What lifts can help me establish this?

What lifts can help me establish this?

Attached: newafrica.png (925x574, 27K)

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Nigger please

Hey lad, you can't change a culture overnight.

Attached: wojakisha.png (819x876, 99K)

i support this dixies fucking deserve it

Give back Virginia, and also swear to take all of our inner city trash here in the north and midwest, and it is a deal

isnt cuba white

5 x child supports

It's mainly a mixture of the decendents of the native Islanders,the black slaves,and the Spanish that brounght the slaves.

Attached: 1523847648775.jpg (2370x3874, 2.88M)

no fuck you, you can't have florida

why would you give them a huge portion of the country that matters when you could give them a few islands way off in the pacific?

Why don't you start a black nationalist movement, get a shitton of followers, and invade Central and South America. The USA is a white man's land, and the South is no exception! But I would definitely support a "New Africa" in Central America. The climate of Central America is more suited for blacks also.

Your trolling right? Mexico wouldn't allow it to happen. They would rekt their shit and Brazil would rekt them if they tried it in south america.

10 reps of mud hut building until failure

0 reps of successful government strategies

0 reps cultural progress

Cut education from diet. See first results in 12 months.

Yeah fucking right

>implying niggers can run a successful country

Attached: 1505856221497_0.jpg (480x360, 45K)

Make the capital in Havana. The official language could be English and Spanish then establish wide spread bilingual education. New Afrika is kinda of a shotty name considering africa is a continent. Id say go with democratic socialism desu.

en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Burkina_Faso it was going great before the US and France overthrew the government.

I'm White and I wholeheartedly support this, so long as ALL blacks in the US go there.
Too bad Blacks won't go along with it because they know it's more comfortable to leech off of Whitey than it would be to live in an all-black country.

>Not calling it Wakanda
Now I can hear you saying "but Black Panther is just a fictional character invented by Jews!" but is that really any worse than naming your country after a Roman general?

How about you dirty ass Yankees take them since you love them so much that 365.000 of you died just to liberate their nigger asses

Scipio Africanus means Scipio the African you brainlet. He was named after (the at the time area roughly equivalent to coastal Tunisia called) Africa, not the other way around.

third person plural of to rek is rek.
third person singular of to rek is rek.
you illiterate nigger