Full fit 2017 until march this year

>full fit 2017 until march this year
>got depressed because my crush went back with her fucking ex and ansiety cuz is my last year at uni and I've to work in my thesis
>haven't do a pushup since
>my health has getting worse each day, can't even sleep for more than 4 hours
>doctors say I'm in perfect health
>tfw I see how I lost all my gains and feel like shit in general
has anyone been in this situation?

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>start working out again
>any girl that goes back to an ex is a retard and not worth your time
>once you get back into working out you'll gain it back
>go see a counselor

the problem is, every day is shittier than the previous, can't even get out of bed in the morning because I need more sleeping time
the thing is I can't even get back to sleep ;_;
and that ruins my day

>the problem is, every day is shittier than the previous, can't even get out of bed in the morning because I need more sleeping time
>the thing is I can't even get back to sleep ;_;
>and that ruins my day

Nah dude, I've been there and done that. At one point I was so depressed I'd sleep for 14 hours and wakeup feeling tired and then sleep 14 hours again. Oversleeping just contributes to the problem.

Just wake up, have a cup of coffee, and do some productive things. Even if it's just making your bed

God advice.

>For the past year been working out after my ex broke up with me
>Been working out to spite her, or maybe secretly hoping to win her back
>Found out she just got married
>Feel like I lost all my motivation in the gym, can't bench as much now
Not sure what to do

Nigger, school isnt working for you

you became depressed over a girl? Nigga fuck outta here

Stop talking like a dirty nigger

Your nig slang isn't welcomed. Rethink your life buddy

>Being depressed about someone who isn't even your girlfriend go back to their ex
Stop being a nerd dude

Man up.

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Wrong. Kill her and put her in your freezer.

>white woman
>the cocks are black

That graphic hits close to home.

Yes user, I'm in this shit right now. fucking sucks because I was the one who dumped her.

It's when we become chemically dependent on another human being in our lives, that's when we get fucked up.

I recommend the book Lost Connections by renowned British faggot Johann Hari. He goes to explain how he got diagnosed with depression as a teenager, took antidepressants through his 20s but never got any better, then went researching and writing the book on the real causes of depression.

TL;DR having no social connections or family, a job that doesn't give you a sense of meaning or purpose, and lack of spending time outdoors are huge contributors to depression. Antidepressant medications are mostly bullshit for ~85% of the population diagnosed with depression, masking the symptoms and not solving the problems.

OP sounds like his issues are a mix of getting oneitis and being a huge bitch because he wasn't having sex with multiple women and anxiety/stress from schoolwork and probably from other things he hasn't mentioned.

There's no easy solution, but start with getting some time outdoors, some exercise, and having at least 2 women you're banging.

The whole point of the medicine is that you take it to feel good long enough to get your life sorted out, it's just the american way of life that leads to people taking the medicine and ... that's it, that's all they do.

Once you're too far in with depression, you won't manage to just go outdoors to have fun, or go and have fun to mke friends, or even somehow manage to impress interviewers to a new job.

The meds aren't the problem, the problem is the culture that leads to people being lazy as fuck and using the meds as if they were the solution, rather than a helper for it.


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>tfw the tldr is still tldr
fucking do it right you dumb shit
>hurr durr you can't read teh words?
a TLDR is supposed to be a teeny tiny summary.

like this.
TLDR: lrn2tldr

I agree, with the caveat that it's a huge western problem rather than just an American problem. There's been this big wave of "chemical imbalances cause depression" pushed by pharma companies in the past 30 years all over the world.

Drugs are a good temporary solution, but people have been curing depression with community help longer than antidepressants have been around. The isolationist culture we have in the west doesn't permit other people to help you out of your depression.

thanks for explaining the meme user, it was really hard and you deserve the acknowledgment

it sucks user, but that's no excuse to JUST yourself you faggot.

absolutely based response