Do i have to quit salt if i want to get lean?

Do i have to quit salt if i want to get lean?

Attached: Salt.jpg (1315x1698, 158K)

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you would literally die if you do that
literal mum-science. Salt is fine, mostly.

Salt just makes you hold water. If you need to get rid of water to make yourself look good then you need some help

No, it's attually a vital ingredient in keeping you hydrated so quitting can really mess people up because you'll start dowing a ton of water and it won't stay I'm your system. Eating excess can be bad like anything but overall it's great for you.

-It also was recently discovered that it has no effect on your colestoral eather.

-your body turns salt into electrolights. That's why Gatorade is a waste of money and super high in sodium. It's just sugar water with see salt in it.

-Worry about cutting out process sugars and enjoy some salt on heathy foods like meats (both fatty and lean) and vegetables, get ur sugars from fruits.

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No. Most foods contain enough sodium to meet our daily needs.

Make sure to get your potassium with it and drink enough water

Quitting salt implies avoiding these foods.

Ok OP, check this out

i can vouch for this, also. I used to eat low sodium yet had water retention issues. The article elaborates what eating low sodium for a while can do (make u hold water by lowering aldosterone). I started salting my food and initially I bloated a little but it all went away and now I look leaner and have fuller muscles. Just keep sodium intake high and drink plenty of water as the body returns to homeostasis

im sure OP meant "added table salt"

no, you have to quit eating


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you will literally die if you actually stop consuming salt

“These foods” are basically all foods. You’d have to not eat anything to avoid sodium in any way shape or form.

There is enough sodium in food to survive without added salt. Every other animal on earth and humans for most of history did so.

you know what he meant, don't be difficult

That's not true. You would literally die without sodium, but you can get adequate sodium from whole foods as well, you don't necessarily need to add salt.

Attached: sodium-rich-vegetables.jpg (490x335, 39K)

>humans for most of history
Literally wrong. Salt has been one of THE most important fucking object in the entire world since the dawn of mankind. It literally carried civilizations on its back.
It's only recently with all the industrial faggotry that salt has diminished its use, and all the pussy genetics that people can't tolerate salt anymore because muh water retention.

That’s because salt was like having a fridge then. Not because people seasoned food with it, although they probably did.

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Civilisations are a tiny fragment of human history