Fit Knowledge Dump

So I've noticed a severe lack of quality information out there, so I'm doing a dump of good shit I've collected over the years.

Feel free to add shit/ask me for specifics.

Attached: _fit_ Cookies.jpg (540x792, 152K)

Attached: _fit_ Pancakes.jpg (1008x917, 214K)

Attached: Bulking calories.png (342x406, 18K)

I will contribute some too

Attached: 1530634203177.jpg (1968x3704, 1.8M)

Attached: 1492746918231.png (1288x1732, 656K)

Attached: CAMB-1- Cutting Guide.png (875x1012, 97K)

Attached: CAMB-2- Bulking Guide.png (874x629, 71K)

Attached: 1528219721685.png (1534x1085, 565K)

Attached: Clerisy On Diet1.jpg (960x853, 655K)

Attached: 1528761198259.jpg (3296x2840, 1.89M)

Gonna drop this for the mewers.

Attached: How to mew.jpg (1376x2236, 1.1M)

Attached: healthy eating cheap.jpg (772x624, 62K)

Attached: Sprinting.jpg (572x1276, 136K)

Attached: 1528811351276.jpg (683x486, 50K)

Attached: Anon DL Form Tips.png (1170x253, 32K)

Attached: 1524045908236.png (1340x1303, 299K)

Attached: Ref Card-Squat.png (830x692, 127K)

Wrong pic lol

Attached: 1491338048366.png (3336x1952, 975K)

Attached: Clerisy On Clear Skin.jpg (625x1548, 980K)

Attached: Male grooming and maintenance guide.png (842x1191, 751K)

still useful information lmao

Attached: zyzz routine.jpg (1024x1113, 205K)

based thread

Attached: OCB routine.jpg (964x1044, 109K)

eh, couldn't hurt to throw that one in this thread

Attached: HIIT Volume Progression.jpg (816x1056, 362K)

Attached: CAMB's Beginner routine.png (642x315, 10K)

>1/2 cup splenda

Attached: 87F63931-AB05-450D-B352-602153B45320.jpg (300x300, 30K)

what is mewing for again?

Attached: jimjimjimjim routine & diet.jpg (592x1049, 111K)

Attached: Formula for getting -fit-.jpg (500x500, 53K)

Attached: DiceDece on Weight-loss and Nutrition.jpg (737x1064, 189K)

Attached: DickTalens On Contest-Photoshoot Prep.png (466x612, 40K)

Attached: Minerals.jpg (503x680, 201K)

Attached: Vit Deficiencies.jpg (718x427, 138K)

Attached: Vit&Min1.jpg (1224x1584, 1.08M)

Attached: Vit&Min2.jpg (1224x1584, 817K)

Attached: Vit&Min3.jpg (1224x1584, 743K)

Attached: Vit&Min4.jpg (1224x1584, 843K)

Attached: Supplement Science.png (940x1619, 301K)

Attached: Fap Supplements.png (475x880, 65K)

for this one take cirtulline malate instead of l-arginine.

Attached: Tuna on Pre and Post Workout.jpg (1896x1016, 446K)

Attached: Creatine.png (632x1498, 229K)

Attached: Tuna on Flax and Fish Oil.jpg (1609x195, 70K)

Attached: Lose Weight.png (1350x1800, 200K)

Attached: 1RM Standards.jpg (1099x1034, 238K)

Attached: 80-20 Rule.png (842x1341, 210K)

Attached: Mythbusting.jpg (1044x2196, 625K)

Attached: Body Throughout the Day.png (800x415, 179K)

Attached: bodyfat guide.png (744x1855, 1.24M)

Attached: alchohol and muscle growth.png (657x3164, 2.88M)

Attached: Glutes Strength Training.jpg (1125x1500, 1.06M)

Attached: Harsh on Frequency.png (712x200, 21K)

Doesn't work, I (128 lbs) can eat 2340 kcal per day and still loose weight when training.
>1600 kcal BMR
>750-1000 kcal cardio
>200 kcal other activity
Not even including afterburning effect and I'm already below maintainance.

then eat more bruh its just a reference, everyone will be different

thank you for this thread

Attached: -fit- FAQ 3.jpg (1545x3537, 655K)

quant based?

Attached: -fit- FAQ 2.jpg (1545x2815, 673K)

idk I just saved the pic

maths, finance etc. anything with Quantitative analysis

Attached: -fit- FAQ.jpg (1545x2245, 622K)

Attached: Ideal Proportions.gif (780x870, 42K)

Attached: Obreezy on Being Alpha.jpg (1300x634, 329K)

Attached: Why you don't need a personal trainer.png (502x2764, 188K)

Attached: Training.jpg (850x573, 59K)

Amen, brother.

I often do, sometimes >4000 kcal to not get into a deficite.

At my weight bulking should be around 3000 kcal for normal activity (1h), 4000 for high activity (3h) and 5000 for super high activity (4h).
But most important is to eat during training to not "hit the wall" aka running out of carbs.

Attached: size-strength rep ranges.jpg (1088x1075, 349K)

Attached: SuperMutant How to Get Muscle Bound.png (1638x1186, 154K)

Attached: Sleeping Positions.jpg (300x600, 56K)

Attached: Guide to Fleibility.jpg (1730x3745, 1.13M)

Attached: Stretching Exercises.png (4961x3508, 915K)

Attached: Tuna on Stretching.jpg (1920x1274, 480K)

wow user
i really really hope you find a father figure man

very good

Not enough bowel movements

Downloaded this off /fit years ago

Attached: 1320956091551.jpg (1068x1258, 708K)

>the cope of small-souled hedonist that will cry to God on his deathbed

Attached: Running Cool Down.gif (836x1160, 19K)

Made these a few times from this sheet found here. Good shit. Recommended.

Attached: 1454129655399.jpg (952x1472, 195K)

>though I can only get away with this due to my body type
>he didnt

Great stuff, any more?

Gains and recovery time will improved when animal products are removed.

This is great. Got any more?

Anything like this for deadlift/squat?




just made these, used some honey rather then splenda cuz fuck that homo shit and put a scoop of protein powder and water in them (no milk atm sadly). They are overall not bad but could use a little more sweetness, probably a dark chocolate drizzle on the top