We all know sex is a biological need and that having sex increases test

We all know sex is a biological need and that having sex increases test.
So with all these clear benefits is it wrong to hire hookers if you can't get sex any other way?

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Other urls found in this thread:


>he can't suppress his urges.
>he can't get a gf
>he thinks he deserves to breed


you are submitting to the cries of primal chemicals rushing through your brain. Let Testosterone make you big and strong, but dont let it reduce you to an animal.

Because it will reduce female social power. Men would just go to brothels instead of giving roasties attention and they can't have that.

this is what nofap is all about. it's just a ploy to shill hookers.

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>Hitler cat says

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relationships are a biological need, not sex. unless you're psychopathic

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Are you saying I'm a psycho? I love sex and need sex but the thought of putting up with a woman turns me down. I love Pussy not women.

stupid incel, you are a monkey

where do i find hookers like this? the ones i find online are all ugly sticcs or negresses

Full monk mode > nofap >>>>>>> fap > using a prostitute

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Shut up pussy

Why blow 100 on a hooker if you can blow 50 on a gram of coke and get some puss puss on a night out with the lads?

I’m the only pussy (You) can get

Who's this and where can I find her other body of work?

This fat bitch makes my nuts hurt.

Isn’t that crazy? I can say that here but anywhere else I’d look like a disgusting pig

cocaine aint good for dem gainz

Lame comeback

The fact that men who ejaculate in a women less than ~21 times a month have a higher rate of testicular cancer. Sex is good for your body and mind.

I can tell you're a plebbit fag. But yeah I agree wanna slap that bitches tummy as a punching bag while she rides me

I dont think sex increases test

this makes no sense

when you dont have sex (and you dont have porn) you get hornier and hornier which is the biology creating impetus to breed, this is increase in testosterone

you dont get hornier and hornier if you have access to all the sex you want

this guy knows

This. Notice how they screamed their heads off about the sex doll brothels.



The ONLY way cocaine can help you pull is if your so beta you need a drug to force you to be talkative to actually talk to a girl
>limp dick
>gurn like a crackhead
>as the night progresses you value the next line more than pulling
>gains melt off you
>don't stand a chance with any self respecting girl who can clearly tell your on class A drugs
>huge money sink
>develop a nasty addiction
I could go on, but if you 'need' cocaine to succeed with women you are probably just a junkie and deluding yourself that it even helps you get women

So you're saying you'd let him fuck you?

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who the FUCK is this semen demon thats exclusively gonna break my once a week fap

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>I can tell you’re a plebbitfl fag
No user I’m not a plebbit fag. It’s called being aware of the consequences.

>class A drugs

You mean like marijuana?!? No! Not the reefer!

I've seen two other pics of her and I would also like to know her name.

How fucking fat are your lines? If you keep them moderate, you don't do any of that shit. 4 or 5 lines for the whole night is more than enough for me and literally nobody ever notices that I'm on it.

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I found it on some finnish version of Jow Forums cus i couldnt rely on the chance of someone here saucing this kind of NEED, her name is lilias right, bust a fat fucking nut user, god speed

WTF are you saying Grandpa, cocaine it's great. You can do it and if you aren't an autistic children and abuse it literally no one would notice. With the plus that you can still function like a normal human bean

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take a step back and ask yourself where the voice inside you that felt the need to defend your cocaine habit came from... It will creep up on you boys, like cigarettes x100, and no you are not immune. Thinking you are immune to the grip of a potent addictive chemical is a seriously immature mindset. Not to mention the exploitation, murder and violence against your fellow man that the production and distribution depends on... I am not arguing as a narc I am speaking to you as a user. This is an evil evil drug you are defending and you should be ashamed if you encourage a single person to use it.

You must be weak minded as fuck if you actually get hooked on it. I use it like once a month and I only use like half a gram or maybe even less. That's like 20 bux, literally pocket change. There are people who drown themselves in alcohol every weekend and nobody gives a fuck about them but when someone is taking a couple of cheeky lines of coke you get people like you who flip their shit.

Thanks based user

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unlike nicotine the chemical hooks of a cocaine addiction do not diminish over time, every time you take cocaine your addiction develops and it will never weaken. The people who lose themselves to it are exactly the people who think they can't get addicted because they don't respect what is a potent and sneaky drug. it may take years but the addiction will creep up on you if you keep using and you won't notice until its too late. the fact that this personally offends you should at least cause you to take a moment to reflect on your relationship with the drug

How old are you Gramp, you are literally in Jow Forums telling us to be moral, and no I won't get addicted because I don't do it every day like a retarded, it's like a month since the last time and I don't even have cravings so, I don't say it's harmless but is the best thing you can take and still function without the side effects of another more heavy shit

Exactly this, and with the cocaine you don't act like a retarded but with alcohol you do

>le edgy teen thinks to fit in on Jow Forums you must out do each other with how little you care about anything
>its been like a month since last time I used so im not in the process to addiction
clearly ur parents fucked up but im not ur mommy and I don't care what u do with ur body, telling people they won't get addicted to coke is at best ignorant, and if you need cocaine to talk to girls you are a degenerate loser

>you don't get hornier and hornier if you have access to all the sex you want

Well that's just wrong.

Hahaha WTF man man, don't get so sensitive I was just saying that I liked to do cocaine, I never said that I need it to talk to girls. I know it's a drug but I won't get addicted to it because I always watch my doses

>'I won't get addicted cause I always watch my doses'
is literally what the majority of cocaine addicts told themselves once. Like I said bro Im not ur mommy, my point that if you need cocaine to pull girls ur a fuckin loser stands tho

>hairy pussy


this is a lie. You can have tons of relationships with your straight best friends and have sex with hookers and be completely fulfilled, and a relationship with a girl will happen when it happens.

>hairy pussy

He didn't say YOU would be snorting it. But just a bump won't hurt, bro

nervous pepe

okay faggit

>I always watch my doses
Find me an addict that DIDN'T say this at the beginning. Fucking retard

who is this plz

Bitches who dont shave are nasty

I support legalized and regulated prostitution

that being said, if it is not legal where you are then proceed at your own risk

lilias on cosmid

Imagine the smell.

Oh I imagine the smell



keep telling yourself this. once you realize that noone is smarter or can just out think or use sheer will to beat addiction... that is the exact moment that it is too late. I'm just telling you like this other dude is out of experience. pull pussy like a man. that is a true show of your will and intelligence. outwitting coke isn't. I'm just saying man its a thin line between recreational and addiction and you don't know til you cross it.

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I've been wondering this myself. I mean pulling ass straight from a bar or w/e is probably better physiologically but nofap + hooker once a week minimum may be the steps needed to ascend to high test masterrace (assuming all other variables are like sleep and food are good)

To be honest I enjoy fapping more than sex. most women....if their enjoyable they always seem to have a guy attached to em. I can bang hookers but hate cucking some dude. I feel like I want to fuck purely for androgen boosting reasons.....fapping is much more enjoyable (juden has boiled porn down to a science it seems)

Those are some fuck huge feet

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She's chubby and has an ugly face


Pretty sure I'm gonna kill myself soon.

I solved your problem, as well as everyone on Jow Forums


Yes shes one of those ugly but attainable girls

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Fucking thank you. Im tired of seeing anons on here almost exclusively calling for nasty ass bush on females.

You're gay as fuck, nigger.

I like the hairy pussy but that stupid tattoo really kills the view.
Why do bitches do this?
way to ruin yourself.

Do illicit drugs make sex rape like alcohol does?
I would think thats easier to rationalize as rape than drunk sex

yall wrong

go back to your NA meetings bro, get in touch with a higher power or something

Wtf im gay now


seek God you heathen testes-driven faggots

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Sex is not a biological need though. Food, water and oxygen are you dimwit.

> c O Pe


>This is considered ugly on Jow Forums
Yeah no wonder you're all incels, your standards are ridiculous, you will never get a girl like her

What I’d give to spend a night with her HNGGGGGG

>shitty tattoo
Thrown that bitch to the curb


t. Marc Aurel

>plump thighs and hairy pussy

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nice reading comprehension, so I'll make it easier for you
>no sex = manageable
>no relationships (platonic or beyond) = future mental health problems

>has a thrash tattoo
>but everything else is perfect
I am very conflicted

Hairy pucci is kino.
Tattos are the epitome of filth and thrash.

No, she's fat and craning her neck doesn't hide it. Her body is the shape of a trash bag.
