Show me the biggest confirmed natty lifters

Show me the biggest confirmed natty lifters

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no such thing as confirmed. anyone can take steroids at any time and have it not show up on a single test a month later.

Bobby Pandour, George Hackschmidt (or however you spell that shit), and all those guys are the closest you can get.

Yes, but at the very least, any well known e-celebs or bodybuilders who at least claim natty?

Old timey body builder pictures are so cool. They considered sideshow freaks at the time but there were the OGs.
Reg Park looks good too. I think I am ok with this

>bodybuilders who at least claim natty

Yeah, that's like half of them.

and 99.9999% of them is not natty. There may be one or two genetic freaks that should be studied in a lab, but that's it. They're all fake nattys.

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Rich Piana

also apparently testosterone has been used by bodybuilders since ~1940

the sooner you realize how many people lie about being natural the better. you cant trust anyone. use your gut instinct to tell who is natural and who is not. if it looks too good to be true it most likely is.

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Look at old school wrestlers

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>Rich Piana


end game zyzz was starting to look fucking good.

Kevin Frasard

You're not gonna like what you find at the end of this tunnel, son.


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The natty meme is strong in this thread.

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This is about maximum natty.
Conventional strength, but no sleeve blowers.


he could have been bigger. you can tell in both of those pics that he is deflated because he refused to drink water and eat some fucking carbs. cunt was so obessed with staying 6% bf year round that it ended him.

whats wrong with his eyes

i heard he was on tonnes of different compounds in the end, wouldnt be surprised if he was on some fake thai shit when he passed.
also heard he was on serious fat burners, ones that elevate your body temp when you sleep and kicks your metabolism into overdrive.
i noticed it after he got his rip tattoo that he started to bulk up a bit

I was accused of doing steroids by 3 doctors (none of which did any tests, of course). I never touched any outside of an inhaler for a couple of weeks when I had bronchitis, and that was years before anyone suggested I was taking them. Gut instinct is terrible.

Cocaine was pretty popular back then when bodybuilding started, and cocaine at least makes you more shredded.
So in theory, there was no time since the invention of bodybuilding where the most popular ones were natty.
Most bodybuilders are honest about that as soon as their bodybuilding career is over or they joke around with the fact that this is, of course, the case but they are not allowed to say it since they would lose else sponsorship.

Well inhalers are catabolic steroids so they won't be stealing your natty card anytime soon

Point being people will always accuse you of it, even if you haven't gone anywhere near the stuff.

Truly natty physiques that are actually impressive are few and far between. Pretty much every natural bodybuilder whose physique I ever admired turned out to be a fake natty. I'm actually embarrassed that I ever believed Martin Berkhan was natural. Oh well. Lesson learned: if it looks too good to be true, it probably is.

This guy looks really impressive and even offers natty lifters a glimmer of hope...until you realize he's 5'4" and it's impossible for full sized humans to look this thick and lean without taking anything.

Cocaine will just make you auschwitz mode though

natty god

He’s a master of angles also, just like Jeff Nippard. In real life they look dyel if they stand next to a normal sized human.