Lifting for girls doesn't work

I went to the fireworks show today (The place where the most hot pussy I see all year is concentrated) and I saw hundreds of young hot girls with their boyfriends. All of their boyfriends were either skinny DYELS or dad bod fat hippies. Anyone want to explain this for me? Why should I even try? I'm more fit than 99% of the guys I saw. I'm not even really that ugly in my face maybe like a 6 or 7. What's the fucking problem?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Damn Mike Patton looks like THAT???


shut your cockholster, fucking faggot praising a pedophile...

Lifting for girls is completely useless, lifting for yourself is the way to go. If you really want girls just work on your style and don’t be an incel.

They probably talk to girls and ask them out and shit like that.

It’s because you have 0 personality and are full of resentment

why are most new rappers manlets?
ugly god?
lil uzi vert?
ski mask the slump god?
rich brian?
>lil yachty?
trippie redd?
lil peep?
lil pump?
kodak black?
ybn nahmir, jay, cordae?
everyone from migos?


almost forgot
the dipshit on OP's pic related?

If you're not at least an 8 on the face you're fucked.

you're delusional

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Because woman care about face and little about body.

Also when you're buff like me they probably see you as a ''douche bag'' that is only interested in themselves rather to give THEM attention. Woman want all the attention to themselves.

Another reason could be that she's afraid you will leave her for better. Most if not all woman are programmed to be lazy, they just want to have fun and eat whatever they want. They don't want to workout and watch what their eating to have a good looking body. So they're scared you will fed them up with the same shit you're doing

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Hmmm when you’re realworld experiences are thwarted by a bait pic, you might be the delusional one


>It takes 13ms for people to differentiate attractive faces from unattractive faces

>Strong Inverse Association Between Height and Suicide

>Love at first sight is real

>Your face heavily affects your entire life

>Halo effect

>How Important is Physical Attractiveness in the Marriage Market? (tl;dr very)

>Celibacy rates are rising

>Study: Unattractive Men Not Viewed As ‘Dating Material,’ No Matter How Great Their Personality

>Height is extremely important

>Bottom 80% of men compete for the bottom 22% of women, top 78% of women compete for the top 20% of men

>Women care about face much more than body

>and here's what's interesting when you do surveys of women-- men and women. Men are right upfront in placing attractiveness in their top three. Women place it lower on their scale-- five, six, seven, eight. But in fact, when you evaluate women's behavior, it's no different than men. So women say attractiveness doesn't matter, but, in fact, when you evaluate their behavior, it does.

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Im sort of Jow Forums but still overweight. Working on it though. I'm lifting for me, but also having a gf would be a positive benefit in my life. As it is I dont think Im going to ever be able to have one ever again. I've got too much broken-brain going on; ptsd, severe anxiety, mild depression. My self-confidence and self-worth are at an all time low. Women notice this. It makes me want to end it all. Now Im not saying a gf would cure all these problems; but Im tired of living life alone. No amount of therapy, prescriptions, supplements, or church has been able to help me get over this mental block I have. Gaining strength and seeking gains are the only thing I've got going on in my life, besides my cat. Hold me Jow Forums

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And yet you don’t have a gf but ugly blokes do! KEK you loser

>meme mumblefags
pick one, faggot

>ignoring all evidence because muh feelings and personal anecdotes

and that's why there needs to be an IQ requirement before eligible to vote

>posting opinion pieces as evidence
it’s too late for you, sad beta cunt

cool i'll take my milkshake with fries

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if you are saying having a good body doesnt make you more attrective you are saying nature is fake. Im not saying it will make women jump on your dick, but it certanly helps. Also i dont get why men are so scared of saying they lift for girls, its a completely legitamate reason.

because lifting for girls doesn't work because face, not being bald, being tall etc are 99% of attraction

being fit is such a small part of it, if that's why you're lifting you're actually stupid

Imagine raising a son for 20 years for him to turn into a sad incel loser!

you can talk hot on the internet boy

It seems like you are the one coping, you are looking for reasons to not try and be full of anger and resentment, while still looking down on people who arent miserable like you. BTW, Tinder doesnt equal real life.

Finally someone who gets it.

that article about 80% 20% is complete bullshit:
1. Talks about Tinder, not real life
2.The guy writing this did his own experiment, self reported and only 27 women participated
3.No parameters of what the top 20% guys are, so every woman decided for herself who is hot in her opinion, the author himself admits this
VERDICT: Clickbait title for self loathers like you.

girls will settle with those guys because they are needy and are passively waiting for something better i.e. you shredded that they are biologically programmed to be attracted to
sorry for autism just ran 8 miles


Can you link me to something that explains what women find attractive, what percentage of what matters? Why do you lift? What so wrong with trying to make yourself more desirable?

yeah bruh disregard everything because of one link you don't like and just bee confident

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I’m hot slim thicc female (dancer) and I like sticc bois. I’ve dated fit guys and hipster boys- skinny guys are superior in every way. They have better personalities bc they aren’t spending 3 hours a day at the gym. They are better in bed and last longer in bed, can recharge for 15 min and cum again. They look cute and are into cuddling. They aren’t as vain as fit guys either.

No i agree with the rest. I completely agree that height, face and all of that jumbo is a factor. The op was trying to say that physical apperance is the only factor for being desirable, i do disagree with that. The 20% 80% percent was pointed out because the conclusion that the poster got from that article is delusional

Suuuuuure you are

It does for tinder hookups

>lifting for 3D women
>"we wanna look better than the guy"
>lifting for 2D women
>"keep up those gains user, your looking better everyday"

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>user fakes tinder conversations for the 100th time.
Literally cope harder.

I love 2D so much, so fucking much. And all of you as well!

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>18 year old slams a 13 year old
I don't fuck with no old hoes, only new hoes

Lil peep 2m tall

How is it fake when his profile is contantly refered in the conversations?


so you're a fucking pedo, just kill yourself you worthless piece of shit

>lil peep 2m tall
you mean 2m under?

learn the meaning of words you use before you shitpost

pedo by affiliation, fuck you and neck yourself if you protect fucking pedos

>t.iffy nigga

lil peep was 6'1"

>t. mongoloid with IQ of retarded amoeba

Okay, but do you know whether the guys were skinny or dad bods when they got together with the girls?

and now he's dead, because he was a worthless piece of shit junkie, how does it make you feel? ;^)

>buff like me
You are pretty buff
>actually says it though
But now you do kinda seem like a douche, REAL chads smuggly act like they are "toned"
You dont actually call yourself buff irl do you M?

Im sorry bro
I hope you make it

Why are you so mad that you couldn’t fuck teenage girls when you were a teenager?

More like 6 foot under lmao

tits or gtfo

>I went to the fireworks show today
Which fireworks show?

>le epic meme so funny haha so edgy rawr xD
Day of burgerland

you seem to be forgetting that you actually need to talk to women in order to date them

think of lifting as the icing on the cake and not the cake itself which is actually knowing how to socialize with people

it's hard to find girls interested in fortnite, female kpop and twitch streamers

you are a subhuman

>that autist who never goes outside but thinks he understands women because he has a lot of infographs saved

You're making these names up right? No way their real right?

>knowing the names of all of these "rappers"

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>lifting for girls
Anyone else lift because they can't be the girl?

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You need to be personable. You need to not go there alone. You need to get a group of friends that contains girls and act normal/not autistic. You need to learn how to talk to people, to flirt, make them laugh, have an engaging conversation, and not be awkward.

Being fit isn't enough. If you're fit in addition to being most of the above you shouldn't have any problem.

Also don't put pussy on a pedestal.

>Not wanting to mog all of their boyfriends


Inferiority complex which is why they constantly talk about money and buy expensive shit that will be the reason they go broke in a few years

>he doesnt know how women operate

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manlets look better on camera, they have great proportions

Joke's on you, my dad split when I was 5!

I'm sorry to hear your father was cut in half user

Go back to your containment thread; you’re an absolute brainlet about everything except /fraud/ing. Enjoy cardiomyopathy and dying in your early 40s.

Did you get to see his insides or somethin?

is that why you're playing for their team masT ?

I am telling the truth.

I am just saying how it is, I don't give a fuck about your incel opinion

I will btfo you in every aspect in life. Try me. Woman, looks and muscles. All the things you care about but don't have

Meaning? I am a one man army. I always play single player

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You must be a fuckin insecure loser if you feel the need to brag or demonstrate something on Jow Forums. If it were so as you say Im convinced you wouldnt even pay attention to this comments faggot

your girl is a sorry whore and your dick literally doesn't even work right now

oh yeah btw your dog

or cat or whatever who the fuck even cares you probably killed it by excreting steroids all over it with your sweat

I am insecure because I am posting pictures from myself where I am proud off. While you are insecure by posting nothing you are proud of, because you have nothing to be proud of.

You see that makes totally no sense.

You know that based on? I fuck here whenever i need to. Unlike your small dick that will never be used anyway.

your own admission dumbass
>wah why didnt i book my hotel correctly
>i'm only cruising twice the natty limit why isn't my dick working
have fun deflating when you realize your heart is giving out

Making an identity from not getting laid means you literally have nothing in your life
people who make their entire identity from a single thing in life are usually annoying.
people who make their entire identity from a status and not even an interest or hobby are absolute autists
you deserve not getting laid for being autistic and you gonna die miserable

AND she lied about her age. You can dislike him all you want but calling him a pedo means you probably belong on reddit.

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>Penis stiffy uhh cum real sticky uhh

>Pop my booty like a wheelie nigga, i'm for really nigga, in the club with them booty killas and them fruity niggas"

There's always been something about your proportions that've made me look at your pics and think "he's short!" like you're actually 5'6 and in real life you aren't that big. That my 18.5" (11% BF cuz I also tren and test) arms would look bigger than yours because I'm also taller at 5'10. But I could be wrong and you just have stubby proportions.

>I will btfo you in every aspect in life.
Except height... IMAO

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I think you didn't read or understand that correctly. Probably because i btfo you so fucking hard you were not able to think clearly anymore. My pictures have that effect on many people. It's a common thing, don't worry.

I said they canceled the reservation 1 month before we were going because they made mistake with the price. I am cruising on 300 mg test-e, which is different libido-wise for me then when i would add masteron to it.

Even when I am off steroids my genetics will never allow me to be skinnier than you or everyone else her. I have also proven this many times.

So what is your point again?

I just wanna piss the copecels and white knights. I actually don't care too much about it. I even feel a lingering sense of moral superiority for taking one for the team by not reproducing and not getting in the way between chad and his harem. In return I want to see the bluepilled faggots seathe.

Vast majority of people on this board and Jow Forums have horrible personalities. Even as a guy I would never want to hang out with you.
Your only chance is basically being so hot that a girl will ignore all your flaws, thats why you lift.

/sp/ is the only comfy board. you're either weird or trench coat tier future school shooters

Oh wait, he adjusted the original picture to disguise the real truth he is not able to handle

Like he also does when he look at himself in the mirror and tells him he still got something to live for.

Why don't you do the same calculation with this picture? . i think you can use that for better reference.


>It’s because you have 0 personality and are full of resentment

isn't "full of resentment" a personality though?

anyway, how fix?

You're an autist and a shit person. Just dont shoot up a school



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Hi there!

You seem to have made a bit of a mistake in your post. Luckily, the users of Jow Forums are always willing to help you clear this problem right up! You appear to have used a tripcode when posting, but your identity has nothing at all to do with the conversation! Whoops! You should always remember to stop using your tripcode when the thread it was used for is gone, unless another one is started! Posting with a tripcode when it isn't necessary is poor form. You should always try to post anonymously, unless your identity is absolutely vital to the post that you're making!

Now, there's no need to thank me - I'm just doing my bait to help you get used to the anonymous image-board culture!

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your body is fucking disgusting mate, you can't even wear normal clothes and for 99 out of 100 people you're gonna be that gym autist that can only talk about his protein shake
im completely honest when i say that no one is jealous of you mate

not necessarily. it's just easier to have a cast of all manlets--which allows for directors to get everyone in frame a lot easier--than it would to cast a bunch of regular 6'3" guys

why the fuck would they cast a bunch of lanklets when most films wants to represent reality at least in some degree

I can't wear normal clothes? What about these then?

You would be completely honest by saying you should be lucky if you only have 0,00000001% of my superior genetics

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