Why do you lift, Jow Forums? I lift for her.
Why do you lift, Jow Forums? I lift for her
some milf slut?
I'll give you one thing, she looks like she squats
I lift to maintain twonk status and until someone loves me
jesus christ
im being killed by looking at Jow Forums
I love pussy
How's your nofap going?
found pics of my ex gf pussy and me fucking her on an old phone, so my no fap is delayed
"Remember that bodily exercise, when it is well ordered, as I have said, is also prayer by means of which you can please God our Lord." -St. Ignatius
>> Nofap during the summer
I lift for my gf.
that's my gf
Ayy, that's the bean in chicago
You're both wrong.
It's my gf
Wtf that's my wife
>invented calculus
>hated working, didn't get along with anyone
>just wanted to do math on planets and stars n shit so he could figure out how to send letters to God
truly the basedest OG neet
Hot post moar.
i lift to defend poor refugees from white bigots
last one no bully pls
I lift because I'm a male stripper and you can only make it in this industry if you're ripped.
>invented calculus
say that to leibnitz
Has angle kinda looks like a healthy smeagol
I do love a woman who wears wedges though. That and red bottoms are the sexiest shoes on women
I don't lift because I want her to be stronger than me.
Also because is pointless since she lives in the other side of the planet and Im lazy.
Its going great, this picture just added +5 pts onto my willpower,I will not be losing today.
I lift to be a straight male pornstar and do porno in Japan.
I'm not getting any younger and a ten inch dick isn't going to make up for my age.
Today and always, I lift for America
Jesus Christ imagine trying to fight her and she overpowers you. My brain would literally melt from trying to understand a woman overpowering a man
She can overpower me if I don't fight back :D
It's your gf dude just post more pics of her
Post more, or I'll make her my gf! >:^)
I lift for you lifting for your gf.
>I lift for you lifting for your gf.
>tfw Jow Forums is now packing lifts into CDOs
At first I started lifting to lose weight and gain some confidence, and so far I've accomplished these things. But know I feel like I lift to fill the emptiness of my life. All I do is lift and nothing else. There's something missing in my life that I think lifting will fill but I still feel empty. I don't think its not having a gf.
best answer in this thread my fellow american
I lift for the love of my life
Apparently her name is "big boobs in pink bikini".
hehe that's a good one
btw it's astonishing that women believe that lifting will improve boob perkiness when the graphic itself shows that it won't
This is why you don’t lift for women. You lift for strength, pride, and glory. In that order. With strength comes pride. And with pride (and self-respect) you can conquer challenges that gain you glory.
That's the gayest thing I've read all day, and I've spent all day reading gay romance novels.
Well i lift because I wanna be able to go shirtless everywhere, I wanna be fit and feel good and catch beta girls looking at me and not look back.
Say hello to Jow Forums's new gf
you can just tell that this picture was taken by a creep without her permission and she noticed as he was taking it
but god damn that lady's entire midsection gets my dick hard as diamonds
I lift to raise funds so she can get breasts.
I lift for qt brainy type girls.
lifting and cardio have put me in a semi-sustainable manic mood and if i avoid them for more than two days i sink into a heavy depression
i don't get any ass
Dare I say it, the final for of Jow Forums?
dude used to stare at the sun until he saw colors
Lifting got me a gf who is 7 years younger than me
>tfw finally making it as a 30 year old boomer
This cutie pie
>being this onions
I'd ask if you have EVER been cool, but you're on a gay guys cartoon forum complaining about people that would never talk to you.
For cute 2D girls.
Why won't she accept my love, Jow Forums?
kek did you take that picture? she caught you
I want to become the most aesthetic being alive. I want girls to mire me, to crush on me, and to hit on me, so I can make them feel the pain of rejection by not even acknowledging them or giving them disgusted looks. I want them to know how it feels when someone you are attracted to thinks of you as nothing but shit. I want to crush their confidence. I want them to think about only me while knowing that they cannot attain me.
And I want to become big and strong enough so that the ultra thick solid tight latine milf at my gyms enters a Mommy Dom little Boy marriage with me.
I want to reach my maximum strength potential or close too it
I want to look like a god
I want it look as masculine as I can
I want to be /fa/ and look good it tailored suits
Also not giving a reason for my wife to fuck chad when I am Chad
i am not a good catholic but im trying
ave maria, please help me be a better man
Feeling you, men.
ora pro nobis peccatoribus
Jesus you sad man
Today I lift for those who lifted this country above the rest
she's cute. i love that mousy nerdy look.
Tattoos are fucking degenerate, especially on women. Kys if you think otherwise
>getting this riled up over b8 concerning your thot's poor life choices
For her which is ironic
>this far down the thread
>no Hitler
My soul weeps for you, Jow Forums
Ugly feet.
Ewww only post photos with very low lighting from now on.
Why do you follow one religion over the others?
Honestly, I'm on God mode during this no-fap, these pictures don't do anything other than disgust me.
Imagine being this uneducated and poorly read while simultaneously trying to tackle one of the most complex and diverse topics available to man
He's thinking is the following:
>Hur dur religion means there is an invisible man in the sky (thanks George Carlin)
>There are thousands of religions that are hundreds to thousands of years old that every ancestor ever has subscribed too, yet I'm the only smart one because I don't believe in it.
I don't know what else to do when I'm not working...
I don't even know why I'm alive.
so nearly every thread on Jow Forums
Pathetic fucks. Lifting for a girl. Never gonna make it
not, precisely speaking, if we wish to be honest, actually an argument
literally looks like a BBC slut