>Weightlifting to Powerlifting
>Powerlifting to Weightlifting
Which is the easier transition?
>Weightlifting to Powerlifting
>Powerlifting to Weightlifting
Which is the easier transition?
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Weightlifting to powerlifting
Powerlifting is a meme
>Weightlifting to Powerlifting
because it's easier to go from proper form and ROM to half repping and shitty form
Calisthenics -> Powerlifting -> Bodybuilding
I’m other words;
You do the basics with your bodyweight, you focus on the big three/strength/numbers, and then you chisel out your physique.
Prove me wrong.
This sounds right
I’m trying an experiment to go from calisthenics to strongman. I already started incorporating some implements and it works surprisingly well. I’ll probably make a thread next year with detailed progress. Keep in mind I’m not aiming to be competitive and I’m not taking steroids either.
Powerlifting is the special olympics of strength sports.
Looking forward for that update, user.
I wish nothing but the best for you
what does this even mean if youre not competing? thats just called strength training
how to transition from training 6x a week to 3x a week? i love chatting to my gymbros but powerlifting requires dedicated rest days
why calisthenics tho
It means I’m interested in strongman implements and a few oddlifts. Every strength sport implies strength training, even calisthenics/street workout.
The snatch and clean and jerk require far more skill than SBD, so the answer is obvious
>Weightlifting to Powerlifting
It's not even close. One requires balance and athleticism, the other requires just stuffing your fat face with food and wearing as much equipment as you can afford
I don't know who that faggot is on the OP but if he can't beat a Westside Barbell boy in Squats then he isnt strong.
Sure bouncing plates looks cool but Powerlifting is about true RAW strength
front squat 6 plate, back squat 7+ plates at 83 kg bodyweight. Note that these squats are actual squats, i.e. full ROM atg compared to above parallel westside squats
pyrros dimas is the goat
and I looked his PRs up:
Front squat 280 kg
Back squat, high bar atg 330 kg
gg no re
>Powerlifting is about true RAW strength
>now please excuse me, while I put on my squat suits, straps, knee sleeves, knee wraps, elbow sleeves, chalk, bench suit, and cheeseburger with fries
Weightlifting to powerlifting.
A majority of weightlifters you'll meet are still weak, arrogant fucks.
lol pulling stats of your ass
show me a vid of him performing said lifts
RAW + belt, knee sleeves, squat suit, bench shirt, 40 kinds of special lift specific bars, liberal steroid use, stuffing your shirt, half-repping
you know theres such a thing as raw powerlifting right? besides you're going to defend an OLYMPIAN over steroids? lol
probably not even on yt
No memelifter from westside can do this
Or this m.youtube.com
This guy competes at 77kg.
Keep thinking that a bastardized version of weightlifting is the superior choice. It’s so typical of americans.
I'm canadian pal
>implying you’re any less ignorant
Jesus christ, top level powerlifters admit themselves that Olympic Weightlifting is respectable but powerlifting fans are retarded
I can't figure out how the fuck he has his elbows bent like this. Did he died?
Arent all powerlifting “fans” just powerlifters themselves? Literally who wants to watch someone squat as a “sport”? At least olympic weightlifting can be exciting.
True, powerlifting has more practitioners because its more accessible, thats the one good thing I think I can say it has over weightlifting
Did you guys move to another continent?
Dumb shit, we have more in common with France and the UK than we do with USA
>Powerlifting is the special olympics of strength sports.
It actually is in the special olympics but not in the regular olympics kek
Also looking forward to this. Want to hear the perspective of someone who does strongman but not to compete. Honestly it seems like the most based weightlifting sport. I want to do it but I’m a dyel right now so I’m just doing basic weightlifting. Wish Jow Forums had a /strongman/ thread
Lel this
After a year or so, dedicate 1 day for strongman implements and start light. As time goes by do more and more. I find them very useful for conditioning. I’m doing a lot of sandbag carry and farmer’s walk right now. Some actual log lifts every now and then. Now that I have a welding machine I want to make a strongman log and an axle and I’m looking for a cheap atlas stone but where I live it seems impossible to find one. And yeah, you’re right. A strongman general would be great.