Rate me fit
Rate me fit
The eternal roidcel mode
Big failure
You can’t stop being fat even on drugs
you look ridiculous with that tiny waist
rate me fit
Im not on drugs right now I have to wait till my test e arrives
top kek
heavyweight shitposter/10
what if this fag is actually natty and is larping as roider
As today I never pin before
And you also never done an exercise that requires core stabilization.
How do you identify a roider? This fatty doesn't even look good.
lmao, Johnny Bravo proportions.
(You) aren't supposed to look like cartoon character, M8
good hairline, high T (chest hair), good facial hair trim, blue eyes, bloatmaxxed.
Zipper abs
Does anyone even lift here?
Jonah Hill/10
c.. can you post your feet, senpai?
Back on the anavar?
Im peak male body