your erect penis longer? or just your flaccid dick longer? because whats the point if your hardon isnt actually improved?
can you link the one you used?
i'm 7.5 x 5.3 and would kill to be 8 x 6
locker room bravado and bulge
>"dont tell me to google search forums i dont trust that shit"
>proceeds to ask trusty ol' Jow Forums
I jelk about 2 times a week. Been doing it on and of for like 6 months. I've noticed about half an inch of length and a serious amount of girth, more girth than length. More than anything it makes it so that when you get hard you get really fucking hard. I would recommend starting slow, because you can hurt yourself if you do it too much. Basically stop if it hurts.
Why do none of you chucklefucks document this shit. You all make these incredibly hard to believe claims then give us zero evidence.
have you gained?
It works but you need to commit and be smart about it. Around 20 mins a day and doing it 5 days a weeks max.
Ive done it and gained an inch in length but it took me a year and dedication. I dont do it anymore
>has documented negative effects like destroying tissue and causing erectile dysfunction
>every little cult forum that claims it to be a miracle exercise and touts it as doing the exact opposite provide zero proof whatsoever
Has their ever been such a greater case of mental gymnastics?
Source or fuck off moron
I don't think I have ever seen a single person on Jow Forums in general ever give proof it works. Not once. It's all baseless claims.
The burden of proof is on you.
Now give your sources on your claims or kill yourself retard
You really don't find it shady that not a single person has ever provided proof on a website that has traffic like Jow Forums daily. Really?
what the fuck is this torture device?
>still no source on claims
Ok retard
I've never done this shit long enough, but the only thing I'll attest is that jelqing makes your erection quality better. I'm just too lazy to dedicate the time to it since my dick is on the above average side.
>Urologists, actual medical doctors that have a better understanding of the penis and how it functions than you ever will, universally agree that the size of your penis can't be increased without damaging it
>"Hurr, these random forums on the internet claim otherwise! Broscience says that if you damage the penile tissue it'll allow more blood in and heal and get bigger hurrrrrr! None of them have provided any sort of reliable proof though! You need to provide proof that it DOESN'T work hurrrr!"
>visits thunderspace
>absolutely 0 proof from anyone
You can stretch the skin but you won't increase the number of blood vessels that inflate your dick like a blood sausage. It'll get longer but your erections will be weaker and you run the risk of seriously tearing something and getting scarring.
I've been doing it for almost 2 months now. I have yet to see any noticeable length gains but have already seen over 0.3 inch in girth in mostly the base of my cock. My erections and labido have never been better either.
Do you think that forums like pegym and thundersplace really acquire hundreds, if not thousands of members that dedicate their time and effort compiling information and anecdotal evidence on how to enlarge their penis ... just do Larp about it? That sounds very unlikely to me for some reason. The reason it's a meme is because the same people that say "it breaks ur dick bro" are the same people that do a quick reddit search on it and don't try it which they equate with not working. I'm not saying it for sure works but so far I've had very positive experiences with it
Why would anyone willingly try anything that has just as much of a risk factor as it does success. Especially when it comes to your fucking dick.
can someone post a kegels guide
do you retards even realize a girl won't even realize if your dick is 6 inches or 7? or 5 inches to 6? they dont have dicks so they cant comprehend adding and inch it literally makes no differnece, you would need to gain like 3 inches for any girl to even realize which you cant do with jelqing or all this other dick contraption bullshit.. quit fuckin up ur dicks for no damn reason
But it only does if you're a fucking retard about it. Why even lift weight when you can injure yourself extremely bad? Because if you are even a little bit competent you can fucking avoid injury. If you did even a little bit of reading into it you would see that the consensus from hundreds of PE veterens is that as long as you don't jelq with a 100% erection injury is very avoidable and even if you do encounter injury it is recoverable from 95% of the time. Seriously just read up you fucking mong or suite yourself I'm making dick gains and ur not
if it had AS MUCH risk factor as success, you'd see far more people saying it should be avoided at all costs than people saying it works with dedication and safe practice. Which you don't
>Do you think that forums like pegym and thundersplace really acquire hundreds, if not thousands of members that dedicate their time and effort compiling information and anecdotal evidence on how to enlarge their penis ... just do Larp about it?
You can find hundreds of people that are convinced nofap gave them superpowers, guys who aren't getting laid always end up trying wacky dick stuff
There will probably be a urethral sounding craze someday
hundreds of people =/= samefags and trolls on Jow Forums
Yeah but that's pseudo results vs measurable, quantifiable results. There's several albums of picture proof results on pegym and thundersplace with rulers next to the phallus and everything. Make and account and look
Seriously. I don't think I've ever seen mental gymnastics as bad as the ones people go through in the PE community. It is profoundly sad.
I use a BathMate for a temporary pump.
Usually grows 1.5x in size compared to my normal erect penis.
It's fun.
I hang weights from my dick. Fucking massive bro.
>everyone that does something I've never tried and claims it works is deluded
The post
no thanks I'm happy with my dick size
When there is no solid scientific evidence that something works it probably does not work.
I'm not. I'm not stopping until I reach 8x6 since that's the minimum measurement to satisfy women
There's been studies done on devices like extenders and they were proven to increase length. I can't remember by how much and I'm too lazy to source so look it up yourself. If devices work then why can't manual?
What I don't get is why you still haven't just gone to the forums to look at the pictures for yourself. Until you do that I don't know what to tell you m8 have fun being a dicklet
the testimonials of many many people is as good as any photo proof in this age considering photoshop, so either try it out or quit bitching about something you have no experience with
My cock has never been so hard! My gf is complaining that im to big lol.
Seriously Janus is going to win a nobel prize in dick science for all this.
For those that dont know...look for it.
Absolutely brilliant.
You're a fucking idiot who just doesn't look for it. There's an entire forum on thundersplace dedicated to before and after photos
Because I'm only partly autistic. If you want to be the guy to document the process go right ahead. I will say this: It's not a magical cure for being a dicklet. But it will bring your dick to it's fullest potential.
Is this shit for real?
I started doing this yesterday, and i can swear i've never had erections like the ones i'm having right now.
Also,i can swear my dick somehow seems bigger right after jelqing.
Does this have a placebo effect and makes me think it did grow when its the same size?
yeah you will see erection quality gains in as little as a week. Your flaccid dick will always start hanging lower and fatter its awesome. Pay attention to all of this as you start doing your exercises, they are called PI's or physiological indicators. Look it up. I dont do any jelqing if my dick isnt hanging low n fat nigga ... especially not if my erection quality sucks. All of those are a sign that you are overtrained.
>mfw I jelqed from age 12-14 and now my peepee has 6 inch girth
jelqing fucked my dick up because my ballsack now goes like halfway up my dick therefore making it look SMALLER from the female's pov.
Flaccid gains are good for showing off to the boys. I do that with semi hard ons.
>Prove a negative
Anyone here done successful foreskin restoration that can share some tips?
I don't want more length
>16cm is enough for me
but I want that T H I C C girth
>like six plus inches
How do I get it?
lmao at all these
>i deathgripped my dick trying to jelq and now it doesn't work
gg retards more women for me