>fall for the fiber meme
>had to shit 5 times today so far
Fall for the fiber meme
I shirt myself on the bus last week
>shit 5 times today
looks like u need more fibre lol
how do i shit less without eating less?
more fiber
Actually no evidence fiber makes you go more frequently. It's statistically meaningless.
I shit less when I eat more fiber yeah, but they are quicker, and cleaner poops. I sit down, shit for about 15 seconds, wipe twice (sometimes only once) and i'm done. Takes like a minute to shit and clena myself
shit more*
Fiber slows down your digestion and makes you shit less frequently. Try some probiotics and apple cider vinegar first thing in the morning
>Wiping just once
How can you know if you're really finished if you wipe just once?
You have to do a test wipe to be sure, right?
I eat 2 pounds of spinach a day and only shit once a day
The first wipe IS the test wipe
Thought it would make you shit less? Makes your shit not liquid and you’d normally shit liquid more than a big solid one right?
>Shit was really light brown today
It's a ghost shit. When you inspect the first wipe and there's nothing there. That's how a healthy diet shit is supposed to be. If you're wiping mud butt for twenty minutes you need to fix your diet.
>wipe just once
>it's clean
A real ghost shit also have to be the kind were the log "disappeares" down the drain directly.
Who /halfhourshit/ here? I don't know what it is, but if I don't have a minimum of 10-15 minutes I don't even bother trying to shit unless it's an emergency. Any less time than that and I end up having to break the dangling shit with my asshole and if feels real gross. My diet is fine, I eat plenty of fiber. Just always been this way since I was a kid.
Yeah. When I went travelling with some friends one of them would take literally two minutes to shit at most. I take at least 15 to 20.
How come you fucking neanderthals still wipe yourself??
Why dont you try a buttgun, buttwasher, bidet sprayer or whatever you wanna call it.
Its the only goddamn thing the mozlems got right in this world. Its really good and its also helpful if you wanna wash your nightclub dick before the thot chows down..
Fucking savages
What are you doing for 20 minutes?
Does it realy take that long?
i can relate