Lok'tar Ogar, proud sons of Sparta!
>*flexes chest*
In order to achieve metaphysical and spiritual connection with Odin
>*gently kisses own bicep*
>*does chins on a nearby tree*
Feminism is a degenerate invention of the international Jewelry
>*slowly oils his body while holding strong eye contact with you*
and must be stopped at all costs!
>*denies Holocaust*
Start working out and find your own fair maiden
>*does Roman salute and loses sponsorship*
so that you can be glorious just like me!
>*contemplates the final solution to the jewish question*
Who am I? The glorious lion of wisdom xxo BOOM
>*unintelligible Old Norse mating calls*
Lok'tar Ogar, proud sons of Sparta!
Other urls found in this thread:
he's a loser and his brother mogs him in every aspect imaginable
cringe: the post
>Varg, but for brainlets
>Is going to gym a jewish plot to destroy masculinity and health of the white man?
He got me to start lifting back in my incel alt-lite days and now I've actually made it (bigger, leaner and stronger than most people in normie gyms and also get laid easier than most guys I know) so I can't not like the guy even if I've not paid much attention to him since 2015
>tfw thought I'd ditched all the Jow Forums shit I used to believe in but since I've started /fraud/ing I've started getting into it again, especially with the shit going on with Tommy Robinson right now
Might binge watch all his good vids that I've missed from the past few years desu
literally larping LMAO
He's pretty based honestly. His recent video in defence of Democracy is absolutely heretical and cringy though. Other than that, based
>That nose
Nice try jidf
Upturned noses aren't Jewish, m8
Unironically establish an olde Irish tribal pagus.
They valued strength, furioisity, honesty, humbleness, and the holding of ones oathes.
Also ritual nudity in battle is based AF.
this one looks fake desu
thy is mirin' and thy knoweth this
>varg, but fit, intelligent and likeable
>democracy is bad
found the brainlet
>yeah bro just let the average retard run the country, what could go wrong?
>Who cares about the 49%? They were wrong anyway because we've decided so
Found the illiterate actual brainless worm nigger
>He thinks the elite will serve him
>He thinks the elite will be him
>He thinks the elite will be unchanging and uncorruptible
Varg doens't 'defend' democracy.
>do do dooo, do do dooo
>seil odin
who is this?
You missed
>gets eternally mogged by non-autistic brother
Behold the turbo-chad brother and understand the inferiority complex than underpins everything this faggot says
How is this different from a democracy? You think democratic leaders serve you, are unchanging and incorruptible?
Having a party win an election doesn't guarantee they have the ability to pass any legislation. That's literally the point of representative democracy.
The only way a single party gets a house majority is the previous government fucked up so bad the vast majority of the population wants nothing to do with them.
Funny how his brother grew up handsome, non-racist and well-adjusted whilst he took to the internet to LARP about being a 'glorious, viking' bigot who obsesses over identity politics. It's really rather interesting that hard-line, anti-diversity people often are the ugliest of their people, while the most beautiful could not particularly care about families from foreign backgrounds settling in 'their' countries. Really makes you think.
>mfw brainlets think of Odin as the Mighty Manly Warrior Father God
>brainlets like you belong on the cross!
But, user, you are wrong.
Pray to Iupiter Optimus Maximus for optimal gains.
What makes you think his brother doesn’t share his same ideas? Just because he doesn’t post it online, he’s a lawyer afaik while Markus made his eceleb shit his income source.
varg is hilariously full of shit
Because he has a life as opposed to defining himself by reactionary identarian nonsense.
Spoken like a true radical centrist. People who hold strong views are so dumb, right? Also people who lift tend to be much more right wing than those who don't.
>Not a Christofascist in 2018
Found the estrogen pumping faggot
He's a soft identitarian cuck and Varg is a woods-dnd-larping faggot
Not centrist in the slightest. I think mudslimes should be forced to renounce their degenerate deaty cult before theyre considered for immigration to any non-mudslime country as islam and western values are fundamentally incompatible and, as such, they cannot integrate with the host nation. I also think ashkenazi jews should be flayed alive.
Identarian bullshit, however, is equally retarded regardless of which end of the political spectrum proposes it. The only valid measure of an individual is their merit in the relevant area.
Reporting. Absolutely done with being guilt tripped by satanist pedophiles. Time to impose order and holiness.
>this delusional turbofaggot has no idea how good life was under hitler
so do you accept race realism or not?
I fucking love this man.
No homo of course just happy he exists.
varg but not a retarded low t faggot who literally stabs friends in the back
This faggot really needs to set up a summer event in Europe.
Shows how little you know, you thick fuck.
You mean that nogs and spics have a culture which denigrates education and are the vast majority of crime? Yes.
I also believe, however, that if someone is willing the integrate into a different culture, act in accordance with it and be judged by the same standards of it there's no reason they shouldn't.
The issue arises when you ended up with ethnic and/or cultural ghettos that are essentially home nation in a different place. I mean what the fuck is the point of leaving china to live in mini-china? If you want to leave a country because you are ideologically opposed to it and [other country] fits with your beliefs why not?
>being a Holocaust affirmationist in 2018
pretty embarrassing desu
I'm glad we can agree on that. to an extent culture is a byproduct of race though
This faggot is one of the cringiest motherfuckers online. And his "political" commentary is laughable. He can't talk shit when all he reads is literally fantasy-fiction lmfao
In theory what you say is right but reality looks different, it is obvious now that integration is almost impossible but even IF there was a way why would we want it? If your argument is that it would benefit the economics, why do you care about that? It probably wont benefit you directly. Ethno nationalism has been proven to work, for 1000's of years even. In fact it conquered the world.
>t. maga fag who thinks he's a greek philosopher
see pic related in
yeah watch out, he'll beat your ass
check out these kicks
>we need to save europe from degeneracy
>hold on buddies lemme just dance in the pride parade :^)
you know damn well that was before he became politically conscious as he is today. he made a video addressing it.
OP believes in the holocaust LMAO
Golden One is our guy
a youtuber, the golden one
[citation needed]
I was ironic my friend, this post was NOT to discredit him in any way
You dumb fucking retard, his brother has his same political views
That 25 year old facist boomer who goes around naked in pride parades
man this guy looks wayy uglier without beard
implying being a racist is bad for whites.
Vargs made MYFAROG and shills it hard on /tg/. He posts so hard on /tg/ that MYFAROG posting has become a meme there
>varg, but not a literal murderer.
Even fucking plato said that democracy is bad.
>Plato is brainlet
>He thinks the elite will serve him
>He thinks the elite will be him
Well the elites in modern democracy certainly don't and certainly aren't. Funny because all these apply to democracy just as much as they do to almost any other form of governing. Only in democracy people actually think they have as much power as the elites and that even if they don't they'd still serve him because he voted for them so they must, right? Literally lmaoing at your democracy
Absolute cringe
the biggest redpill to date
>he thinks democracy serves him
Democracy serves the elite, it just gives you the illusion of power, which is worse than having none at all.
He was practically a Virgin Walk next to the Chad Socrates.
Long way from home, eh rabbi?
>talking about degeneracy
This was a cool read.
sounds like a dream
Long way from middle-East, Christian? Go back there and never come back.
And all memes aside you're literally part of a Jewish religion. The very same as any rabbi. Christian history of discriminating against Jews doesn't mean anything. The religion is still the same. Christians can't even live peacefully amongst one another. Them hating orthodox Jews doesn't make them any less Judaistic despite being a different sect.
>arab worshipper
>giving Europeans advice on anything
>being anything but pagan in 2018
Please.. you're at least atheists, aren't you..?
Jewish noses are long, crooked and the nosetip points downwards.
TGO's is absolutely not that lmao
My main god is Freij/Freija/Freijr, partly because I'm trying to make agricultural/permacultural gainz currently
Him being at that parade was literally him dancing around pretty women, and being on that parade itself was according to him what made him start turning against LGBTQ-movement because of the degeneracy present.
How do I stop being Alt-Right? My beliefs make it difficult to be happy in this society. I wish I was a leftist.
>using the current pope, who most christians consider a heretic to prove anything
go carve squiggly lines into rocks you fucking uncivilised savage and cry when you compare them to real art
the only good pagans were Romans, northern barbars we're shit till the end
>worship a Jewish saviour and deity
>Calls himself pro white
Pretty embarrassing desu senpai
>* actions
I'm so glad I don't have a brother to mog me
Honestly your brother mogging you is not an issue unless he's like a for taller than you.
Regression towards the mean so tgo is likely to have chad af sons
If you really want to cuck yourself you could impregnate a colored woman. A brown baby will make you start to rationalize being a beta leftist. The mind is a funny thing.
Typical Jewish diversion tactics.
We know your scheme.
Never taken advice from a Jew, never will. Civilization is cancer and breeds only weak, stupid men like you. Barbarism is the ultimate state of mankind and will always triumph in the end. Enjoy your life in the city surrounded with homos and other degeneracy, larping as citizen of the holy roman empire or whatever you choose to delude yourself with. I'll be over here on my cozy farmhouse with my 10 children and beautiful aryan wife.
Typical signs of insanity and emotional underdevelopement
>tfw race mixed americans with 30% Jew blood in all likelyhood call your Nordic-Finnic ass Jewish on an online indian basket weaving forum
I love this sub-reddit
>Enjoy your life in the city surrounded with homos and other degeneracy, larping as citizen of the holy roman empire or whatever you choose to delude yourself with
>delude yourself
>meanwhile he posts
>I'll be over here on my cozy farmhouse with my 10 children and beautiful aryan wife.
You can delude yourself all you want, but you are actually going extinct, we're not, we've been trough this before many times
have fun getting replaced sven, at least you still have your forrest fairies or whatever you call them