Would you believe shes only 17?

would you believe shes only 17?

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wouldnt care


This is a fitness board.

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not really but ok

The age of consent in Ohio is 16.

How are 17 year old girls getting so thicc?

Yes, being obese tends to prematurely age you.

who is she though

@belifr.fit on instagram thank me later

She has a great ass but is way too blocky/wide and big framed. She has a pretty wide waist, small hip-to-waist ratio.

She’s also a pretty high weight, wouldn’t want to look like her honestly. But if she’s happy, then that’s the most important thing.

Last time I checked women reach their adult size by 15. This idea that girls aren’t women until their 20’s is a meme pushed by feminists.

She's going to be fat by 21 assuming Tyrone doesn't impregnate her before then.

wtf this bitch look 29

omg she dumb thicc

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She’s brown. Yuck


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>would you believe shes only 17?
Shame, she's too young to be that much of insta thot.

Btw, she's all angles and poses. On a full frontal pic, her waist is thick (even if one foot is in frontt of the other) and her hips aren't wide (even on high heels); shoulders wider than hips. She's not hotter than the regular built grill you see on gym.

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>going to be fat

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she's gonna balloon to a whale once she exits puberty/enters college

Stop advertising your insta page you fat roastie whore. This is Jow Forums, a place for REAL intellectual discussion.

Those pants are STRAINING to contain that gut

dat hairline

>She's going to be fat

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She's almost fridgemode desu

>Going to

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Meh not impressed she's just another average thot

She doesn't look particularly young so no. I'm in my mid 20s and if she was my age I would believe it especially since she's fat.

What the fuck is in the background, it looks like a game where all the textures didnt load in the right places

You guys have such low standards lol.
Her body and face are pretty much average, I'm sure without those 600 layers of make-up there's a 5/10 smeagol beneath.