Redpill me on the Carnivore diet

Redpill me on the Carnivore diet

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works for people with gluten sensitivity

worst diet in the world

Really dumb and just a marketing ploy

Would be good for my psoriasis, expensive and timely tho.

How the fuck would it work for someone that needs 3500calories a day to build muscle?

juden peterstein

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you can eat dairy

Eat lots?

>shopping for 3-4 products
>only preparing a meal using 1-2 products
It’s very quick and easy man.

he just meant expensive, user

Unironically worse than a peanut butter sandwich diet in price, health outcomes, sustainability and easiness to store/preserve food.

>marketing ploy

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Who says you would need 3500 calories if you eat mostly meat idiot. 3500 calories of carbs vs 3500 calories of proteins would have drastically different effects

Calories = energy. The same with keto, the only difference between a diet where carbs and one without is that the body releases different chemicals to allow the use of non-carbs as energy. Even if you're eating nothing but meat and fat, you still need a caloric surplus if you expect to GAIN weight since you need to consume more than you burn. Obviously your TDEE might be different, but that doesn't change the laws of thermodynamics.

if you don't have some kind of auto immune diesease and you want to try this diet you are as retarded as vegans. good luck long term.

Notably renal failure

you eat meat if you gay

Day 35. 3rd attempt.

Energy has balance out nicely, strength is back since adaptation. Depression/anxiety very faint in comparison to before. Tongue is less white each day. Super shredded.

Just try it for yourself and make sure you're 100% strict for 30 days to form a legit opinion on it.

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> carb: 1g = 4 calories
> fat: 1g = 9 calories
You eat your meat (preferably fatty cuts) and fats on the side until you're satisfied.
People doing carnivore diet usually go for ribeyes, pork belly, "beef crackling" (which are very very tasty) etc.

Not really, imo.
Fatty cuts are preferred on carnivore diet, and those are the cheapest ones.

For instance, I buy ox heart and prepared it the Andrew Zimmern way:
And eat beef crackling (beef fat fried on its on fat) on the side.

Kek there was one of those in my old gym. Stupid as fuck

Probably not that bad if you take a high quality multivitamin to supplement. Vegans manage to live for a while before malnutrition induced brain damage and that’s with actual vitamin deficiency in place.

do you eat fish?

oh no it is retarded


Humans were always primarily carnivorous until the agricultural revolution and it was under those conditions that our brains and bodies became what they are today, speaking in terms of the genetic templates that produced Schwarzenegger, Newton, Mozart, etc. So that's one perspective by which you could argue that it is our natural diet which is at least something you can base an interesting hypothesis on. Try it if you're curious, in the meantime of waiting for the literature to develop on the subject. It's cool experimentation, at least.

So keto basically?

the same "genetic template" produced all the shitty people too, retard

Plant-based diet is better in every single way.

Yes, but as a species we are better at thinking, hunting, and even enduring than any other primate, if not species, that has ever evolved. We are an incredibly successful predator, obviously, and aligning your diet with that nature is interesting.

Lol you're going a bit overboard.if you go carnivore to avoid gluten.

Seems to work for people with real fucked up digestion, gut problems, etc. Otherwise needlessly restrictive and potentially harmful. Guys like Danny Roddy, Unleash the Beef and Matt Stone who did it eventually got too fatigued and hypothyroid and started adding back carbs to the diet. I actually tried it too, but just ended up feeling a bit shit and had big carb cravings.

Use withcaution if you have severe gut issues. Otherwise don't fall for the dumb meme aspect of it like I did.

>tfw gained 10kg and almost no bodyfat from 8 months of eating 5-6000 calories of mostly junk every day
>tfw always energetic and never have noticeable health issues.
This is after 2 years of clean bulking and cutting and already making good progress so it isn't even newbie gains
Can't even comprehend being as sensitive to food as JBP is, crazy how so much as one cider or eating greens can fuck him up for a month or more

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>"primarily carnivorous"
Stop falling for meme anthopology. There were humans living on a primarily carnivorous diet, and there were humans living on a primarily vegetarian diet even in the paleolithic. The agricultural revolution didn't appear out of nowhere.
And meat eating is not what defines us as a species, but cooking is. And cooking is what allowed us to access starch as a source of calories, which due to providing vastly larger amount of glucose compared to fruits and vegetables and uncooked starches, is probably the primary trigger that led to the development of a larger brain, seeing as the brain consumes primarily glucose.

Even if you're arguing that a meat heavy diet is good and natural, you can hardly "argue that it [carnivory] is our natural diet" as humans have always made use of plant foods where available, especially starches, and have also made use of honey where available. To imply that carnivory is more natural than eating plant foods or carbs is ahistorical and pseudoscientific, and only applies to a small minority of our ancestors living in extreme conditions - not representative of humanity or the vast majority of our early ancestors at all.

We're also better at gardening and farming and digging up starchy roots and stealing honey from bees. Thus by your logic, as we are better at doing those things than other primates our "natural" diet should be high in carbohydrates.

We are good at many things. Don't fall for a meme level narrative of "man the hunter".

>broccoli in the background

what in the hell is that

only 3% of the brain uses carbs as fuel, the brain is made up almost entirely of saturated fat and cholesterol, not carbohydrates. this is why you need fat, because it's your brains fuel. why on earth would you think otherwise? because some geek in a labcoat told you? lol

looks like a leg press

I never said you don't need fat, and the structure of the brain doesn't change the fact that glucose is its primary fuel, any more than the fact that just because muscles are made of protein means that protein is their primary fuel.
I know full well ketones can be used by the brain too, but they are a back up fuel for when glucose is not available - the brain is energy hungry and if it couldn't switch to using ketones you'd waste far too much muscle due to gluconeogenesis. (The brain can't run on fat btw - if the brain primarily burned fatty acids for fuel, as you imply, then you wouldn't even need to produce ketones in the first place, you could just fuel the brain directly with fat like is possible with muscles).

Why do you think otherwise, 'cos some guy with a blog and a supplement store told you so? lol

Marketing for whomst?

never post me or my son ever again

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Meat industry (fooking massive).

Obviously not expecting everybody to go carnivore, but to counter the narrative of high meat consumption being bad for you, as well asd meat being bad for the environment/cruel to the animals. Muddy the waters.

how would eating the most dense form of calories in nature (fat) allow you to achieve a higher calorie intake


Our "natural diet". I wanna see you outrun a rabbit, grab it with your teeth and then use your "carnivorous" teeth and chew through it's skin, and fur, and eat all of it.

try growing kale without any tools, checkmate

>grab it with your teeth and then use your "carnivorous" teeth and chew through it's skin, and fur, and eat all of it.

it's stranger that you think this isn't possible. give me a rabbit and i will bite it's jugular, tear it's skin off and eat it's flesh, it's not that difficult.

humans evolved to make tools to help us hunt and developed techniques, spears, snares etc. you can look at tribes that live today they catch all sorts of wild animals small and big, just like our ancestors would have, they fucking grab tarantulas out of their burrows and cook them over a fire on a stick like a marshmallow. just because something seems inconceivable to your tiny sheltered uncultured mind doesn't mean it's not possible.

Its great for putting on mass. All the cancerous tumours from eating red meat really helps to fill out.

They also dig tubers out of the ground, smoke bees out of their hive to take their honey, gather fruits and nuts and even wild grains, yet somehow the meat is "more natural" to you.

A genuine look at a primitive or paleolithic diet does nothing to vindicate low carb. In any case, it doesn't matter so much as which diets get the best results today, here and now.

God tier diet, but only if you avoid cooking


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>processed meat
No one said to eat processed you retarded faggot

it is a leg press machine but with stairs to get to the top and places to hold your weights.

It's just keto with a stupid name, he even said he buys straight up animal fat and eats that fried =>macros become literally just keto and you're in ketosis full time.

Also all the benefits he has noticed are the same as any ketogenic diet where you're completely in ketosis. He said he used to eat meat and greens and it was good but not as good as carnivore (what the fuck are "greens", are green beans greens?). Some "greens" have too much carbs for keto if you don't count macros carefully (he doesn't seem to and also he uses layman's' language when it comes to food so he really is just following orders from his food-Gestapo daughter) so of course it gets better if you go into more optimized ketosis with less carbs. Dude is smart but knows very little about diet and funnily enough, his own diet. It's the most text-book case of fat adapting as he even supplements his diet with straight up animal fat.

It's great, but supplementing the stuff you don't get is very vital (see? vital. VITA-mins, they're vital nutrients to keep you alive without problems) You don't need that much of them really, but if you don't supplement different kinds of salts and the stuff you literally need in any way (KCl, Magnesium salts, vitamins that you seem to lack based on your bloodwork) it's going to slowly become worse and worse and lead to health problems that might be worse than what you started with. He says he gets tingly toes already which is pretty common in an electrolyte imbalance (too much or not enough NaCl and KCl, KCl being a thing to get more of) or could be lack of different vitamins (check that shit with the Dr.). Miracle cures aren't long term solutions and this nigga needs vitamins based on his bloodwork (can't really guess which since he is vague and uses retard terms like "greens"), I've been doing the same shit for 10 years now and no tingles in no toes since I eat my diet salt and check with the Dr. to see what vitamins I'm not getting.

It isnt keto shit head you eat veggies on keto.

Brainlets are now following the fucking diet of their cult leader. Pathetic

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>diet puts your in ketosis
>it's not keto


Did you read what I wrote? Do you understand what keto is? Keto is just the macros no matter how you reach them (You could eat pure lard or avocados, still the same mechanism in the body that does the trick), JBP-nigga is just eating retard keto where he lack vitamins and is losing his toes to his misinformation.

If his macros are keto, he doesn't understand why it works and he used to eat less good keto and it was slightly worse, how the fuck is it not just keto? The ketosis is still the miracle cure. No need for meme magic when there is actual science and Occam's razor.

Shawn Baker did this diet and got diabetes and had lower testosterone than a woman.

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true ketosis is only achieved on a fasted state anyway, keto diets are shit tier because they literally only require you to be in a noticeable degree of ketosis and NOTHING else.


If that noticeable degree is able to effectively suppress your appetite and properly regulate your energy and mental clarity, what's the difference?

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What do you mean by "true"? It's still very strong ketosis and in a keto diet, you for example at night use your body's fat stores as energy and aren't lethargic in the morning. That shit is powerful and unique to ketosis. Shit is very good and if your macros aren't shit (because of your own inadequacy) the ketosis is almost as deep as a state where you have fasted for 3+ days. I've used ketostix and they don't lie (I've also done fasting and keto).

>keto diets are shit tier because they literally only require you to be in a noticeable degree of ketosis and NOTHING else.

And this is bad because? It works well, is easy to maintain and feels very good with minimal effort. I don't see the reason to be above this and call it shit-tier. An easy cure for obesity or just getting rid of excess fat. Why be against it?

>lack of vitamins and minerals on meat only diet
What is seafood, offal and fermented meats

the difference being that it's never been shown to be superior or even equal to low fat diets SPECIALLY when it comes to physical/mental performance and body composition.
Even in OBESE adults low fat diets are superior for health and fat loss, there is absolutely nothing that makes a keto diet worth the time except maybe treating rare neurological disorders.

His body uses up testosterone more efficiently than cucks that eat plants. you can't get a body like this with truly low t.

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dude, that cuck has gyno, literally, and he's balding bad, and his skin looks like shit, he's nothing next to actual lifters and athletes, his meme indoors rowing is absolutely fucking irrelevant, his max bench was like 150 in competition, he's just shit despite lifting for more than 2 decades.

>he's balding bad, and his skin looks like shit
He's in his 50s and enjoys sunlight. shut the fuck up. he MOGS you.

his max bench was 150 in competition, he is literally weaker now and his strength is in the shitter compared to even 5 years ago, ask him about it and he will tell you.
even I benched more than him, fuck off

Interesting. Post your body.

That's not true, a lot of keto/carnivore people are all about bacon and sausage. Of course not all them them support processed meats, and I don't think anyone is saying they're super healthy, but they are promoted nonetheless.

He says he literally eats only beef.

Of course anything is possible and stuff you need can also be found in animal products, but not the regular day-to-day kind of animal products, my statements aren't absolutes.

>What is seafood, offal and fermented meats

This JBP-nigga just isn't doing that, offal for example is not very easy to get a hold of and eat regularly enough for it to matter. He already has beginning symptoms of complications but didn't seem to mind. He says he sometimes tries to eat guts and stuff but it didn't seem to be enough.

Then again, why would you go to the extra mile to get your nutrients the hard way from offal, seafood or fermented meats if you could just pop a pill made from them or synthetically? IT isn't any different to your body. Is the carnivore diet for LARPING a caveman or is it actually a dietary intervention? Makes you think, huh.

What gyno

>The ketosis is still the miracle cure
Keto really is becoming a cult lol

Why didn't he just try eating beans and white rice? I thought doctors were supposed to have common sense even if they're psychologists.


>And this is bad because?
It's bad because it gives people an excuse to eat junk food just because it fits the macros. Long term diets need to focus on more than just macronutrient composition.

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>jordan peterson

People that actually believe what he says isn't incel pseudointelligent garbage speak are the worst

His auto-immune disease seems to react badly to a carb-heavy diet. Really doesn't leave you much options and with a food-gestapo daughter you of course get pulled into something extreme.

It is highly questionable how digestible supplements actually are, and whether or not there actually is much of a point in mainlining such and such micronutrient in isolation. For example: Are we supposed to carefully manage, mix and match every single mineral, at certain times of day in certain amounts every day? Or are we just supposed to eat bones every once in a while?

And offal is really not hard to get. I would assume if you eat a meat only diet you would go the extra mile and get nicer meats, then it is simply an issue of asking whoever is selling you your meat. Or better yet, learn to butcher yourself and buy a whole animal.

He was already athletic when he started. It's his long term results that will prove interesting.
Also he probably juices.

Junk food? Carbs are junk food my dude. You couldn't go to micky D's on keto unless you get only a patty or a salad.

Still don't see the "miracle".

Trust me, I'm not defending JP or the majority of ketofags, but how is an isocaloric ward study including 24hr periods in metabolic chamber study account for appetite satiation and mode? If someone is seeing benefit from keto and that is allowing them to workout and maintain a healthier caloric defect than whats the problem?

Junk food isn't only fast food. Bacon and sausage and other processed meats/cheeses are junk foods, but plenty of keto people are still eating a lot of that. And excessive meat/fat consumption has it's own issues, even if you're burning ketones.

And carbs are not junk food. There are high carb foods which are junk foods, of course, but to blame the macronutrient itself is retarded and why I'm starting to see keto as more cultish than vegans. You guys are 80/10/10 fruitarian cult tier, only in reverse.

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If you're super fat, I can't really come up with a better way to call it than "miracle cure". It's faster and easier (you don't get cravings for anything and aren't that hungry after a few days) than pretty much anything else that is offered in it's place.

Go to r/keto (yeah, I know reddit lmao) and see the pics and the timelines. They talk about a few months for noticeable difference and then go to r/progresspics and see the years they spend to lose a few pounds.

Best part is that it works even though there are people that think it doesn't. You can't talk me out of my biology.

Bruh why can't you guys just eat a lot of meat, some veggies, a bit of complex carbs and some fruit and work out properly?

Why do you want to always find some sort of "hack" that's going to magically make you shredded?

The reason diet is good is that it's low carb (well, 0 in this case) and you end up consuming a lot of protein.

Just eat a small amount of complex carbs + vegetables, maybe a fruit and a lot of high quality protein, not only will you have the same results - you won't get fucking cancer from not eating veggies

The only real vitamin youd need on an animal based diet is Vitamin C and even then you dont need nearly as much since glucose competes against, something carnivores dont really injest.

>appetite satiation
fiber isn't satiating?
the problem is people claiming benefits when there aren't any

check the study again, during fat restriction leptin levels decrease less than during carb restriction
LDL goes way down, it barely changes during carb restriction though.
Insulin goes down at almost the same degree in both.
cortisol was also tremendously lower during fat restriction, the carb restriction increased it MORE than what the fat restriction lowered
CRP which is a marker for inflammation goes down more on fat restriction than on carb restriction

keto is just outclassed in pretty much everything

Fasting puts you into ketosis, you wouldnt call that keto shit head.
See above, multiple diets lead to ketosis. Carnivore is one of them but it isnt keto.
Ok well those are outliers. Thats like saying some fat niggers in the south who eat sugar and chicken all day represent a SAD diet.

>not doing the cannibal diet

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Try it, check your bloodwork. If it's fucked it isn't meant for your lineage.

wtf does this dumb psychologist know about diets

fuck off

You got memed by the protons dude.

The carnivore diet, it's literally just a different way to go into ketosis, he is fat adapted and using lipids instead of glucose, no need to read more into it when it's what most carnivorous or omnivorous animals do already and it is a very well documented phenomenon. His accounts of the reaction of his body is very text-book of how it feels to be in ketosis especially after a high-carb diet.

The carnivore diet is shit (he's basically larping a caveman lmao) but it's on the right track for weight loss (shouldn't be his main concern anymore since he is an old grey twig) though it is not very sustainable since he seems to lack some vital nutrients not found in common cuts of meat (VITA-mins). He already gets tingly toes, not a good sign.

He also says he eats straight up animal fat and of course his body fat is used as energy, good old fat adaption no matter what name you give it.


It's quite nice desu, you can eat all the cuts you want. Get stuff like heart, liver, kidneys, lungs, offal, tonge, brains etc for vitamins and minerals, they're super cheap at the butcher too.

You seem smarter than me on this so how does that study disprove the consensus that was starting to poke up around the mid-2000s and early