Daily Reminder to treat your Achilles tendon with care. Oy vey just listen to the sound.
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Daily Reminder to treat your Achilles tendon with care. Oy vey just listen to the sound.
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Please. Now I'm scared
Good kid.
How the hell do you pop your Achilles doing light shit like that?
"So after many comments of people asking me if I ever had taken the antibiotic Ciproflaxin which major side effect is ruptured Achilles.....the answer is yes! In fact....I was diagnosed with chronic sinusitis in February 2016 and started using Cipro as my antibiotic. I ruptured the Achilles in October 2016. After research, I had no idea that was a side effect of the drug. So crazy!"
She clearly starts throwing her leg back farther and father and the last two she puts all her weight on hind leg and pushes heal to the floor. Had she stayed on her toes that wouldn't have happened, or wouldn't have been so bad.
I've been heel hooked several times and never spapped anything. How does this happen??
Jesus Christ that's horrifying.
Is this the new snap thread?
New snap thread.
stupid thots
>that tension when watching the video from start and dont know when its gonna happen
Yeah I'm absolutely terrified now. Going to make adjustments to my calf work...
Lmao what a stupid fucking thot. What the fuck are those exercises anyway? Lift weights cunt.
Holy shit holy fuck I SUFFER every single time I see a video of something going wrong with workouts and lifting
can this happen to me while jump roping cause thats my cardio.
I know right?
I dont even wanna walk now fuck this
Never ever doing anything physical ever again
calf raises 180 reps no weight, to prevent this from ever happening. No rest 2 sets. Some gymnasts do this type of training.
They also do Inside squats and other similar shit for the CCL and collateral ligaments of the knee. Look into injury prevention its
yeah you fucks, I am not gonna watch that. It's the same shit like those legpress videos or the beheading videos, shit still haunts me on this GOD FORSAKEN WEB SITE. NEVER AGAIN I TELL YOU.
beheading videos are nothing compared to this
It was an antibiotic that caused this. Ciprofloxacin weakens tendons
That shit startled me lmao that sounds so painful
I was jumping rope with a weight vest recently. Not doing that shit ever again.
Holy shit
I know how to solve it guys:
just accept you're gonna have tiny calves
She also posted in a comment that she was taking an antibiotic that may have weakened her tendons
I'm gonna go ahead and pass on this one
Training calves will prevent this
or replacing every tendon in your body with a robotic equivalent
become a cyborg, it's the way of the future
a 120lb girl hopping around isnt capable of producing enough force to rupture a healthy tendon
Safety rails or a spotter could've prevented so many of these, jesus christ.
as always, docs prescribe shit and don't even say anything about it and people blindly trust them
First thing I noticed. Kept calm and listened.
Agreed. Her form is idiotic.
On this site alone I have seen:
>beheadings with everything from chainsaws to machetes
>various people burned alive
>people tossed from buildings
>far more than I care to mention
And never blinked, yet every single workout BTFO thread makes me curl into a ball and shiver.
>tfw i'm currently on work injury because I ruptured mines
>be at work
>work on a box truck
>jump off back like a complete fucking dumbass
>land on the pic related
>front foot catches it but back didnt
>here a pop and feel the pain
>thought I broke my ankle
>x-ray of my tendon looked like the end of a mop
This happened back in march, i'm still limping around collecting checks
He deserves some head pats
So she traded in having sinus infections for having a permanently damaged foot. Not worth it.
Most people have very tight Achilles tendons because we sit so much on chairs. Stretch that shit, no cave man ever snapped their Achilles, they lived their lives squatting. Try to go into a full Seiza sitting position, and see if it's tough (and you're not super fat), if it's tough it's time for the S T R E T C H.
nah i'm not concerned. as you were lads.
not being a low t midle age woman with no flexability
I can't for cybernetics so I can bully auglets.
yeah, suprised that kid didn't start crying or freak out.
anyways, how to do stretches for the achilles? i can stretch my calf but feel like i can never completly stretch my achilles
lmao roastie got rekt
>fit mom
nigga you should be HAPPY
better than a mom who gets out of breath from 3 entire seconds of light jogging and then dies in your mid-20's like my mom
feel sorry for the little dude
aw shit sorry Flanders