why aren't you orc mode yet, Jow Forums?
Why aren't you orc mode yet, Jow Forums?
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>roiding for this
Trips hath spoken
I don't want to
More like pork mode amirite?
so he finally started roiding
so hardcore
Seems reasonable now, but will he ever talk about his past?
How can anyone genuinely listen to this lardass?
redpill me on roids
Try watching his videos. He makes more sense than the other fitness youtubers who only try to sell you programs and shortcuts.
He blocked me on youtube. Can someone ask him what he thinks about AlphaDestinys 335 touch n go bench?
They're not good for you in the long run and they are expensive.
But he doesn't. There are way more out there, like 70's Big, Allan Thrall [despite looking like ass],and so many more. They also don't have egos like this guy and act like living clickbait.
Just refresh comments you can spot the same shit questioned.
>"i hate people who lift for hypertrophy"
>lifts for strength
>not even strong
oh blaha
How is he holding the bar behind his back and his hands in front?
lol. He bench 335 but he's somehow a 319 bencher
He benched 330 with none calibrated plates they would only have to be off by about 4% to put him at 319 which is pretty plausible as he's using 12 different plates plates.
He is curling with a safetybar. Everytime he curls the safeties are shoving up his thick ass.
his kill count is confirmed
terminated with extreme prejudice
covert ops
you never heard of
top secret
make you disappear
at the farm at hereford
blackest of ops
plausible deniability
secret super soldier weapon
product of experiments that would kill 99% of men
a clear and present danger
but he went rogue
a lethal weapon
and force multiplier to the highest bidder
what have they created
No he benched 335 touch n go in a recent video. And the likelyhood of ALL your plates weighing less than they are supposed to is incredibly low. Chances are some will weigh more, some will weigh less and it will essentially even out. Actually the more plates you use the more accurate the weight is likely to be. I think the miscalibrated plate thing is overblown. Yeah a single plate might weigh more or less, but a loaded barbell is probably going to be pretty close to what you expect it to be. It would be nice if someone could test that actually.
He used elbow sleeves and that's probably how he got the extra 5lbs. Also his competition lift wasn't a true grinder so he must have a slightly higher bench but probably lower than 335.
>lifting for years
>on multiple routines
>1pl8 curls
Sooo uuhhhhhhhhhh uhhh I've been lifting for a year and 1pl8 curls are easy???? Uhhhh
Those are 25 lb plates. I'd love to see your form on those 1pl8 curls though.
this, also Thrall isn't a drama whore
Thrall even does decent meal plan videos.
If his weights are uncalibrated, and he is 319lbs bencher then a slingshot does not add 46lbs, because 365 was done with the same plates.
Fuck outta here, Blowhole.
But he's not a 319 bencher.
gotta love how he rounded 319.7 down to 319 instead of 320. it's the little wins
That throbbing vein on his forehead kek
They aren't expensive desu but yeah, abuse of roids isn't good for you in the long run. Don't even bother cycling, one cycle turns into a fucking blast and cruise and it's a nightmare coming off once you realise you don't want that life or the health implications (i.e. what I am going through)
I was talking about Alex
Fpbp, checked and witnessed
Not sure why anyone is saying roids. He's not that string and he's certainly not lean
Because he admitted he's roiding
Yeah I know. He's not a 319 bencher. He benched 330 paused and 335 touch n go. I'm not sure what you're trying to say. Uncalibrated plates are not really going to make a difference as some are going to weigh more and some are going to weigh less, so it's just going to cancel out. The odds of ALL plates weighing less than they are supposed to is incredibly low.
I'm saying that Blahas math doesn't make sense. if by his reasoning Alex's 330 is not legit (which are his words, not mine) then his 365 is also not legit, which makes Blahas claim that slingshot add 50lbs retarded
Oh yeah I see what you're getting at. Good point. You should tell him that.
He said that he only counts lifts done with calibrated plates as legit because of all the fakery going around.
Yet he still accepts Bugenhagen's lifts, even though some of them are actually pretty sketchy.
If your father looked like that would you respect him?
He's got a point. I'd rather be autistic with my lifts than autistic with my tape measure.
those gyno folds...
Looked? Maybe. Was an actal Blaha? Doubt it.
heck no
>pulling your shorts over your gut
if he was overweight and out of shape? no
We are watching a complete genetic defect in action.
What a time to be alive.
In the past he'd be thrown over the cliffs as a baby.
No he looks normal. You just hate him because you know who he is.
He looks normal?
After 20 years of training,and steroid use.
He looks normal?
How is he not a genetic defect again?
the choice is yours and yours along
choose (((conventional))) low volume powerlifting inspired """training"" and look like or choose glorious memelift balls to the wall volume lifestyle and look like pic related
See what I mean? You're seething because you know him as the Fake Mercenary. In reality he looks like a normal 40 year old who power lifts.
>lifting to show how high your numbers are isn't just as vain as lifting for aesthetics
Literal brainlet
Let's be honest too, he obviously lifts to try and look good too otherwise he wouldn't post shirtless pics the big bald hypocritical faggot. Btw blaha I know you're lurking and you will ALWAYS look shit and have shit number.
>he looks normal
americans should be euthanized at birth
You can do conventional low volume training and look good. He just has loose skin and fat.
> looks like a normal 40 year old who power lifts.
>looks (..) like (...) lifts
Did that monster really just deadlift 70kg?
Holy shit, AlFraudestiny and ElLickButtgenhagen BTFO
I'll just leave it here
its the kylo ren look thats so hot right now
Oh hi Dan
The fact that he's been in the gym for decades and was on grams of gears and still looks like shit proves he's a genetic defect
he's clearly improving
It took him 20 years to make the progress that takes most people 6 months.
this is a sfw board
he went of roids for years, mostly he was just too pussy to buy them. pretty sure he started to use again a few months ago becasue he suddenly didn't look like total shit. roids are magic, they can make anybody big
I know he's a meme, but I'm glad he is improving at all
seeing him getting fatter and fatter and sitting in that same chair every day was depressing
Can people ITT really not curl 135???
You watch this guy?
Please tell me you watch him from mirror channels.
Doesn't matter, I would have expected this much progress if he hadn't been on roids. The fact that this is all he's gaining now + roiding is just sad as fuck.
no, but I used to because I followed his beginner program to finish my noob gains
but 3-4 videos a day watching him in that chair with 10 minutes and 3-4 ads per video
it becomes tiring
>his program.
Well good thing your not feeding him sheckels anymore.
He might find a job soon enough.
>mfw when coach sleeps 2 hours in between sets.
he isnt improving he does 4 reps a day
Not strict or easily no. I will admit I have weak biceps but I've never actually seen anyone curl that much.
Well you admitted you have weak biceps, at least. Become friends with people with big ceps and you'll see it in the first few weeks. My favorite thing to do when I was in my gun show phase was to curl absurd weights.
wait, i do 60kg curls, that's supossed to be good?
This little shit is just blown away by the fact that some people lift heavy ass weights.
The original guy also claimed he could do it "easily" within a year of training. I don't find it hard to believe that someone with a few years of lifting could do it, but in one year? I find that hard to believe. You definitely don't see people doing that at the gym everyday.
>you can reach 1/2/3/4 within 4 months easily
people misunderstand what 1234 is supposed to mean, it's a benchmark of your genetic potential, if you cant hit 1234 on your first day in the gym you are supposed to just give up because lifting isnt for you
most people don't barbell curl at all. I've started doing it recently and I'm the only person I've seen doing it.
>using a barbell for curls in a public gym
I hope you cunts get run over
>his beginner program
you realise he didn't invent SL 5x5?
>tfw my first time diddly ever
>sophomore year highschool
>spooky 140lbs, 6'2
>load up 3pl8
>squat into it
>rock back and forth til my grip feels good
>notice half of the people in the racks have stopped lifting
>guy walking up
>"hey man...you're gonna hurt yourself"
>"y-yeah...okay whatever"
>proceed to fucking launch myself and the bar off the ground
>perfect fucking form
>a resounding crack from both knees
>my middle back tenses hard
>pretty sure I just got tazed
>hold it for a second, make eye contact with actually-good-advice-bro
>want to cry
>drop bar
>don't rerack weights
>afraid to bend over
>don't want to waddle all the way around the gym back to the lockers so I stiffleg it over the rail to the running track while trying to keep my spine from moving
>spend an hour in the steamroom contemplating my gym membership
Nah man I'm just saying 60kg curls are a lot easier than most other milestones of lifting. Dude doing a 1pl8 curl? Okay he spent a year or so in the gym. Dude doing a 2pl8 OHP? Whole other level. I used to smoke with this skinnyfat degenerate and he would curl 50lb dbs while ripping bongs, with perfect standing form. Curling is the basic bitch lift.
it's fun
>wears his gym shorts over his belly so no one can see the fat dropoff
Dat ass though
...and then you woke up
dude has visible abs despite being >20% bf and his legs are like a tree trunks
In your arms? Did I wake up in your arms daddy?
issa joke mang
he's the strongest natty