Hey white boy, you're using my bench

>Hey white boy, you're using my bench

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Your belly button looks like a butthole, sir.

Yeah I'm using it so back up kid.

"Suck my dick you ugly nigger faggot"
>turns and farts

*calls the police in your path*

you dare enter my place of worship negroid?

>narrow shoulders

Sorry benching is for high T only

I l iterally prefer this type of shitposting over PUA shit.

Je ne suis pas blanc je suis à moitié libanais

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I am *colonizing* your bench ooga booga go stab a baby

looks like your gonna have to wait your turn nigger

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Sorry, this bench is reserved for people who didn't choke in the superb owl

>throw a football at him
>watch him drop it
>"nice hands"
>laugh and continue my set

Hey nigger, get out of my board

But I'm black

>"Heh, at least the bench can support a family"

The only good response to a monkey floorsqueek.

>ring ring
>"yes, officer I'm being mugged... yeah there's a gun... a dark skinned man in the 24 hour fatness"

that guy is nowhere strong or big enough to just demand a bench from anyone

c-can I suck you off, sir? I promise I'll swallow.

My sides are destroyed

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All I have to do is take out my dick and his nigger genes will kick in and he won't be able to resist sucking my cock.
I'll bend him over the bench and fuck him till his tiny little body can't handle it anymore.
Afterwords I'll push him onto the floor and squat over his face and empty my bowels which are super runny since I got done doing sprints an hour before.
He cries with happiness at finally feeling the glory of the white mans bowels on him.

You know this is what would happen.

I am so sorry, sir!
Please, take the bench and take my girlfriend as an apology for this instance of microracism!

Hey nigger, last time you benched you got stuck under 3pl8 because your ego surpassed all the gear you're on.

funny how most wh*tes can't handle their own problems and have to resort to real men fighting their battles for them. It feel good knowing you get punked?

Get out of my house. I'm calling the police.

>>Hey white boy, you're using my bench
>Are you the gym owner?
>Then it's not yours until I'm done using it.
>Sometimes in life you have to wait. You can handle that, you're a big guy.

*plot twist*
You broke into his home and are using HIS home gym equipment. He's being very nice about all of this.

He is homeless and the gym is letting him live there, but the bench actually does belong to him as he bought it and uses it to sleep on.

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I'm not white in fact im a beaner but id rather contact proper authorities then end up dead over some nigger wanting my god damn bench

For you

anna kamen bro, but we're too white for that shit to work

Get out of here you fucking nigger

Ik spreek geen Engels sorry

fuck off normie
fuck off with your normie telly show humor
fucking yank humor STINKS

home gym master race

*shoots him for intruding my home*

Civilized people don't fight battles and let the proper authorities handle aggressive apes without impulse control instead. Nigger.

>s-s-suck my dick, n-nigger
Turns his ass and bends over..

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Sounds good just wait over there

wtf lol
shu shabeb

One great thing about Jow Forums since I've been on here is that I'm not scared of black people. White men are the most desired males and most black dudes look nothing like Terrell here.


My apologies sir. I didn't see the name "Niggerfaggot" written on it. I'll be done in an hour. Go make me a sandwich.

*steps between you and the nigger*
Why don't you pick on someone your own size

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>walk into garage
>squat heavy, clanging weights all over the place, lots of fucking noise
>sit down on bench, door opens
>"hey that's my bench!"
>"what? what are you doing here?"
>"what do you mean, this is my house."
>directed by m. night shamapoo


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>"TO? Sure you can have it."

fuck off dickhead, is your name written on it?

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Dear user,

Get out.

only blacks say this dumb shit.

Yes it is cant you see it talks about monkeys therefore it must be his.

>Let him bench
>wait till he starts heavy sets
>put dick inside his mouth
>impregnate that nigga


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Does anyone else noticed shitty narrow shoulders genetics on this nig? Literally never gonna make it.


>I-I´m very sorry, sir!

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>''White boy''? Why are you making this a race thing bro?
>You are not one of those racists, right? Cause that's fucken disgusting
depends on you local socio-political zone, but it's either
>Confused for some seconds
>''I fucked up''. As people side by you against him
Either way, after that you kick him in the nuts, and you win

but those real men defending me are white you dumbfuck
cant even roast well with sub 33 cc skulls bro, u should stop

Really? I don't see your name on it.

Funny, this doesn't look like 3/5's of a bench to me.


Non, vous etes une mouche.
That’s as far as I got into duolingo frog-speak.

When I learnt french in school I was always amazed at how you make negative phrases
It just takes so fucking long
for example your phrase

Are you white?
>Je ne suis pas
>I'm not
So extra long. made me think long if my language is particularly succint, or french was needlessly elaborated
I still don't know

Ewa kankermongool je gebruikt mijn bank



>being within 100ft of a nigger
never gonna make it

>cool thanks for letting me use it, i have 5 more sets to do

>whole gym laughs

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I'm pretty sure the bench is owned by whoever owns the gym my good sir.

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fucking kek

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post your body


Fuck me in the ass big boy