Serious question: Why does Jow Forums almost always recommend bulking first to skinny fats...

serious question: Why does Jow Forums almost always recommend bulking first to skinny fats, rather than cutting to Auschwitz? It's like you're trying to set people up to fail
Bulking first:
>fat gain inevitable
>likely won't be a 1:1 ratio cause noobs don't know what they're doing
>end up looking worse, discouraged
>easy as fuck to eat more not less
Cutting first:
>noob gains + protein allows strength/muscle size to not take a hit
>fat loss
>facial gains
>cutting takes more discipline, a much needed skill for noobs
>basic hoes prefer ultra-otter mode to being fat
don't fall for the stupid meme shit, cut first to 10%, look like a bitch for a little (only by this boards' standards), then bulk

Attached: before-trt-transformation-skinny-fat.jpg (1080x720, 103K)

seems rather long for purposeful bait. the point of cutting is to gain muscle definition and tone. In Auschwitz mode there is no muscle to be defined and shown off. Cutting without a good foundation of muscle is useless.

it's not about showing off, it's about getting out of skinny fat. Depending on how hard they train, there definitely could be at least Brad-Pitt-fight-club definition in the end. But again it doesn't matter

>basic hoes prefer ultra-otter mode to being fat

bitches can't see this when you have your shirt on

you're wearing a shirt 95% of the time, might has well look like you lift

if you're skinny fat - if it's winter, bulk first
if it's summer, cut first


can i still add some delt and pec muscle while cutting as a skinnyfat noob? I have a gut and can't bench my bodyweight desu

you can't gain muscle mass while cutting period, noob gains or not. You can (and will) gain strength while cutting as a beginner though, and your muscles will seem like they're growing because there's more pop to them. But it's just from the fat disappearing and revealing more tone

skinnyfat is basically anything that isn't jacked with low bf% to this board. If someone is legit without muscle mass and a little chubby then yes they should bulk because cutting will just be miserable and look shitty, if not and they end up like your picture then most girls (which normies lift for) would probably consider them "buff"

I always recommend just lifting at a deficit. It's the only time in your life that you'll be able to turn burned fat into muscle.

Noobs can build muscle and reduce fat while lifting on a cut. Even Lyle McDonald recommends people lift with weight loss goals for that exact reason

two contradicting statements who do I believe

you aren't going to see any significant muscle growth as a natty while cutting unless you have uberchad genes. In which case you'd probably not need to cut in the first place.

I'm the one that said you can't build mass without calorie surplus. It's highly debated though. The laws of physics should say you can't, but many seem to including myself (although I always just thought it's an optical illusion with fat loss)

Maybe the average human is vastly underdeveloped muscularly in comparison to what our bodies evolved to prepare for that getting to basic strength doesn't even require calories, that's it's kind of just putting the body back to its natural habitat. I don't fucking know

I was 170 cm 52kg starving jew mode but since starting gym about three weeks ago I’m now at roughly 55kg. I’ve tried just bulking in the past (without gym) but it didn’t work - my appetite didn’t increase and I stuffing yourself didn’t work. Going gym and making a routine out of it though has, so I don’t get the ‘bulk first’ principle either. You go gym, you start hitting those muscles, you tire more, you get hungry more, you eat more and you build more muscle. Why try and seperate the process, especially at the beginning?

You can. I have done it...stop repeating shit you read on the internet.

>basic hoes prefer ultra-otter mode to being fat
>lifting for hoes
Go suck a dick bitch

>stop sharing research
>listen to my anecdotal evidence
stop projecting

Should I cut for 2 or 3 more weeks to get rid of the lower belly, or start bulking?
*this is sucking in and flexing pretty hard*

Attached: IMG_1432.png (750x1334, 964K)

Bulk you twink you're not as fat as you think

When I bend over forward I have a huge overhang, fills up two hands. Are you sure?
If you think I should up cals I will for sure

Serious question - why does anyone recommend bulking ever
Never seen anyone who bulked that looks good and didn't lose a part of their gainz

>if you're skinny fat - if it's winter, bulk first
if it's summer, cut first

Solid advice

wait what?
>bulk = gain muscle mass, strength. Comes with fat gain and at best a 1:1 ratio of muscle mass to fat gain
>cut = losing the fat the gained from the bulk while keeping as much of the new muscle as possible. Lot more efficient than bulking in that you can keep most of the muscle you gained and lose 80-90% fat only if done properly

bulking and cutting go together

>be on deficit
>work out
>body diverts calories to muscle repair and growth
>extreme lack of calories
>body burns more fat to carry out other necessary processes
How can physics ever recover?

Skinnyfat is caused by lack of muscle, maintnance with lifting is the way to go. You're not getting the most out of your current weight, cutting/bulking should be done once you've got good foundation.

This is bad advice. Skinny fat people don't just lack muscle but have too much fat. They can effectively build the same type of muscle they would at maintenance while also losing fat. They're not going to fill in 25+% BF with noob gains. Why waste time especially when this is the one time they can do both at the same time