Fuck nofap

I'm going one step further; I'm going to become a celibate. I won't even acknowledge the existence of women anymore, even my own mother. Might even cut off my own balls off. Can't be controlled by this evil anymore. Wish me luck boyos.

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I can't handle the braps on Jow Forums anymore
I'm gonna kill myslef

what the fuck is wrong with you

maybe exposure therapy will help user

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Funny reminder that no study ever mroved that not masturbating had any mositive effect. Enjoy your cult faggot

I sense darkness in your words. Hatred, bitterness and malevolence have invaded your soul. Why, user?

>laying off a horrible additive drug has no positive effects

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just become gay

Nah brah. Legit no hatred for anybody. I actually love women. This is just a challenge for myself.

it's called "MIGTOW"


>Might even cut off my own balls off
Do it, record it, post here or no balls

>might even cut off my own balls off
is it the final redpill?

is this real? those are some world level ass genetics


why would the jews ever say something positive about not masturbating? they want you docile and weak

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so how exactly will the cutting of the balls take place?

You going to use scissores or a saw

>pretending celibacy is a choice

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See you next week, faggot.

These asses are fucking FAKE. Don’t be misled by these whores using deceptive methods like implants and injections to make their ass look huge. What kind of a slut puts her brapper on display like some goddamn baboon in heat?

>you know how I know your gay

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You know how when you lift weights your body adapts to lifting more weight while at the same time getting less sore? Or how when you eat your body adapts to the calories? What makes you think conditioning yourself with masturbation is any different?

Even if you're an ugly guy it's still a choice to give up on asking women out etc.

>addicted to wacking off

Are you fucking retarded

>girls don't want to fuck me
>girls are also sluts
so which one is it huh

That still makes you an incel user.


people are so insecure on Jow Forums sometimes I think i'm on Jow Forums

No it doesn't, it's a calculated risk that all non chads should take imo.

>be me
>ugly face, average height
>have to put 100 times more effort than chad to get an ugly looking girl
>every gf I had in the past was old and/or ugly
>they still couldn't be faithful or feminine with their day to day interaction
>realize that they were just settling until they got a better offer
>realize that there were never any feelings in the first place
>on top of that there's always the risk that one day I'll hit on a girl that's crazy and she'll make some mallicious accusation to get me into trouble
>all thsese things combined made me snap one day and call it quits
>my mental health has been better ever since

Have you tried not giving a fuck and not being obsessed with sex and being alone?
If you date someone just because you don't want to be alone is asking for trouble user.
You come off as desperate, needy, one dimensional and you live your life out of fear.

Your woe is me sob story is really narcissistic and self centered
Go find meaning to your life

spare me your coping you dumb faggot

i refuse to play a game where i have to put an enormous amount of effort to impress some two faced cunt that's fucking broke chads on the side

Have you tried not pursuing two faced cunts?
Maybe going after a quality girl who isn't just about looks and vanity?

or maybe women need to lower their standards, or at least be honest and ask the chads out instead of baiting attention from average guys only to reject them with some thinly veiled pretense that their """personality""" is somehow at fault

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If you fall for average bitches stupid games when you're a teenager same on them

if you're in your mid to late twenties or older and you still haven't figured out how to differentiate women from bitches then you're the problem and I have no sympathy for you

>same on them

what if ALL women are chad chasing bitches though?

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I'm not chad
Yet I've got an 8/10 who isn't a stereotypical bitch

i guess I got the last one, sorry bros.

you're either a chad in denial or your gf settled until she gets an upgrade or she's not 8/10

in either case i don't really care, i know the facts are on my side, and more and more men are waking up from this godawful lie

If you have an ugly face and are under 6' just play in your own league, don't go after 9's and 10's you will turn bitter/resentful because they will turn you down.

just go monk mode, you stay celibate but can continue fapping (if you want), you become more at peace with it, not like the MGTOW's who seem hostile or bitter towards women, you just become ambivalent towards them

you can still appreciate the beauty of a good looking woman, but make the conscious choice to never get involved, get married, have sex or children, it's ultimate freedom man

i think fapping occasionally is healthy, it's opening a valve and releasing built up pressure, then again if you're fapping 4 times a day to increasingly weirder fetish porn then you got problems

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Dude yes. Had an HIV/herp 2 scare not long ago because of some dumb sexy Asian hoe. She was so fucking hot though. But fuck them all. All they want is something to cling on and support them. No such thing as a real independent women

>a dating site's statistics is the entire population's representation
>there exists no correlation between the type of person you are, your status etc. and the likehood of you getting onto a dating site
>there is perfect symmetry between the two sexes, which means both sexes get to be similarly picky
>I don't know what biases are: the post

it's the exact same outside of dating sites too

some user the other day posted a long copypasta full of studies that show looks (particularly face) is the only thing that matters in a man

keep coping though, you piece of shit

Hating even your own mother because of repressed sexual desires is some Oedipus Rex shit

Porn is the drug, beating your meat is not.

>let me attempt to fight against hundreds of thousands of years of evolution

kek good luck kiddo

Marty in the locker room told him girls are evil.
He then showed him a program where dudes sucks each other dicks to lift more

]Yes goy, evolution destined us to never be able to stop having sex with our hands
Nice try schlomo

>tfw I've been on /d/ for so long that I only fap to muscle futa
>tfw it inspires me to get jacked

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>believing (((studies)))

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Nah, fuck that bs. I'll just convert to islam and hope they take over Europe, the amount of rape and violence we will act towards western women would make the holocaust look like a small party.

I feel ya, op. I often wish my sex drive would just go away. Pursuing girls just makes me feel like a tool and a worthless piece of trash. It never seemed worthwhile.

How hard is it for you lot to just go into a church and focus on verses like Galatians 5:16? You don't need to rip your balls off to defeat lust and find peace. Gautam Buddha 2000 years ago managed to do it all with meditation, and then started religion over it that has followers till this day. If Bible doesn't motivate you, there's that.

Its all in the mind with how your perceive women, they are afterall made from a sperm cell that came from man, and the human body from the inside is disgusting with some of the worst smells imaginable known to man. Sexual lust/attraction is not based on the complete picture but conjecture and disillusions.

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