So how do I bully my gf into maintaining her current weight and not getting any fatter...

so how do I bully my gf into maintaining her current weight and not getting any fatter? shes never had to exercise before to maintain her weight, however after we moved to italy last year and being on the pasta+panini diet bitch is filling out. Shes lucky that its all going to her tits and ass so far, but I can already pinch more than an inch on her formerly flat stomach. Gotta introduce some preventative measures here.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Always be the better looking one and drop very subtle hints you'll leave her if she becomes overweight. You are the one with the least to lose if you break up right?

Bullying is the wrong approach. Be honest, open and supportive yo.

Tell her she is putting a bit on and making sure she is in control of it now will be far far easier than becoming a fat fuck like me and having to diet for months at a time.

Also, looks shouldn't count for anything in today's society, but they do. If she wants her life to continue on easy mode she's gotta do it.

Just tell her to stop gaining or to lose weight you massive bitch. It's not fucking hard. I called my ex all the time and called her tubby until she dropped 30lbs.

t. incel

>I called my fat ex all the time and called her tubby

Wow. I'm fucking retarded. I still didn't fix it lmfao gonna go kill myself

You're probably fucked m8, I don't think there is any way you can tell a girl to lose weight without her getting mad.

Your best bet is to try and get her to start working out with you... But if she has half a brain, she'll probably realize it is because you think she is getting fat. Maybe start off complaining you don't spend as much time with each other as you'd like. Keep that up for a while, then suggest she come workout with you. Any other way and I think she'd see through it or get pissy.

>caring if your girl gets pissy
Wew lad. Do you wear pads when she's on her period too?

This will NOT go well. Women react horribly when you so much as imply they're fat.

Can someone post that girl on Twitter who got fat and her bf texted her about? He was being so soft with her, but she took it all the wrong way. Then her Twitter followers were supporting her saying "you look beautiful!!" It pissed me off so much

The best thing to do is find a woman with healthy established habits. You can't change people

>not caring for your braphog properly
people like you don't deserve high test GFs

>Not caring about someone else's feelings
Yeah that relationship is gonna go far.

>inb4 "I'm an alpha I just wanna fuck thots!"
Cool man, get back to me when you're 50, alone, and miserable. Warm tight vaginas don't substitute a wife.

>her feelings are more important than my feelings
Sounds good buddy, I'm sure she thinks you're a real hero for standing up for her. This is why your woman walks all over you.

Jokes on you I don't have a gf

Seriously user, if you think a relationship where you're asking how to bully this girl is healthy you're retarded. If you just wanna smash a hot piece of ass break up with her and find a girl who stays in shape or just admit you love braphogs and bite the bullet. Take my advice or straight up tell her you're not happy and communicate.

You're literally retarded. Not the guy you replied to but listen you little faggot. Girls are only emotional beings, you have to connect with their emotions. This has nothing to do with what you feel or how you feel about what she feels. You just acknowledge them and convince her you understand, then make your point.

>I don't have a gf
Colour me surprised. The rest of your drivel made no sense and I'm not interested in the advice of soi enhanced white knights.

>j-just do this
Or how about I call her fat and tubby constantly and she loses the weight to please me. Oh wait, that's what actually happened. Stop being a ho

Rather be single than have a fat gf.

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Whatever man, I don't date fat chicks anyways. You let this happen, hell you probably made it happen.

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Here comes the incel cope. She wasn't fat when I got with her and she wasn't fat in the end. Shit happens sometimes with women. It seems like neither of you can make up your mind as to whether you want to protect the damsel or defend your egos lmao

>she wasn't fat when I got with her
But she feels she can let herself go and still hold you down. Seeing as how you're here asking for how to deal with this, she is right. The next step is moving in to the cuck shed.

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>Seeing as how you're here asking for how to deal with this
>The incel's urge to protect his fragile ego has lead him to confuse me with the OP
>Lets see how he deals with the realisation that he's actually retarded

It seems like all you do is protect your ego you complete loser. I do wonder what's underneath all that "alpha" facade you put up for your witch. I have never been an incel nor do I even understand what that is really. You really gotta be delusional to think I would even allow something this minuscule bother me, it would be an abrupt quick conversation where I expressed my concern with my lack of sexual drive towards her and then I would suggest she get a control of her weight or else she would no longer have a place in my life

You're just too much of a bitch that's scared of losing his bitch to even consider walking out on her, clinging onto the hope that one day she was less chubby and maybe she can be again. Guess what asshat, she's made her choice to become comfortable with you and now you've really gone and fucked it. I bet she thinks you're like home so she can act whatever way she wants around you. You're off the deep end and I suggest you work things out or she will turn into the meanest cunt you've ever witnessed.

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If you actually want to get anything done you won't bully her, you'll persuade her. You probably won't be able to get her to come lift with you, but you should start suggesting active things that you can do together like sports, running, etc. It will take time out of your day and require work on your end but it won't work otherwise and eventually she will learn to like the feeling of being active and healthy and do it on her own.

>OP asks question
>Answer question with what works
>u-um excuse me sir i think u shud think of ur gfs feelings pls
>Nah it's okay

>I have never been an incel nor do I even understand what that is really
>says the frog poster

Id fuck your girlfriend mate just give me her number

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I can switch to photos of tigers if you'd prefer. I just collect animal photos. Now I did say think of her feelings because her feelings matter more than whatever is actually happening you utter clown. How does she feel around you? Probably feels like she's able to get fat? Or maybe she's depressed and eating a fuckton. Who the hell knows. You can take it from there to convince her to exercise and whatnot. I'm trying to give YOU an option that won't make her resent you and have you think that her body is no longer attractive to you, you dumb dull faggot. At least this way you could keep it diplomatic.

Now the second part of this is you allowing this to happen. No woman I've ever had would ever be comfortable enough with me to allow herself to get fat, because I would leave. I have left before, not for getting fat but for getting a tattoo without telling me and attempting to surprise me. Women are silly and you set the rules, and you clearly didn't here which is why you have a beached whale.

Also I don't understand an incel because how can one be involuntarily celibate. Sounds like they're not giving their best effort.

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Listen kid. If she's not putting in effort to look good for you, you're doing it wrong. Somewhere along the lines she got the idea that you won't leave her and/or you have no other options for a wet hole. Neither are good. You need to work on yourself before you gf starts "staying late at work" and sucking off an italian stalion while you're watching the game.

Oh boy bad times oncoming.
Thinking that women are rational thinking creatures like men.

>bullying your girl like I suggested is considered """red pilled"""
Ugh, I feel dirty. It might be the right thing to do but being associated with red pill cretins is disgusting.

That's the reason why she's getting fat, because you're a bet.a cuck who is not THREAT to her. "I will just eat whatever i want, it's not like he's able to say something it about it. "

You don't need to bully her, you just have to make let her feel some certain emotions to change. Like jealously. Jealously is a great tool to enforce them.

For instance; she have to see you're getting mired by other woman etc.

I'm not OP you stupid fuck.

So, this is applicable for all you fucking beta losers.

A woman likes a dominant man who's in control. A LEADER, not a fucking bet.a cuck follower.

Dread game is a excellent tool, it already should be in your fucking nature to act like this to control woman. Fucking low t beta I always cringe so fucking hard whenever these threads pop up

>I called my ex all the time and called her tubby until she dropped 30lbs.
>I called my ex all the time and called her tubby
>I called my ex all the time
>I called my ex
>my ex

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>this is applicable for all you fucking beta losers.

Yeah, I found something better and traded up

What is there to project m8?

I am not looking like a bet.a and that's why I am always able to keep my gf in control. Woman want a man display of Higher Value, not a fucking bet.a dyel looking cuck like you who is easy to manipulate and is constantly acting like he's afraid to lose her and can't get any better than her.

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>d-do you think he believes my LARP?
Nope lmfao

Women have one job don't be fat and she still fucks it up

I appreciate the compliment. Because if i were posting a shitty picture you would believe me, but now it's a good picture I am larping.

I will always be there to mogg you in front of your gf that only keeps being fat because you're not able to control them. They will only lose weight if they want attract superior male like me

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Are you in the Netherlands?

It wasn't a good picture though. You look like mashed potatoes in that picture and you dress like you write. You look uncomfortable. Grade A sperg

Sad human being


Yes it is, otherwise you would believe it was truly me. That's how the human mind works. It's a defensive mechanism to keep you from killing yourself aka as we like to call it: COPE

Because I am telling the truth, but you refuse to believe it?

Convinced my girl into doing some of the workouts from darebee. Gonna keep that up, shes enjoying it so far

>Shes lucky that its all going to her tits and ass so far
Look at her arms. This is point of no return.

she'll get mad, but if she's at the least moderately intelligent, she'll realize it's the truth

jesus christ you're autistic

you write, and look like someone who is an insufferable manlet cunt

man, being that short in the netherlands must suck :/

If Jow Forums knew even the most basic things about animal behaviorism, classical conditioning, or even conflict resolution, you'd understand what not to do.

>avoid the elephant in the room [lel]
>use punishment to hope to gain anything
>punish good behavior
>ignore good behavior
>overstimulate with rewards

>reward good behavior with appraisal, etc.
>discuss reasonable goals and limitations for each other
>advance forth what you'd like

The best thing you can do is draw up a strategy for how to best approach this. You know what your goal is. Now, what are you going to do? Are you going to phrase this as a "look, I want us to keep being really sexually attractive to one another, how can we do this?" or are you going to be an even bigger pussy than she'll have if it gets out of control.

You need to actually say what you want, and even what you're willing to do in exchange. If you want to see a positive behavior, you need to actually speak up and not be such a wimp. Beating around the bush doesn't cut it. You're a man, now act like one and talk to your woman.

This is the right answer. Don’t listen to the incels who have never dated a woman for more than a year. In a real relationship (with love and trust) you need to be honest with your partner, not manipulative.

t. Married

Most women can get very jealous. Just drop some hints on how sexy some girls flat stomach is that you saw on the beach or some shit. If she isn't a crazy controlling bitch and doesn't flip through, she might actually start eating less. Just plant some insecurity seeds.

I always ave to wonder what life is like for faggots like you posting le ebin redpill nonsense, because it doesnt sound like you're capable of an actual healthy relationship

You are the only reasonable non 12yo in this thread

They fucking eat like linebackers,Honestly mine sneaks fucking making french fries before we have dinner. I love this women, I want to build a future with her. I just want a more health focused approach to living and don't want this to be passed on to our kids. I just feel that women deal with problems with carbs, none of them understand portion control at all.

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no easy way to tell a woman she's getting fat. they have absolutely no self awareness when it comes to their own weight, unless they start seeing their favoriye clothes not fitting in anymore.
now that being said my family is Italian and I still have a lot of relatives in Italy that we visit regularly every year. all my relatives in Italy are skinny despite the pasta and panini diet.
isn't your girlfriend just eating too much? that may be the sign of some sort of emotional problem.

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*tips hat

He is right though. Nobody wants advice from e-alphas.

Yeah Italians have a different eating culture. Eating out is more of a hang out than binging all the time. They talk a loy so you are not really focusing on food so you eat less too.

I always pay attention to diet and fitness before getting too involved. If she isn't doing anything to stay in shape or isn't interested I'm out early.

If your girl wants to keep you so long as you start working out and see some results she will want to improve herself as well if you have a healthy relationship. Right now there doesn't seem to be the looming fear that you are going to outpace her in terms of being attractive or that she wants to improve herself for your or her sake. I think when either party stops caring about improving themselves and trying to improve the relationship things start to go south. No need to actively bully her, just get really fit and start becoming more physically attractive and get some female attention that isn't your significant other and she'll try to pace you by doing the same. Then just be encouraging when she starts and support her the way you would do with your working out.

I am 1.83cm without shoes. I am doing fine

Seems to work pretty fine with my gf. What about your imaginary gf?

Woman like dominant alpha male like me. Who show them what to fucking do. This is proven by science so many times already. I am just the living proof.

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that girl is fatty, it is clear from the angles

the real masTer would be an even bigger obnoxious frothing manlet cunt than you are being right now. When he posts in /fraud/ all you want to do is fucking kick him in his spine until he needs a fucking bag to shit in. You just come across as mildly irritating so you need to step up your game.

Yes we can see her obese fat face. It's not going to work. I btfo you in everything you care about in life.

Try me

I am calm right now. Nobody can stop the unstoppable alpha force

>t. incel

I'm not even that guy, retard. She's not fooling anyone with that myspace angle, fag

>If your girl wants to keep you so long as you start working out and see some results she will want to improve herself as well if you have a healthy relationship. Right now there doesn't seem to be the looming fear that you are going to outpace her in terms of being attractive or that she wants to improve herself for your or her sake. I think when either party stops caring about improving themselves and trying to improve the relationship things start to go south. No need to actively bully her, just get really fit an

master, you're honestly a faggot. I'd imagine that you just have a gf with daddy issues who is too insecure to think for herself so she lets an "alpha" think for her. AKA, you're a sociopath

little comments would work. ex; on how you like how some other girl's stomach is flat and toned, while pointedly looking at her gut
suggesting you go to the gym with her, but when she does - look at other slimmer girls and compliment them in front of her
if you want to be truly evil, hot wash her clothes to shrink them so she thinks she's gained way more weight than she actually has and she'll become motivated

Being alpha and a douche aren't the same thing.

My space angles only works from above. This is just a front clear picture.

But we both care about improving. For woman you just need to know how to play that mental game, which i play whenever i need to play in order to get that what i want

No she was really raised normal, no daddy issues.

Let's see under those arms then, clearly kept out of frame and against her site for a reason, because they're as saggy as her tits

>all this arguing

Cybex Bravo model 18085, height 88 inches. Accounting for the distance between the man and the machine, when scaled, you can tell he is handily under 6' tall.

when will they learn

Incel but...

bulk and gain some fat and complain about being fat and how disgusting you feel

>t. cuck

.t incel

Legitimately teach her what's in the sticky. YOu can summarise it in about 8 sentences. She'll ask questions if she's interested in looking good, like every girl ever. Answer them. Support her in her new 250kcal deficit. Comment on how good she's looking on weeks where she meets her calorie goals. Watch as a few months in she becomes self regulating.

take her to the fucking gym. get her to fill her ass out with muscle by doing squats twice a week. food in Italy is amazing, but encourage less pasta and pizza and more vegetables. don't just tell her to do it, do these things together.

The 3d chess way to pull this off is to dirty bulk 30 lbs, and tell her about that fact. Then explain how you should nip it in the bud, and then express your self disgust at your own fatness. Then explain how you're going to fix it, and how anyone can do it. Then cut the weight. If she doesn't get the point and do likewise, you know there is no hope.

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You fucking retards understand that more than one person goes on this board right?

she obviously doesn't love, otherwise she would take care of herself for your sake
she thinks you will take anything, so she gets fat and slobby
threaten to leave her


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t. cucked incel

>bully my gf
You DON'T. You either act like a proper mature adult or you let her go so she can find someone who will.
>bullying anyone for any reason
Stop being a faggot

She is a few months away from disaster
4/10 would not wife
She is costing on her youth while making poor decisions on the regular--38-32 will hit her like a truck

Basically this OP, no joke

i guess some people think that saying it how it is = bullying. my gf has a thic ass and she knows I love it. just recently she started getting signs of cottage cheese on her otherwise perfectly smooth skin. i told her it's starting to appear and that all she needs to do is squat a couple of times a week. she's back at the gym, she enjoys it, i get to train her, and get to eat her smooth ass.

all it takes is a bit of active encouragement and everyone's a winner.


>fucking autocorrect
>fuck you Siri

If you live in the Netherlands and don't have a blonde gf, you've failed. With your body you could be doing much better than the fatty you posted

>becoming a meme in a /fph/ thread to own your gf

Autism to an nth degree.

>he eats ass
>that's where the poop is
You're a dumb butt licker

Just start subtly eyeing any Jow Forums girl you come across. No need to be conspicuous about it, just with the eyes is fine. She'll subconsciously get the message.

i only hope that those who haven't experienced the godly pleasure of eating ass aren't in denial about it

I kinda did this by hitting the gym. I hit the gym then as I'm making gains she starts talking about how's she's started jogging and squatting to keep up with me. now we're a power-couple that feed of each others success

thanks for reading my blogpost

white knight or incel ... I can't tell the difference anymore.

>tfw masT has to leave /fraud/ to get his daily attention his (((gf))) doesn’t give him

Incels are just white knights gone sour. Both put women on a pedestal, but incels prefer to throw tomatoes instead of laurels

this post really makes me think

I think your subversive tactics of telling her you want to spend more time and then slowly getting her to workout is worse than what FPBP suggested