Having huge traps is the ultimate iron pill exercise. Well developed traps make you look bigger, stronger and more aesthetic. Chads do not have tiny pencil necks.
Why the FUCK aren't you training traps every day?
Traps and forearms are my favorite pumps.
>killing your shoulders
Just do shrugs
My neck is thick as hell despite having small traps. Genetics, I guess. Still, I'm working on getting roid monkey tier traps
why would this kill the shoulders?
Traps make my frame smaller.
t. 5'9 155lbs petit
Not him but I hear and feel all sorts of cracks and pops when doing them so I believe it.
They make my frame look smaller*
Not smaller per se
Athlean-X talked about it. Put it in a state of impingement because of the angle your elbows move up at.
>gains make me look smaller
doing what exactly? working out for traps in general? or the exercise in OP's pic? I was asking about that specific exercise because I do it sometimes
Very highly recommend NEVER doing the exercise in OP's image.
That particular exercise.
I see, thanks for the tip and clarification. I do the exercise with really low weight but perhaps that doesn't matter if the angle of the elbows is kind of fucked up. I like shrugs as well
>What is frame
can sub the barbell with a heavy kettlebell and go for high reps etc.
>i'm a newbie and don't know anything about lifting
you mean the same guy that said, never do chest flies because they're so dangerous
How about you suck my dick etc.
You will never get pussy like me, Chad.
Shit exercise
Weight or volume?
Will all traps exercises hit all three regions?
traps are cope if your bideltoid width is shit tier
Physical therapists literally put you in the same position as this lift to check for an impingement. Nobody with any understanding of how the human body works suggests this lift.
a bunch of DYELS at my uni gym do this exercise
glad to know i'm not missing out on anything
My traps seem to grow, too bad nothing else does haha
Rack pulls goat
Traps are gay
you look slightly chubby but you still have a pronounced adonis belt. Is this from lots of ab work? because that's kind of what I'm going for.
I never do direct ab work. I do lots of deep front squats both KB and barbell though.
How fucking new are you? There's a few options here:
1. You are very new to training
2. You are very new to the internet
3. You are very dumb
Doing this exercise will fuck your rotator cuffs to hell.
Explain why Olympic lifters can do shittons of high pulls and have 0 shoulder problems
Maybe because it's a full body power movement, while in bodybuilding its slow controlled, isolated and under tension.
because they are not high pulling, they are using momentum to get under the bar, so they are not pulling shit this high
Along with lower back and knee injuries, impingements is literally the most common injury of oly lifters. They also have physiotherapists, trainers and roid so they can get away with it to a much larger degree compared to you.
Because it is a different movement brainlet.
Upright rows are shit. You’re better off doing bent over rows or kroc rows. Also doing a lot of ohp will help your shoulders and traps. But, it’s retarded to train it every day. If you can do that, it means you’re a dyel doing 3x5.
shoulder impingement dude
any exercise that makes you rotate internally your shoulders
I stopped doing these years ago
that exercise mainly focuses upper traps so you still need rowing to stimulate the rest
>Doing Shoulder Shearers
Is there some magic to bb shrugs? I don't find them comfortable, my shoulder ROM sucks with a barbell versus holding plates or dbs. My dick and balls get in the way with the bb too.
Any tips so I can go heavier than two 45lb plate shrugs?
>inb4 quit being a bitch
big traps are gross and make you look narrow
it's all about the cannoball delts
You must do a lot of shoulder dislocates to have a good mobility otherwise you get impingement because you put yourself in the wrong positions to compensate
My shoulder cracks and pops and grinds when I do basic movements without any weights lmao
I mean the only thing I can think of is that it makes you look narrower if you have shitty shoulders to begin with.
Is he trying to fuck up that barbell? Why not just do it off blocks?
okay someone explain this to me
I did these the other day and felt nothing in my shoulders, no pain, just got a great pump
these are bad?
well you won't shoulder impingement if you do them once , they just have a very high risk factor of you fucking up your shoulders.
What are some good replacement trap exercises? Pls help user
shrugs obviously. Grab the bar a bit wider than your shoulders tho, better activation. Also don't go with light weights , traps are a strong muscle
you also train your upper traps isometrically during deadlifts etc.
>never do chest flies
not on a bench, no
do it on the flat ground if you want to do flies, it'll allow you to go heavy without sacrificing your shoulder health
Good pic. This is how progression pics should be done, same posture, colors, lighting.
well he's not actually wrong a lot of people fucked up their shoulders with fly's. Also cable fly's are better since you get better tension overall
But on the other hand I workout in my home gym and I'm doing fly's for years and had no problem yet. 70lbs fly's btw
That man is not pulling on the bar in that picture. He might as well not be touching it. The pull happens significantly lower, and he is currently dropping under the bar.
Because I'm not a manlet who needs to compensate and cope.