Is starwars Jow Forums approved?

is starwars Jow Forums approved?

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Not since it was sold to the jews.


not even close

>watching s*ywar

jewish propaganda where the lower races and women humiliate white men, so no, of course.

Never. Fuck off

Only the prequel

Why would you even consider it

Anakin jerking out of bed with sweat glistening on his body was probably the shit for nerd girls when that particular movie came out
Forgot which prequel it was

This except its not jews just self-hating 21st century degenerate culture

>talking to some thot online
>she loved episode 8
>considered it to be the best in the series

How can women have such bad taste?

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i love all the prequels, don't love the new ones. Anakin was definitely an early hottie for me

Only Warhammer is Jow Forums approved and only if you worship Khorne.

Original trilogy only.

I saw the two that came out and Rogue One with a mate. He was so fucking hype. We even went to the midnight screening for The Last Jedi, never saw someone that excited. Even he thinks it's shit. Star Wars is approved only by faggots who can't let go of the past and SJW's and their supporters. Solo flopped, TLJ numbers took a nose dive and the third episode isn't going to be as big as they think it is.

It doesn't help when you cast a woman who can't emote in the lead role. After watching the first movie my girlfriend and I made fun of the only two faces she uses: scowling and teeth baring. She's ugly.

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Only Empire

Also mention to the scene of Han struggling to survive with Luks on Hoth

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Star Wars needs to be written by the guy that did Berserk.

Nigga u gay

Weren't these movies explicitly made to appeal to the cunt demographic?

I swear, you could make a drinking game where you take a shot every time she closes her mouth. You wouldn't get drunk though.

Star Wars yeah.
Disney Wars no.
Even the actor who plays Kylo Ren looks like he never works out and he supposedly used to be in the military.
I can see why he dropped out if that's the amount of effort he could manage to put into getting fit.

Absolutely fucking not.

I realized that literally only the dark side has some people who obviously lift.
The guy who was in Vaders costume was the Bodybuilder David Prowse, Hayden Christensen put on some decent muscle mass for Episode 3 and Adam Driver is THICC as fuck.
Meanwhile everybody of the good guys is just skinny or fat.

>using chaos cheats
>not being a natty for Sigmar

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Yes which is why they made far more money than the shitty prequels


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But they haven’t.
Adjusted for inflation, the prequels are far more profitable.
TLJ has the single largest weekend drop off in history, had a monstrously inflated production and advertising budget and has absolutely murdered their merchandising.
That’s not even getting into the act that Solo bombed harder than the fat man, and has cast a very real shadow on episode IX


it's a shit film made that alienated its core audience in favor of blue haired tumblr bulldykes

Is LOtR Jow Forums approved?
>inb4 most heroes are manlets

>The dark side of the swole is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be... unnatural.

>every fucking time

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