I did it.
i havent worked out in a month because my alcoholism has come back and my gf will move pretty far away for 2 years to be an apprentice chef in the military in 3 weeks. and ill go to rehab at around the same time. shit wont work out breh
I like to touch my pee pee
I ate a calzone and tuna deli boat from jets and completely btfoed my deficit for the day. It didn't even taste that great and I accidentally knocked over the box later making a huge fking mess and staining the carpet
I did it.
I'm 6'2 270 and have been thinking about working out since I turned 18 2 years ago realizing it's time to lose my virginity but haven't done shit but pseudo starve myself
theres something in psychology that makes people feel good about just thinking about doing something healthy. when mcdonalds introduces salads for example, all the unhealthy foods sales (not saying the salads are healthy there) went up just because people thought about the healthy alternatives and rewarded themselves with a ton of burgers. just for fucking considering buying the salad
I want to drop lifting and go full cardio because any excess fat resides in my stomach and the sides, and looks disgusting.
I wear knee sleeves for squats when I plateau
I don't even know if it actually makes a difference, the placebo helps I guess
Do you want to be virgin Viper or chad Mountain?
Devil on disguise
I hate having a girlfriend who is attractive and uses social media. Too much male attention, DMs, dick picks. I wish I knew this before I got with her
I have the willpower to keep lifting but not enough to stop eating junk food for lunch
To achieve gains you need to cultivate mass my guy.
i still love her
I sperged out on dieting when my girl was getting cravings and hit her period on top of two arguments we had a few days before.
It's hard to fight the need to pig out right now.
I go on Tinder dates a lot and talk to lots of girls, a lot of them like me, but I feel no attraction at all. I'm scared this mentality will leave me alone and old, but none of them are the smart fit qt I deserve
Yeah, eat big to get big and all that but I really want to burn off that fat belly... Not "really" enough, I guess.
i skipped going to the gym today
This past week, when relatives came to visit, I didn't practice, didn't run and hardly lifted while eating an absolutely shit diet. Please, forgive me.
I'm weighing myself today. I'm scared of what I'll see. Starting today/tomorrow I'll get back on track with my lifts and running. I'll make it all up to you bro, just give me some time...
do both, if you have 20% fat and you are tall. it will look like shit, since alot of it would be bones and not alot of something else. if youre 20% fat, tall and have muscle you would look way better. being short kind of makes it a bit easier since they look more stocky and have shorter muscle heads. even if you are short or tall you can look better than 70ish% if you lose a bit of fat and gain muscle. not even talking about looking like a bodybuilder. most are flubby, get beyond that and you will be way more attractive to both yourself and a potential mate
>My ex hit me up
>Tells me things have been hard since we broke up
>Tells me she loves me
>Know I should cut her out for good
>Going to the lake with her family to see fireworks today
Why am I like this bros?
what you need is confidence, i have a gf that most males in my town wants to fuck. i live in a small town tho and i got one of the most sought after girls. if anyone flirts with her and such on social media you shouldnt do shit. when you see them do that in real life you can just walk up to your gf and talk to her while that flirting guy is right there. if he still flirts with her right in your face you can either ask if you want to do something else or tell him to back the fuck off
also what male hasnt sent a dick pic to someone he knows has a girlfriend?
I spend more energy hating the people in my gym than actually lifting. Most are the definition of pajeets curling in the squat rack, but not only do I give off a creepy deathstare, I know I'm better than being so petty and it's distracting.
I haven't hit the gym in over a month. The bathrooms closed for repair in early June so I decided I'd go to a different one until they're done with that. Except I still haven't done that, and I'm still eating like I'm bulking.
I bought a punching bag two days ago without figuring out where I'm going to put it.
I've never trained my neck.
I've drank alcohol three out of the past five days. I want to drop acid and go to a fireworks show but I have no one to go with and I can't do it at home (I live with my parents) so I'm probably just going to stay home and get drunk again.
I turned down sex today because the girl asking me to fuck her is so fucking boring and kind of annoying. I don't want to hang out with her anymore but I feel like I'm her only friend. Sometimes when I have sex with her I fantasize about it being the only girl I've had feelings for (she turned me down years ago and I haven't talked to her since a few months after that.)
>Sending a dick pic to a lesbian
I got unwanted attention from a married woman who I had not seen since I got Jow Forums
Turned her down.
Feel that she will be unfaithful to her husband, if not me, someone else (we never had a strong connection or were close prior to getting Ottermode so it's not an ex or anything).
Not sure if I should warn him about something that 'might' happen and cause unnecessary strain on their apparently happy relationship
and your point is?
You are weak and fell for her charms
I stopped adding weight after i hit 100kg squats.
sauce on this?
i dont know man, did she try really hard to get the D?
How do I let her go?
i dont have a sauce on this, cant remember where i go it from. gonna try finding it
In a word... Yes.
It wouldn't have happened on that day but if I'd pursued it, made plans with her it would have been a sure thing.
I don't want this. I'm not a degenerate
iktf. Despite all the attention from them I get now I've only ever really liked a few. How hard is it to find a smart girl?
I wish somebody told me too...
I am at 14% right now.
Had a wonderful gf that ended our relationship relatively gracefully, because we live too far apart, have different life goals and are at different points in our lives.
I feel ok and kinda good actually. She gave me confidence and made me realize how much I was dragging myself down through worthless shit. I helped her through some tough times as well.
>I want to believe.
Wholesome if true user.
Yeah depends how hard she tried. If it was just flirting I wouldn't say anything but if she did all but say 'let's didn't you should tell the dude
I broke up my longterm relationship to get with a girl that turns out to be slightly more psychotic than expected.
Feel like I made wrong choice but no way back, within a year my ex got married and had a kid, guess the "I will never get another boyfriend if you leave me" was just bullshit lol
can you talk with her about anything tho?
if you dont know the husband all that well i would tell him, if you have any messages or something. its fucking retarded if she does that shit
and you look like shit, i would bulk at 250+ cals, if that doesnt do shit in 6 months i would make it higher. how tall are you btw?
5'11. I'm around 170-180lbs, haven't weighed myself in a couple weeks.
if its true, that was a pretty good relationship. but did anything bad happen?
how psychotic?
so its mostly muscle fat then?
i meant fat..
Probably. I can grab it but it's not very squishy. I also lost nearly 50lbs several years ago so it could be loose fat too, I was thinking.
>realized I didn't even look this over before posting it
wew glad I'm not doxxing myself
I don´t lift because I want to keep my girly twink body, but I also want to look like an greek god.
probably a little loose skin, it can shrink if its not to much. if its the skin it could take years to shrink
Make her stop using social media. What are you, a faggot? Are you the woman in the relationship or is she? Jesus Fucking Christ
By cutting her out ONE HUNDRED PERCENT. No contact no nothing. If you see her in public just say hi and keep on walking.
Then you will find a better gf than her.
I relapsed, i beat my schmeat furiously to kaho shibuya some days ago
I don't think that's a good idea, that would be too controlling. She would resent me for that (subconsciously or not) and it would push her away in the long run
She does upload pics of her and I recently which is nice. She is going on a family holiday soon so let's see if she's gonna upload bikini pics, that would mean we need to talk.
overbearing, superjealous
But the sex is sooo awesome.
you could talk to her or just comment
"cmon babe, people are gonna fap to this pic"
this doesn't sounds like it's worth it.
who are you? who doesnt use social media? how do they respond to "i dont like you using social media" of course they would say yeah i feel like you. you are the boss of how i feel. have you ever conversed with a person?
I fucked up my knee yesterday by fucking rolling on a foamroll with my ass
feels like heavy quad tendinitis right above the knee can barely walk
>have entrance test on friday on my countries fbi-equivalent police force, which includes a sports test
the sex is awesome but she controlls everything in your life, its hard to break from that but in the end if you break it up you will feel free too get another girl breh. dont give a shit about the sex at first
I often give life advice to people, even though i don't personally follow it.
I only lift so that my bbw gf doesn’t get too heavy for me to fuck amazon style.
Thanks bro, I know you're right, I need to be stronger
I have some guilt and cheating feelings about my life.
In my late 20s I knew something was wrong with my body and I wanted to get some blood work labs done. We had the full blood work pulled and my testosterone was 169 and I weighed almost 300 lbs
I started low/moderate dose of TRT and I've made amazing gains and life changed ever since TRT and I'm in my 30s now.
Problem is I feel like a cheater for being on HRT
People in my life probably know and have mentioned how the fuck did I make these kind of gains...
When I was low on money and smoked weed daily, I had a fat old dude suck my dick for 50 bucks. He did it like 4 times
>show her you're so cripplingly insecure about other guys mirin that you want her to literally stop using social media
>that's how you prove you're *not* a bitch
Imagine being so out of touch with women that you think this is the right course of action here. The only acceptable course of action is to be self-confident enough that it isn't a problem. My gf tells me about mires she gets, and then we make fun of them. I'm sure other guys who have managed relationships with very attractive women have similar experiences.
If you're confident in yourself, why do you care what she posts? You're not her master.
I haven't gone to the gym in two weeks. Right now I'm phoneposting because I don't want to get out of bed.
I'm about to eat whatever I want at Bob Evans for 4th of July with family.
go for 2/3/4/5 if you've hit 1/2/3/4
>managed relationships with very attractive women
it's kind of a losing battle especially if theyre like 20. The amount of attention they get, and from attractive and alpha guys from all ages and social spheres, is just basically impossible to compete with.
I watched porn and had a wank this morning while my wife was at the swimming pool. :(
I can OHP 60kg but can only squat 120kg
i can't browse /fit on days i've missed the gym session because of shame
I've been visiting this place for a year now and i've never been in a gym my entire life.
It's ok your wife was probably fucking a nigger when she could get away from you
All my lifting sessions include a mid-workout cigarette break.
Regularly eat until I want to be sick and have on multiple occasions considered making myself.
I'm pretty big (for a normie++) and I look in the mirror and see someone small
But my gf has a sweet ass so it's all good.
Sounds like the sort of thing I'd do desu
Probably big Mac sauce
HHAHAHAHA my girlfriend wouldn't do this out of respect for me. Jesus christ you are a beta. She probably gets off on it too.
I went overboard yesterday. Ate crisps, flips and some turkish delight. I will just tag one more day of fasting.
One of the most pathetic posts I've ever read
I don't like girls, just use them as fuck puppets when I look in the mirror. I would rather get a house and spend my time with a bro who likes to work out and does /o/ things. I'm not gay or incel, just going myself happier around my brood
i only squat once a week
i just want big shoulders
I haven't stepped foot in the gym for nearly two weeks now because of an elbow injury due to armwrestling (can't do chin ups or bench and the arm position on squats makes it hurt). As a result I've let my bulking go to shit and I've fluctuated a lot in weight, I'm eating way less than I should be.
I have too much anxiety and depression to ever be in a relationship so I'm just going to kill myself instead.
That’s pretty rough, buddy.
Even though I could use higher working weight for reps I only do 3.5pl8 max for reps because I don't feel like working harder after already hitting 4pl8 for 5x5.
I've been reading Boku girl does this make me gay, officer?