Alright Jow Forums I need advice, I got steroids from a guy...

Alright Jow Forums I need advice, I got steroids from a guy, won't give info cause I'm no snitch but he looked really shady. he gave me roids cause I was a weak shit. a couple weeks later my dick went from a slightly reddish color to a shade of purple (pic related) I can't find the guy and im afraid for my life, any help?

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dude. That wasnt a steroid dealer.... that was willy wonka

It's almost ripe!

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Bye bye peepee!

another one gone from the gene pool

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yo my dick fell off after it became purple

>shady guy
>unspecified 'roids'
>purple dick

sorry op, your dick is broke now. Consider becoming a qt trap

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yep alot of roids and protein shakes and masturbation

ME after my dick fell off

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Might want to go to a doc before your dick falls off.

OP is a faggot

nigga u got the famous purple dick

My cock is actually a rotten purplish tinge. I used a steroids from a gym buddy. I thought it was normal. Pic related

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My doctor said to use Vaseline and garlic oil. Make a mixture of about half and half, and rub it on before sleeping and after waking up.

OP is a fag

i got purple dick too, but from a different thing. My dad told me not to talk about it or i'd get in trouble tho.

anybody else actually worried about OP

op fag

This happened when I was 11. I pulled down my pants at school to take a piss and screamed like a bitch. Showed my mom and went to the doctor. It was some condition where if I had prolonged sexual arousal my cock would literally turn purple. Anyways, after we got home I got my ipad taken away and a nice spanking from my dad.


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yeah mine too, pic related.

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my dick is small. pic related

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hey dude having a purple dick has it's advantages. My priest was seconds from molesting the shit out of me, but he noticed the tinge of my pee-pee, and he had to leave the throw up. Thanks, purple dick!

I'm the priest

father ken? you son of a bitch.

yo might delete but i think its cute

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im not actively worried about him and hope he gets better. i really hope he isn't such a fuckup in the future though

dont worry OP, women love thanos cock

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yo my bad my dick might be in this one

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