Workouts that make this position easier to withstand
Workouts that make this position easier to withstand
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tha whole body
bloat zerchers
Just take some preworkout bro.
I’ve wondered same. Frankly I think best exercise aside from standard BB lifts would be to load up a barbell with 75% of whatever your gf weighs, hook it in the crook of your arms, and work to just static hold it there as long as you can. Maybe up the weight, and if you’re really hardcore try walking around with it. This would be sure to get some stares.
kickers and twisters
your back
heavy shrugs and rows
only correct answer
I'd say front squats maybe. Although I like that position and I dont front squat.
you need a girl that knows what she is doing too. fucking a dead weight thot like this is not easy. she needs to be able to sit upright and not just slouch on your cock.
def front squats. quads will be on fire after 30 seconds of this
waste of energy tbqh
Front squat, zercher holds.
Make sure you actually make controlled thrusting motions best prepare for showtime.
A real Chad will just let the girl stuck him off and ride him until he cums. So Fuck that position
This position looks like it would require a strong upper body and a strong lower body. Because you have to lift her up and hold her there while thrusting all at the same time. And obviously the more she weights, the stronger you need to be.
I do it all the time I don't like it but women like that I can do it. I really don't thrust at all I just lift then up and down on my dick. Basically all you need is a curl bro routine
Reverse Hyperextensions.
+Fork putdowns for the chick. Realize that porn chicks are like 5'2 at most so they weigh like 120-130lbs. A regular sized girl at 5'8" and 150lbs would be much harder both because of weight and mechanics.
squats, dl, pull-up, rows, farmer walk.
virgin detected.
Talk about virgin detected
Do girls really like this position?
Girls like any position that takes away their control. If you can't do op pic then try the same but pinning against a wall.
I'd just say have good circulation to prevent your leg from cramping while it's being held up.
Anything that works the flexibility of your legs and pelvis and/or stretches your anus.
It's pretty intense for the girl, user. If you've found a good grip that keeps her from slipping away.
ok buddy have fun with your crappy standing sex
I keked pic related. focus on glutes but pretty much these
the fact that op gives these heights made me think he's probably a manlet
I've give all the bitches the hanging rose
sauce for that?
This position will always remind me if that fucking guy who managed the strength to do this to Anastasia Lux for 10+ seconds
Absolute lad
>And obviously the more she weights, the stronger you need to be.
This is my I like thicc girls and bloat hogs. It's a test of my strength.
thats harley dean. no idea about that scene
unironically the farmers walk
What's this position called?
Zercher squats
Barbell curls
the BRAP press
what if you're too tall in comparison to the girl tho
My gf is 6'0 165lbs how do I do this?
I'm 6'2" 190lbs.
Legs and back
Zercher squats, farmers walks, pendlay rows, goodmornings, diddlies, general core training
lol my gf is 6'1 and 205 same experience here.
you just dont. I have tried many times and it's just not a feasable option if your girl isnt tiny. to be fair my deadlift is only like 375 so I might just be too much of a pussy.
Heh. You don't. I'm in same boat now and about your size. Prior gf was 5'4 and 105 lbs... we used to do this all the time. You could try bracing her against wall, but would still need to be pretty stronk.
If im 5'11 180 and my gf is 5'9 140 and I can do this for a couple mins am I strong
He's right though, very common in porn to use short females and big guys for contrast.
My wife does, she says she feels more overpowered and feels more of my strength, whatever that means.
It's not comfortable for me though.
>gf is 6'1 and 205
I’m proud of you.
Yes but it's probably got to do with showing physical dominance. You get to fully dip your cock as well so that might be good as well but I haven't made any girl come during that position yet. They tend to prefer others.
Progressive workouts same with any strength routine OP.
Basically start out light and keep upping the weight until you’re able to fuck a woman as fat as your GF
Just find a fat practice gf and go into that position 3 times and rep until failure. By the time you get a skinny real gf you will be strong as oxen.
VARG! user is watching it again.
Stop snitching.
what? this is perfect for that.
makes the cocks look bigger too
Jesus Christ. Makes me want to actually get strong. Finally found my motivation.
holy fucking shit
Shut up incel faggot no one cares
>t. low test
zercher anything
maybe a front carry
Threw up in my mouth a bit.
Unironically zercher holds
Is that like zercher squats except you don't do anything?
you are stronger than me.. same height, fucking a sloot of same weight, attempt this, after 1 minute i am tap out, proabbly couldve pushed out another thirty or forty seconds but didnt like it tthat much.
I’m impressed, I expected his knees to buckle.