Symmetric strength thread, post yours

Symmetric strength thread, post yours
>help me

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Every day is chest day FUAARKKKKKK

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Fuck life.

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Do tricep accesories

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You might as well kill yourself or become a tranny


BP: 105kg
OHP: 50kg x3
Pull up: +20kg x5

@6’0 82kg

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My lower body was already significantly stronger than the rest when I started, so I have progressed more on those lifts and the gap has just gotten bigger.
I do chest stuff, but I just can't seem to progress.

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Mirin those delts

Looks like I need to make some mental gains as well. Forgot that you couldn't upload 2 pictures

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Not as bad as me.

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>can't squat due to injury

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SL 5x5 for 4 Months

Any Tips for improving bench?

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I was like that when I started but see now

how long did it take you to go past 70kg bench? I'm stuck at 70 x 5

Do linear progression on your 5x5 bud, so ramp weight up each set

Nice and slow eccentric. Try and hold for a slight pause, not touch and go. Do this especially on your warmups.

Are you doing accessory work? Try determining what the lagging is. Often, it isn't chest, but triceps. Check and see if you have gay wrist when benching, too.

Also, give it time.

What website/app is this?

Thanks lads.
Im pretty lazy with the accessories but I might start doing weighted dips as a start, maybe paused bench? pushups are just too easy.

starting strength?

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8 months, ivysaur's 4 4 8

love me some deadlifts

bench can go fuck itself though

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A victim of Ivysaur's ridiculously low progression rate for squat and deadlift.

lifting for 1 month now

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I stalled at 70kg 5x5 for like a year of memelifts when I weighed 70kg lmao how did u know?

Honestly upping my bench coincided with actually eating enough, especially protein. When I finally started eating enough it felt like I was on roids, I was so shocked

My poor shoulder was injured so I didn’t OHP for two years, only resumed again this summer
Gonna go for 1pl8 in a couple of weeks, before I go back to college

Symmetric Strength

Squat 150 for 5
Deadlift 120 for 5
Bench 70 for 10 (I know)
IncBench 60 for 10 (I know)
Overhead Press 50 for 10
Pullups 5
18, 83kg
Gonna try fasting to get rid of some of this fat, wish me luck boys

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and I have gyno too :(

Did SS but didn't like it, been doing PPL for a month now

What are your lifts and what specifically did you not like?

Symmetry score : - 159

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Squat : 120*5
BP : 100*5
OHP : 60*5
Chin up : 10 reps weighted 40kg

This, your strength will fly up if you track your calories

How the fuck is your bench so high but your OHP so low?
I'm the same height and weight but do 55kg OHP x 5 yet BP 80 x 5



my deadlifts have outpaced every other lift though

and i fucking hate squats anyway

lel do you weigh like 40kgs or something?

>'m the same height and weight but do 55kg OHP x 5 yet BP 80 x 5
You can't bench for shit and propably do a fucking kayak rowing wobble on your high rep sets.

Mad jelly of your chin ups

I feel less proud of my 1pl8 pull ups now lol

How did you get there?

I prefer 3x8 to 5x5, SS has too much for the legs and not enough for the rest of the body

my lifts are embarrassing since i've not been lifting for long

Forgot to add lifts, bench is 1pl8, ohp is 80lb, front squat 170, rows are 130, i do other accessories but they're irrelevant

I weigh 67kg at 5"10
Went to snap city on my Deadlifts last year and couldn't do anything but BW for 4 month, when I went back to lifting i replaced the deadlifts with Chin ups in a strength routine

diddly is 300

Weightlifter lyfe

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People won't be able to sustain a massive 7.5kg jump just over the weekend once they hit 1.5pl8 I'd say, but 2.5kg a workout is still sustainable. Same total amount, but the constant small increase provides long term progression, combined with the advanced novice light squat day resulting in longer lived linear progression.

SS is 3x5, not 5x5.

Diddly is good but every other lift is pretty bad. Did you eat properly and increase 2.5kg a workout? At those lifts the stress provided from 3x5 bench should suffice to drive progression.

I'm always curious about this, all oly seem to have a better ohp than bench, apart from clarence who's bench massively outstrips his ohp. Any reasons you can think of why?

My mistake, I was doing SL 5x5, same program with more volume

Wow someone is angry
>Doesn't let me explain I had 4 months off for injury

Diddy: 110x5
Squat: 85x5
(fuck) Bench: 62.5x5
OHP: 60x5
obviously kg
also kill me pls

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>Chin up : 10 reps weighte
damn son, i got 5x with 40kg. a lot stornger than me for the rest

Didn't realise having Pendlay Rows and Bench Press at the same weight means the rows are relatively a stronger lift?
Anyway, only about two months into GSLP.

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How the fuck is your ohp so high?

Fat as fatass reporting in, got a good OHP/pushpress/snatchpress though.

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twink strength

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Me bruh

came here to post this Your other lifts are about the same as mine but my OHP is 42.5kg

I'm 1year into SL after losing 20kg

I recently realized that from a bodybuilding perspective, this site is bullshit, less bodyweight isn't a good thing, if you gain 10 pounds of muscle but no strength then you didn't lose progress, you gained.

How could you gain 10 pounds of muscle with no strength gains? Or am I missing something

Fucking hell.

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>Or am I missing something

he thinks he gained 10lbs of muscle

>if you gain 10 pounds of muscle but no strength

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how do you gain 10lb of anything without more strength, even fat gives you leverage

thats why its about strength not size

>OHP: 60x5
I doubt that very much

That's some bullshit, I bench 77.5 kg but barely OHP 50 for a couple of reps

Rows on this site are broken

legs overdeveloped, dont train em

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>legs overdeveloped
>clearly body dysmorphia


Imagine that bench ROM with that OHP

i know....for years i was sedentary and only knew how to do push ups....

Obviously he trained OHP more than bench (because it’s far more important for aesthetics)

>t. 100kgX3 BP and 50kgX3 OHP

dude stop squating, do 3x the amount of upper body you do now and don't fast, just IF

i don't know what i'm doing wrong

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finally greenman where it counts after uppingndiddy by 20lb yesterday

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