What does Jow Forums about the St. Brown family?

>Three brothers who either went to, are in, or going to Division 1 schools for football scholarships.
>The eldest brother recently was drafted by the Green Bay Packers and is already standing out despite being a 6th round draft pick.
>All three started lifting weights at ages 5, 6, and 7.
>All three speak German, French, and English.
>All three can bench 315 for reps despite being wide recievers.
>All three are named after Egyptian gods.
>Father literally bred them to be superior humans by honestly admitting he only married/fugged their mom because she was tall, smart, and had nice features.
>Father was also a former Mr. World and Mr. Universe bodybuilding champion.
Is this how children should be raised Jow Forums?

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I see the father was a big fan of the Frankenstein novel so he created his own abomination

Why are goblinos so ugly? The only one who looks like he was born without some sort of defects is the right guy.

They look so much worse than black people or white people. What went so wrong?

No chief, this aint it

Look. Sometimes blacks do well. Most of the time, no.

Jelly you're not the product of focused eugenics? Maybe in your next life you can be a superior specimen.

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Better version

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The one on the right is handsome, the other two are pretty weird looking

I'm honestly gonna put my kids on HGH to make them taller. What height do you think I can get them when I'm 6'2"?

Are those quarterbacks? Also whats the name of the family. Also if they are, quarterbacks don't have anywhere near the same athleticism as other positions, unless you're Cam Newton.

>the other 2 look pretty normal for being an abomination

The manlet is a starting white rb first rounder and heisman finalist.

wew bruno mars got jacked

who cares if you make them diabetic in the proicess

better know what you're doing with drugs like that

I think it’s because the right guy looks like a light skin black, whereas the other two are el abomanicion so they look even worse

There was this guy who I went to highschool with who was on the football team and he took HGH. He was about 5'9 or 10. Really buff and ripped. I doubt it'll increase height that much but definitely muscle.

Dude on the left looks like the grug meme lmao

That's funny cause he's touted as being the best out of the three with the most room to grow skill wise, despite being the shortest at 6'0

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Probably gonna go to one of those clinics who will give your kids HGH for medical reasons and track their health
.He probably started taking it after his plates fused. You gotta start them young at 10

How to into this mode? His dad says that he gives them three protein shakes a day and makes them eat mostly red meat but is that really it? It must be cause he has bodybuilding gentscis.

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Christ why are mulattoes so fuckin ugly. I appreciate the effort from dad but he should have just killed himself for being a nigger

the only thing I see is a coalburner. I hope she pays the toll

Bet they get more girls than you faggot.

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LOL she literally said the reason she went out with the dad is because he was in Germany trying to sell his bodybuilding art and she saw him as something different. This also happened when the Berlin wall fell.

>must be the bodybuilding genetics
dude that's a twink like 18mo into puberty

>get more girls
more r-selected subhuman nonsense, death squads are coming, vermin

Everyone on fit wonders why they have body dysmorphia. That's the chest of someone who benches 315 for reps, can you do that faggot? How much bigger is he supposed to be before his muscle outgrows his strength?

>That's the chest of someone who benches 315 for reps
I bet you 400 of my strongest buck slaves that you can't find a video of him touching his chest with 315, pausing, and locking it out with no spotter EVEN ONCE.


He doesn't keep his ass on the bench all the way, but still impressive seeing as most people can't squat that. All he's not fat as shit so another plus.

Told ya

I bet you can't even cheat rep it ONCE. Fuck off.

>caring this much about handegg
>let alone collegiate handegg
Lemme guess, you're from some intellectual and cultural epicenter like Boise or Cleveland or some shit, right?

Listen mate, despite your obviously obvious belligerent badgering of ballfoot. It truly is one of a kind. Name one other sport besides rugby(where football originated from) that requires speed, agility, power, and raw athleticness. You can't.

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get lost from our american board you poor yurooopean faggot


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They might be athletic but as the other guys said they're still ugly goblins. Pure black or pure white children are better than mixed breeds.



Don't thou hath thy daily ass raping with Ahmed to get too? Leave this board and never return. >:{

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Coping with what? I don't give a shit about handegg. How does this bother or affect me in the slightest? Just pointing out facts.

great model for all of us

> marry a genetically elite qT (tall, good features, smart)
> get kids to lift since 5 or 6
> focus on academics and football

im gonna be real honest with you Hans

all Jow Forumstard memes aside, literally no one in america gives one fuck if you're mixed or not. Mixed kids are actually seen as exotic or "better" since blacks are seen as better than whites at sports

El Goblino detected. Makes more sense now

This guy gets it.

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nope not a goblino lol

I'm 90% + european of primarily german and dutch ancestry

Yeah. Good on the dad. This is what happens when you have a black father who actually gives a fuck about his children.
Good evidence that the problems within the black community have nothing to do with white people and everything to do with their shit ass culture.

based mccaffrey poster

>Losing a half a standard deviation of IQ in one generation

You mean dysgenics.

The fuck are you all on about? Middle is a megachad

The only somewhat weird looking one is left and he still looks like an unscuffed rami Malek

They all have 4.0 GPA's did you not watch GPA the youngest brothers English teacher said he's one of the best writers she's had. Maybe if you could look past skin color bias, and focused on the individual you'd see not all black people are hood rats.

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its like you are just now realize you should fuck the stocky ugly girl so you can have linebacker babies.

She was 'smart'
>marries a nigger
>lets her children be named after egyptian gods, a culture to which they both have 0 relatopn
>breeds his sons to be ball monkeys instead of remotely contributing to society

Grades are inflated for blacks and as are their admission rates. Clearly youre nonwhite since youve avoided stumbling upon or internalizing these well documented facts. Also lmao at US state college GPAs. Affirmative action grading kiddo. If blacks were intelligent we wouldnt have been blowing firearms through their mudhuts and wheel-less communes

He said he wanted to give his son's strong and unique names. He also added the St. part because the Brown part was a slave owner's name. Don't know alot about the mom but the three brothers said that she pushed them way harder than their dad when it came to academics and learning languages. I admire everything that went into producing this family and children. I hope I can do something similar.

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They literally want to one of the best private schools in the country dumbass. Why don't you actually do your research before throwing you generic racist spiel you white trash faggot.

You're the type of person that even when presented with evidence that refutes your argument, you'd still hold on to your beliefs. No point trying to argue with this person.

Lmao do you honestly belive R/K selection theory applies to humans? The theory got absolutely disproved with animals hasn't been relevant in years within the field of biology. Holy shit you're a loser

If they were fully White they would be more intelligent.

Not that claims of their intellect have any weight in a world with affirmative action.

People still pretend Obama is smart. He's without a doubt the dumbest president in history.

Can you please probe how them being white would make them more intelligent? Don't you still have to train brain just like any other thing to be smarter? How would being white SPECIFICALLY increase intelligence?

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>People still pretend Obama is smart. He's without a doubt the dumbest president in history.

Because he is smart. And also because Trump is the dumbest person to ever become President.

Blumpf BTFO

trumps IQ is ~20 points higher than obamas though

>$0.005 has been deposited into your ZOG account

No he only fucked her because she had white skin and he wanted his children to look more beautiful

I wonder if any of you retards realize that African Americans are already mixed as fuck?
That African American =\= African, which is what an actually pure black is and looks like.

I literally said he liked her features. Also here's the eldest brother taking pride in his heritage.

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Trump is a narcissist. I wouldn't be surprised if he tried to game the test

Kinda like how Lavar only married his wife because she was tall. That dude planned out his kids lives from the very start

Are you saying that's not a good thing? His kids told him they wanted to play football so encouraged and pushed them so they could it to the highest level. One of them did, the other two still have a few years to go. In the next five years their family will probably be worth over 20 million. Also the dad has his own protein supplement brand and plans on having his star athlete son's market it once they become Odell Beckham tier. All in all they're probably gonna have pretty good lives and can always use their NFL money to do things they want to do.

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i've honestly been thinking about it, but it just seems fucked up to marry somebody solely for the sake of giving your kids better genes

Stop being a faggot. I'm sure you can find someone you like who also is beautiful/athletic/tall etc. You are an absolute asshole if you deny your offspring good genes because "I didn't really love your mom".

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Eh, as much as I hate niggers on the whole, it's stupid to hate individual excellent negros like this man or his sons, like some people seem to do in this thread.
The average of a group says nothing about any particular individual.

So, what are their SAT scores? GPA doesn't mean shit across schools.

That is the literal reason you reproduce and are attracted to certain features you idiot

there's a difference between messing with a 5'4 chick with an okay jaw vs scouting the tallest chick on the volleyball team with the strongest jaw solely to reproduce...

good genetics, particularly in athletics /= most attractive

Or all the training he does?

Trump is highly intelligent. His disjointed speaking which liberals mock is an indicator of genius.

Geniuses think faster than they can talk which is why the stereotype of the scatterbrained scientist exists.

Obama sounds like a text to speech program when he reads the speeches written for him by his Jewish handlers. His cadence reveals he is brainless.

George W Bush--another president liberals mock--graduated from Princeton with honours. Obama didn't release his transcripts because he was an affirmative action recipient who obviously had poor academic performance.

Liberal beliefs are pure fantasy.

>Trump is highly intelligent. His disjointed speaking which liberals mock is an indicator of genius.
>Geniuses think faster than they can talk which is why the stereotype of the scatterbrained scientist exists.

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>Liberal beliefs are pure fantasy.

how do you type so much without seeing the irony bleeding from your screen lol

I base my beliefs on evidence. I'm always willing to change them when faced with new evidence, if you have any to support yours.

>dat gyno

>middle is a megachad

Chad is always white, you’re thinking of a Tyrone. And no, he is not a Tyroné, he is too ugly. Guy on the right looks closest to a Tyrone even though he’s shortest


listen you retard. You (an autistic NEET browsing Jow Forumstard) do NOT speak for us (white people in the USA). You represent a fringe minority movement that will forever be mocked and ridiculed here.

don't like it then get lost and never come back wigger

.... dios mio...... la fúria do goblino.....

el abominacion...... La luz extinguido....

Do you actually believe this? There is something genuinely wrong with you

lol yeah you should marry someone only if you wuv her and want to smooch her little pussy hole for hours and hours

gimme a break

Will we ever see a real life Joseph G. Newton? Can one of you ubermenschanons devote your life and family's life to creating the perfect human?

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>OP posts interesting thread
>cool family, really smart athletic kids, what everyone should want for their family
>Jow Forums memes about le niggers xD, infiltrates and ruins thread

Goddamnit why does this always happen

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who the fuck speaks like this. Please go back to wherever you came from

Trump is obviously smart but he was never that eloquent, and his speech has been obviously deteriorating for years now.

He still has the instinctive knack of creating memorable phrases and cutting through bullshit to pithily insult people but the way he speaks is in no way indicative of genius.

>naming your child after a yugioh villan
Pick 2

Wrestling, you absolute mongoloid

Didn't ya hear the new word for Chad is Equinameous, Amon-Ra, or Osiris.

Thoughts on their dad's nutritional advice? Also this is back when he was a body builder.

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dios mio.... el goblino de los americos...

You’re evidence is a meme that genius are scatterbrained and because trump can’t string a sentence together he’s a genius? Red hat traitor

Yeahh its crazy if this was a white dude they would call him a megachad and suck his cock, he is based af

hope you're rich as fuck hgh is top 1%er pricy