>unemployed high school dropouts give out medical advice on Jow Forums
>other retards actually listen to it
Unemployed high school dropouts give out medical advice on Jow Forums
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if that's you, you're dyel mode, if it's not, stop baiting and fuck off
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summer in full force
Welcome to the 21st century, grampa
Hey faggot, watch who you're talking to.
I have a JOB and dropped out of COLLEGE. Yeah. Have your people talk to my people because you owe me an apology. On some fuckin expensive-ass stationery.
fugin newfag can you be any newer
I have a job and a PhD
when is the last time you lifted a book?
You have heard of computers right? The internet allows anyone to access medical databases and technical literature hahahah what year are you living in buddy? Or are you implying only those who forked over 50k to some Jewish academy has the ability to learn, in which case you're just admitting your own stupidity. Wait, there is actually no way I can interpret your post without you ending up retarded. Also I"m getting a BSc but I know people without degrees smarter than me. Weird how that works, the whole brain being part of the body and not a function of the Jewish cloud thing.
Just inb4 the fact I used those, so have*
is this shoped
everything is about the jews right
go back to Jow Forums
and your argument isn't always valid.
For example, i'm a physical experimental chemist. I use equipment that ranges from hundreds of thousands to millions of dollars in value on a regular basis. Occasionally I use facilities that are in the hundreds of millions of dollar range.
Go get that experience on the internet.
Huh? tanley, Morgan, Goldman, Kuhn/Kohn/Cohn/Cohen, Oppenheimer, Rothschild, Rockefeller, Warburg, Spencer-Churchill, Stuart/Stewart, Planck, Smith, Jasper, Levy, Palmer, Gordon, Moore, Fitzgerald, Kennedy, Noble, Bennett, Forbes, Beresford, Bancroft, Barclay, Cabot, Higginson, Adams, Baker, Coffin, Cooper, Delano, Gardner, Otis, Quincy, Rice, Bush, Lehman, Tudor, Sassoon..Shermans, Clarkes, Royces, Lindsays, Raffles, Robinson, Pratt, Bartlett, Abraham, Guggenheim, Loeb, Strauss, Sach, Lazard, Seaf, Goldman, Schiff, Morgan, Schroder, Harriman
Those are all Jews and they run the major finance and industry in my country. It's a huge problem, only Jewish families get the major contracts and whatnot. Speak for your own shithole lol
You conduct experiments for private ventures or public research? Because the latter studies are available to any jagoff with an internet connection, unless you believe that people can't understand things they didn't think up themselves in which case you're admitting you have no brain, so I'm going to assume that's not the case and you're just being pretentious because you're ugly or fat or have nothing else to be proud of.
>I "experiment" with tren and I go to nice gyms when i can
You don't understand what experience is or what doing actual experiments entails
I don't work for them
whatever guys, this isn't /sci/ so I'll stop
but its also not Jow Forums so how about you fuck off
For mentioning jewish power? Why does that trigger you? I do practical experiments and breeding so your line of work as esoteric as you make it out to be is probably a load of horseshit busy work. Also you sound pretentious and annoying, let me guess, no friends who can stand being around you?
wow bud
projecting much?
You're the one who is triggered by someone else having an education. Insecure much?
You are unbelievably stupid, ignorant, narrow minded, and presumptuous.
The world doesn't work the way you think it does., Sure there are a bunch of evil jews out there, but that doesn't mean you're correct about anything.
whatever buddy, you're probably just a fuckin loser who works out to compensate for your small dick and shit personality while blaming all your life problems on jews and bitches.
later bitch
>if that’s you
LOL. this is who gives advice.
I dunno how you even think that post reads as something a person with even a shred of intelligence would post haha
So basically I was spot on? Look in the mirror and get back to me, because I can't even believe what I see in the mirror sometimes hahaha life is good here, certainly not jealous of the person I'm mocking for fun. I actually laugh picturing the keyboard warrior behind the screen with posts like yours. Also not trying to promote a Jewish conspiracy here just pointing out the massive power they hold and won against insurmountable odds in the Renaissance and middle ages. You're just uninformed of course, to not know about the trillions controlled by jewish financiers (unless you think Blackrock and Vanguard are fake or whatever it is phony intellectuals like you believe in)
Post dick
I want one of these Jow Forumsiz'ens """research""" assembled into a proper thesis and submitted for actual review, and see the looks on the commitee's faces when they read it.
The scientist LARP is one of the funniest LARPs
>oh geez this guy isn’t full of shit and actually knows a thing or to!
>how can I escape this online argument?!?
>I know! I’ll use my education and brainstorm the best possible comment to leave him dumbfounded!
>hahah that’s it
>later bitch
Lmao are you genuinely autistic?
Majority of the time bro science is rooted in fact, just because autist have to over analyze it before you accept it doesn’t negate that someone with a supposedly lower iq could connect the dots on something you couldn’t
Plus even if it doesn’t factually work the “low iq” still have the edge of the placebo effect working for them
Don't argue with Jow Forums, they'll keep pulling out the same arguments, fling their shit a little, then think they've won the argument
Holy shit get off Jow Forums
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