been stuck at 185x4 on bench for weeks now
please send help
been stuck at 185x4 on bench for weeks now
please send help
less weight more reps
there comes a point where u will actually need to grow the muscle to increase your bench. u cant just train it like squat and deadlift having a bigger chest will help heaps.
why do u think gymbros have huge bench numbers but cant squat or deadlift for shit?
Whats your current routine?
4 days a week, same routine each day
bench 5x5 @ 175 lbs
weighted dips 5x5
dumbbell press 5x5 @ 85 lbs
cable fliesx20
db fliesx20
bb rows
db rows
pulldown machine
and then some arm isolation stuff, i work out legs and abs once or twice a week, as well as deadlift
I think this is honestly the worst routine I've ever seen here
What am i doing wrong
way too much chest work bro you gotta up the intensity on each rep. stick to benching 3x a week do some close grip pause and incline
Take this with a grain of salt as I am not a fitness expert and a dyel but I would recommend instead of a dumbbell press hoping on a chest machine and doing something like 20x5 at 85 or 96.
are you me?
I was doing 3x a week and then just doing cable flies and dips. as for intensity, theres nothing i can do i cant even squeeze one more rep out. and i do incline and OHP too
you need to split your days up more for start, add some volume work to your strength work, more shoulder work (where's ohp?). Just, jeez, find an actual routine where you're hitting everything more equally
>chest machine
Yeah. We're both at the point where we're putting up the most tryhard weight imaginable. this is our test though. if we break through this then we've made it
i ohp 115x5. Ive been focusing on chest because it was stalling
That’s a 3 day routine, not 4.
Get rid of one row, db or barbell. And only do one press, db or barbell. There’s no need for that much shit.
try look at something like 5/3/1 BBB maybe,
it's strength training combined with 5x10 for your volume.
As the other guy said, 4 times a week at fukl intensity is too much, you'll never continue to progress like that
jesus christ man
This is garbage, just download a program excel spreadsheet and follow it. My bench goes up 20 pounds every time I run canditos 6 week and it isn't even a good bench program.
>tfw when someone lightly spotted my 270 bench today
btw I plateau'd at 5x5 and progress is going up with Wendler's 531
6x6 @ 70% 1RM with 30 second rest
8x8 @ 60% 1RM with 30 second rest
5...4...3...2...1 @ 70% with 15-20 seconds between each mini-set, then do it one more time
>hit plateau doing 5/3/1
guess it's time for me to get fat
have u forgot about deload weeks bruh
>6x6@70% 1rm with 30second rest
up volume
I've only tried 1 deload week and I found it hard to get back into it after the easy week. Do you think I should start adding them then?
not him but original 531 poster here, i found deload weeks to be a mixed bag. my 3 rep and 1 rep go up but my 5 rep drops
Because the do a million sets of chest and tri. Rep range doesn't matter.
yes, that's what the original program is
40/50/60% after the heavy week
>can’t increase 75lbs OHP
>been 3 weeks
Some people just don’t make it right
cheers, I may give it another try then
>congrats on the 270 by the way
thanks mate I'll take a look again and see if it helps
Wow dude, what is going on here. You do full upper body 4 times a week, and then also legs once or twice a week?
Too much work and too little rest.
Go for a push/pull split, train each twice a week.
As to hitting a plateu on bench, happened to me - I replaced 1 of my weekly bench sessions with paused bench, 5 sets of 10.
kept that up for 2 months, increased my bench max by 25 lbs in that time.
Paused bench for victory lads
what the fuck, this looks fun
thanks man!!
thanks bro good luck with the deload
was it the pause bench or the increase in volume? what sets reps did you do before plateu?
dont listen to these fools. its never too much work. u re not a professional athlete who actually should think about resting. Just add some accessories that will carry to ur bench. there are plenty. look it up on yt
get rid of the db flies and cable press, you don't need them and they are just holding you back since they make the volume for your chest too much, taking those out you routine alone should be enough to notice some progress, increase the weight by 1 or 2 pound every 1 or 2 days and that's it, you can also deload by 10% and do this routine on a 8 to 12 rep range for muscle development, before you say something stupid like "i don't want to get muscular, just strong" bigger muscles= stronger muscles, also you won't get massive unless you eat a lot, focus on just hypertrophy and depending how big we are talking, roids.
You guys are so fucking stupid man. Add 1 or 2 pounds A DAY? If that were possible everyone would be benching 275 within months. What the fuck. Also, how the fuck do you add 1 pound? I only see 2.5 plates everywhere
You fucks dont even lift do you
>back in the gym this summer
>after year of break (studying hard at uni)
>dunno how much i could lift
>load the bench to my bodyweight (85kg)
>could do 5x5 easly
so proud of myself tho my squat and deadlift sucks
This is what i used to do, load up 195-225 and reverse band lift, you want the band to take a few % off the top and just keep lifting
i meant every lifting session, if you hit chest 3 times per week then those 3 session you can do it, if you eat and sleep enough what's the damm problem? you can get 1 pound discs yourself (or just add the 2.5 pounds every week) and use them in any of your lifts this i a perfectly valid method to burst trough any plateau and yes everyone can be benching 275 within months.
im not gonna be the autistic guy that brings 1 pound discs in to the gym. and i literally cant add a single ounce of weight to my bench. it actually went down one rep even though i hit my chest hard as fuck every sesh
disregard the other guy he's a retard
1. be patient, other than OHP bench is the slowest lift to progress on and the average serious dedicated lifter will take years to reach 315
2. make sure you are eating a small but consistent caloric surplus most of the year (occasional cuts so you aren't fat and disgusting)
3. make your chest and triceps bigger
you just said > i literally cant add a single ounce of weight to my bench. it actually went down one rep
that means that you did add more weight but your reps went down right?
let me ask, you can't add to your one rep max? or you can't add to any routine of higher reps like 5x5 for strenght or 8/12x5 for hypertrophy? either way, you can't do this method i told you on your 1 rep max obviosly, if its any of the other two, then eat more and sleep more, if you are op, then like i said before get rid of the isolation exercises and focus on the compounds and you will increase in any of your lifts, if you don't want to bring your own discs then use the 2.5 plates every 1 or 2 weeks, the point of the method i told you is to add very small amounts of weight every now and then, if its too tough to do it daily then do it once per week or every two weeks.
because only think gym bros do at thegym is the fucking chest day?
how long until 225+? i'd be happy around there
my 1RM is 190 and thats it. and my regular working set dropped. im actually doing 175 6x8 now cause i can get cleaner reps
eat more, sleep more and try what i told you man, the worst thing that can happend i that it won't work for you, im literally the only one offering you actual advice in this thread or just keep doing what you been doing since obviously to break trough a plateau you have to keep doing the same thing as always, your choice
Could be worse, you could be me and still not hit 1pl8
You guys think PHAT is a decent program to run for a guy with stats like 0.5/1/1.5/2.
I'm trying to fill out my loose skin from losing weight too so how much you think I should be eating? Like maintenance + 300 calories or something?
Focus on progressing other bench press variations. Close grip, incline, stuff like that.
Also dips and pause bench.