Estimated Healthy Weight

Need help anons

I ordered a test that checks your bodys muscle mass and your body fat percentage, with these stats could you guys be able to tell what weight I should be to be at a healthy weight?

Height: 6ft
Lean Muscle Mass: 79kg
Body Fat Percentage: 33.6%
Fat Mass: 37kg

Attached: Screenshot_82.jpg (600x600, 32K)

I forgot my current body weight is 126kg

y am i gettin ignord

Attached: ittku surku.png (658x588, 38K)



Lower your body fat you fatfuck

Yes I am currently losing weight at the moment but I have never been at healthy weight as an adult, with these stats could you estimate what my weight should be? 90kg?

2 grams, you fat fuck.

That doesn't sound right, are you mentally challenged user?

Like 75 kg to be lean and then lean bulk motherfucker

Did you not learn how to read? I am already 79kg muscle mass and 37kg fat, rest is bone, water etc. which makes it to 126kg that I am at the moment.

There are tons of websites to help you with this. Bmi is irrelevant for body builders but perfectly good guidelines for normies. Go look it the fuck up and fuck off

I have and they keep referencing me as an average persons body when it is clear I do not have that.

You point to me the correct website and I will fuck off, until then you fuck off stupid cunt.




cut down to this weight at a 500cal deficit. It will take the better part of a year:
(126kg x (1-0.33.6))/0.9

then lean bulk with a 300cal surplus until you’re back up to 100kg

Lad I ain't asking on how to lose weight, I know this already what I am asking for is what my healthy weight should be.

Ah I see sorry half asleep here.

Ok it has come out as 92.96kg which I will round up to 93kg, how accurate is this calculation formula?


I'm 178cm used to weight 138 kg, now at 87, still want to lose some more. So anything below 90 ahould be fine.







If your lean muscle mass is 79, around 85-90 should be a healthy spot for you.

79 - 37 = 42 (lmao skeleton)
It's better to build muscle you fucking weakling.

You have no muscle mass considering that you're fucking 6'
eat clean and hit the gym

Nice thank you, would you say this muscle mass naturally is average or above average?

You are an idiot, read it again.

in metric, usually a rule of thumb for ideal weight for people who lift is kgs = height - 1m. so if you're 183cm you should aim for 83kg. that's a little more than ottermode less than athletic for 10-12% fat or so.

79kilos of lean mass is quite a lot, but youre gonna have to cut down to a lower bodyfat before you can make a true assessment