i noticed that even girls today are taller than me, im just curious about the consensus here on Jow Forums, where exactly is the manlet cutoff today? I know it was 6'3'' years ago...
if it is relevant at all im 6'4''
i noticed that even girls today are taller than me, im just curious about the consensus here on Jow Forums, where exactly is the manlet cutoff today? I know it was 6'3'' years ago...
if it is relevant at all im 6'4''
>the manlet cutoff
the cutoff is if, regardless of height, you're worried about being a manlet
You have to be slightly taller than Elizabeth Debicki in heels to not be considered a manlet these days.
6'5 is the new manlet cutoff, deal with it manlet.
This is a cute pic of Stewie2k and Steven Bonell.
6'4 is king of manlets at this point. It ducks, but that's just life
When you see another height bait thread.
The cutoff is not in the height, is in your insecurity
Depends on the country. In the Netherlands you have to be 6'8" to be considered tall.
t. 6'1" turbo-manlet
Bro, I'm 6'9'' and I constantly get shit on for being short by girls in heels. Feels bad man
take average height in the country you live, if you're below that you're a manlet
take average height in the world, if you're below that you're a manlet
on Tinder you're a manlet if you're below 6 feet, on Jow Forums you're a manlet if you're below the height of whatever OP or previous poster claims to be
any girl taller than 5'6 was born with a penis
At this rate the manlet cut off will be 7'8" in months
I'm 6'2" and it's awful, every girl seems to be at least 5'8" these days. Honestly if there isn't at least a foot height difference it's just not good.
just bee urself.
Is that TSA?
Bro same here, fuck. I'd say cutoff point is about 6'10 at a push.