Why do you lift, Jow Forums?

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Hoping that getting fit will motivate me to improve other aspects of my life as well.

Fuck off with your faggot shit

I lift for America.

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Post more OP.

Nigga you gay.

But I lift so I won't die of a heart attack at 35 years old. I am more than likely going to die alone because I'm pure garbage imo. But that doesn't mean I should die early. I'll do what I want when I want. Hobbies and things I can throw my money at till I stop breathing.

Stay mad, straightfag. Thanks for the bump.

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I’m a wrestler, and lifting helps big time when technique isnt enough.

Also boys.

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>no beard, no man
pedos detected

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>wanting someone who looks just like you
shit taste

Because I used to be obese and wouldn’t even get a first glance from women. My wife doesn’t care that I’ve lost a ton of weight and can see my abs now. So I look for attention from whores, thots, and sluts.

For my FtM boyfriend. Thanks Obama.

>posts an op pic with identical looking twinks

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ya got any more of this guy

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yo senpai... u know i got your back

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thanks, definitely going in the motivation folder.

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They're probably "friends"

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sage and hide

die faggots die


Holy shit.

1. so u can post pictures of my muscles for shitposting
3mwn :)
4. Jesus christ my lord and savior

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Great minds think alike

Dat hivemind

>having any facial hair whatsoever
In the trash.

Twinkpucci best pucci.

You should train to become the man on the left

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fucking BASED my fellow AMERICAN

Lmfao this pic is fucking gold.

Sides = obliterated.

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What kind of weight do i need to deadlift to purchase pic related as my bf?

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Certainly not for some disgustingly dyel emofag.

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Have this edit i made.

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Make one with 30 y/o boomer pls.

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Not OP, but i wanna post this anyways.

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Nice physique. Shame he looks like an 80 IQ country boy with a retarded hat and bad facial hair

You really must be gay to be unironically attracted to that. I will never understand it.

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Need this in my life right now.

Bout 3 fiddy.

>tfw no sexy silly douchey gymbf to mock

Repulsive truly
Boys shouldn't be allowed to stay dyel.

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A merchant edit would be nice.

Who is this semen demon?

Is this realtea?

I lift to achieve pic related

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More pics from this angle?

Homosexuals get out of here! This is a Christian board!

>not being at least bi in the current year
30 year old boomer detected.

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You really must be gay to have old pictures of Farrah Moan saved.
You know that's a drag queen, right?

I don't even know who that is, but you do. Really gets my noggin joggin.

Now this is a reason to lift.

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damn gay people get real intimate when they kiss

>every time

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Because roasties are unloveable. I can't imagine having to pretend to care about them and their petty drama just to get laid. Being straight is a curse.

>being this much of a low test faggot

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>being called "low test" by a powerbottom who unironically worships wookie-tier Chads

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Unironically to become a thicc husbando. Pic related

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I want a nice bf that treats me like a girl.


Fuck off with this faggot shit

>tfw too smart to fuck roasties

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ya'll faggots need Jesus

Why is Jow Forums so gay today? Is it a discord raid?

Friendly reminder to sage and hide spam threads

I have a feeling it's a tactic used to discourage the Rome/America/Hitler/waifu posters from posting because the thread is weak and prone to janitor deletion at any moment.

Everyone's favorite diver

Forgot pic

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Literally 80% of this board is gay or bisexual. Having sex with other men increases T you straight faggot

>tactic used to discourage the Rome/America/Hitler/waifu posters from posting


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>Source:My torn ass

Explain their absence then.
Your thread is literally too gay.

You and everyone else are more than welcome to post whatever you want. I don't have to explain anything, you paranoid brainlet.

>hurr it's not my fault I'm a huge flaming faggot
You see, the thing is that anybody can create a new thread.
When a new "why do you lift" thread appears that isn't super gay then everybody will flock to it.

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>hurr le Jow Forums is gay
Only ironically.
Which is why unironic fags like (You) get the impression that you're welcome here.

Looooool what????

Right, I'm sure Jow Forums "ironically" has gay porn stored on their computers. Do you have any idea how retarded you are? This has to be trolling.

I lift so that I can be violent when I want to.
I lift so that I can lift a man off of the ground with one hand wrapped around his neck.
I lift so no one can cuck me because I am insecure.
I lift so I am less weak.
But I feel like lifting is simply a form of coping for me.
I may be physically strong, but I will never have the self confidence to be a real man.
God help me.

Stay in denial.
No skin off my back.

>this level of projection and mental acrobatics

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>no matter how much I post, I still want dicks in my ass
Heaven forbid you find more anons who disagree with you user.

>thinks he's proving a point

Why don't you ask yourself why you keep coming back to a thread, arguing about nothing, where if anyone irl peeked over your shoulder, they would assume you like to get your anus pounded? Riddle me that, you delusional, coping dunce?

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I don't care about your thread.
Stop trying to insinuate my motives, I only want to make you feel like the degenerate you are.

I know I'm a degenerate, you imbecile. What's your step 2?

Post in other threads and let yours die.

>he's still in the thread when he can just hide it and move on with his life

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So this is what it all boils down to, and coming from the guy who's been bumping this thread to page 1 constantly for the last hour. Well played, bucko.

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i just want a cure twink bf to love

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post more men hahahahaha

is bearmode just an excuse fat people use?

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god they are so cute

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god they look so happy, wish that were me

i want this

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to get a gf