Imagine if the AVERAGE person could bench 315 plus for reps or run 100 meters in 11-12 seconds. Pic related is the product of first generation selective breeding. He
>Benches 315 for reps
>Is a 5 star Highschool Football Wide Receiver
>Will be going to UCS to play football and will probably make millions in the NFL within 5 years
>Regularly got 4.0 GPAs in Highschool because his German mother was militaristic with his education
>Can speak German, English, and French
Imagine if he continued his father's work and had children with an elite female sprinter of powerlifter.
Why don't any First World Countries encourage eugenics among their population?
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First generation eugenics does not involve making a nigger
His dad was a fomer bodybuilder in the 80's and was a two time Mr. Universe and one time Mr. World. He married a tall, smart, and beautiful German women and produced three top tier athlete son's, the youngest of which is OP pic.
It does if you want raw athletic ability Mr. Salty. :3
Unless you're JJ Watt or Rob Gronkowski.
Because the Nazi's enforcement of eugenics ruined it for everyone because they thought hitler did something wrong.
>unaligned abdominals
post body and mog him, then.
athletes are self selecting mates due to proximity and social stratification
Let me see your perfect aryan symmetrical physique.
>olympic villages
eugenics is the art of producing a ultimate chad that is the best at everything
>nappy dark african hair- most people prefer straight light hair
>outie belly button
>slightly protruding forehead
>dark skin- most people prefer light skin
>dark eyes- most people prefer light eyes
>bulbous african nose- most people prefer a "roman" straight long nose
>right pectoral muscle slightly deformed
>good strong jaw tho
>good big lips too
>acne scars on his face and torso or pigment discoloration
>chiclet teeth
>visible body fat
pic related is far from aryan and looks like a less than average nig, any other nig can def. mog him ez
disgusting fucking nigger
what are roids for 200$ jesse
take a pic with body facing forward and with timestamp, otherwise mirin pec insertions and traps
Like I said first generation. Pretty sure if he just fugged white women and so did his kids, by the fourth generation no black genes would be as prominent, except the strength and muscle structure. But when I say eugenics I mean branching out and getting the best possible genes out there. If you have a daughter make her date rape the strongest guy on the football team and then raise the resulting offspring and encourage it to breed with fastest track girl.
this could be very beneficial if it was also combined with dna editing to ensure that hereditary diseases are eliminated and to add genetics for the best muscle building or longer endurance
>implying roids can fix all the rest of his problems and turn him into the next evolution of mankind
Literally for no fucking reason. Everytime I advocate for eugenics people think I want to kill babies. They have no idea what eugenics actually is, and have no idea how much it has advanced (IVF, buying eggs/sperm from a top specimen).
Did you just get a tattoo?
Post body and mog him, then.
>elite female powerlifter
How about if he had children with an actual athlete?
That's why I mention sprinter brainlet. Don't let your genes corrupt the pool.
If we had a eugenics program this guy wouldn't have been born, if you catch my drift.
Dumb fat people would have to admit theyre inferior to smart athletic people
I want to see what his mother looked like
>>Can speak German, English, and French
somehow this is impressive to americans
Far right
the chinks are already doing this, but with intelligence. they obviously have zero ethical qualms about it.
imagine adding ~10 IQ across the board to your country's population within a couple of generations. we're fucked.
whats the point of athletic ability when they still look like fucking abominations? its disgusting
Is a man supposed to look like a model?
People view eugenics the same way most see of nuclear energy: outdated, unjustified moral panic. True, back then eugenics often involved killing the ones who were a burden to society with historical records dating back to Ancient Sparta. But now technology has advanced to the point that society can just sterilize the ones who we know are just unfit to survive in the modern age, or humanity can utilize IVF to choose the best, most healthy and mentally capable offspring of a given couple.
We no longer have to utilize barbaric methods that involved mass slaughter of the masses when technology has advanced to the point that we can simply choose the fate of the next generation pretty accurately via genetic diagnosis. Right now we can only select superficial traits like eye color, screening out certain diseases, and gender, but soon height, facial features, and even intelligence will be a feasible option. And we should embrace this technology that is able to predict these gene-markers.
When the Americans start talking about Eugenics in this thread.
All of you would be aborted.
You have no clue what you are talking about.
>By the fourth generation no black genes would be prominent.
no, but i'd rather live with a bunch of average white people than a race of superhuman abominations
That's simply cause you never saw what black people in America were like before rap and hip hop culture became a thing. They dressed and wanted to be like you guys but you just sprayed them water hoses and flooded their neighborhoods with drugs.
So you're volunteering to not have children?
It was the jews you dipshit.
what does that have to do with racemixing? all mixed humans are fucking disgusting, separate races are good
>we dindu nuffin we wuz tryin 2 b frens wit dem blaks it wad all schlomo we wuz gettin dem programs!
ok cleetus
Actually black people with rap ar much better than white people with lazyness, fatness and their powerlifting.
Rap culture rocks.
White english culture sucks.
The only good anglo is a dead Anglo.
i'd like to see your kid be so successful. stop talking shit, Jow Forums
because selecting on purely physical capabilities would result in generations of brainlets who in their turn wouldn't be able to understand basic genetics and thus aren't capable of eugenics. it would be much preferable to select on general health instead (killing anyone who needs glasses, any form of medications, hereditary issues even if said issues aren't turned "on" aka recessive gens).
also guy has a really weird looking asian face somehow. just wanted to put that out there
Then why even mention powerlifter, retard. Also learn what punctuation is before calling someone a brainlet lol.
even the mainstream rappers like lil' jon are starting to diss the whole rap culture
I never desired marriage, let alone fostered an interest in procreation. However, even if I wanted viable offspring, if I had genetic-markers with predispositions to violent behavior, incurable genetic diseases, low IQ, or some inheritable burden to society that could not be prevented by IVF or cured by modern medicine, such as gene therapy, I would not have children that would inherit those problems.
I would follow the example of my maternal uncle after he discovered he had a inheritable heart condition that he knew would only burden his potential offspring, so he elected never to have any. He perished in his late 40s, but he never had any regrets because his heart condition died with him instead of outliving him through his children.
I forgot to mention he went to one of the best private schools in America and regularly got a 4.0 GPA. That's not because he was born intelligent but because his mom made him study as much as his did made him workout. Intelligence can be trained, but I understand your concerns.
So why bring up powerlifters then?
yeah, i wonder why...
If a woman is ever able to bench 225+ without steroids or gaining a ton of fat, I think she'd have pretty good genetics for strength, wouldn't you?
>Rap culture
>Intelligence can be trained
i actually do agree with this. but if his parents were so great and raised him so well, why the hell do they let him enter the NFL. we all know that the NFL is a death sentence for the last few IQ points you might have left after playing american football during your youth/puberty, you know that period of your life where especially your brain is still developing and where small injuries can fuck you up for life.
i mean if he went to private school im pretty sure his parents can also afford to put him through university.
You just described a unicorn. There is no woman on Earth who can bench 225 without gear or getting fat. You can have one or the other, but not both. Women have 80% less muscle mass in their upper bodies compared to men.
When they were kids they told their dad they wanted to be football players so he did everything possible to allow that to happen? He also hopes the family owns an NFL team one day, so he's banking on his kids being top tier NFL receivers and getting hundred of millions.
Also he probably got a scholarship to play football at that private school.
Fine, Olympic Weightlifter. If a woman is able to be at the minimum a national championship, I'm sure if she had kids with a strong man her kids could probably make it to the Olympics.
The ipf record in my country for women bench in the -72kg class is 125kg
Cope harder benchlet
>superficial trait
The biggest objection is the danger of empowering the state to decide who gets to breed or not.
eugenics used to be the norm 100 years ago. however, our popular elected republics made this impossible. why? because the stupid, the lazy, the ugly, the worthless greatly outnumber the productive and smart
jesus h Christ
only in america
What are you talking about? Their mom is German and only speaks to them in German. Their as European as you man.
Genetics are pretty random anyways
Based and redpilled
hey man Im not gonna argue and piss you off on independence day but we all know America has long fallen from its glory days
fuck the yanks
sounds nice but is it really worth becoming demented at the age of 40
though media is pressing PC in all heads here, too, niggers are yet be seen as real Europeans or Germans. perhaps most people won't openly admit it, but he wouldn't be perceived as European or German here. he's a shitskin and he will stay one and eventually his nigger genes will lead him into doing stupid shit and ruining everything for him.
t. German
Also: Heil
Only time will tell if they actually suffer life altering injuries. Hopefully they don't though.
There pretty smart and cool headed. They might follow some American black culture trends but they still regularly visit their German family members.
Why is fit so fucking racist? Has the pol invasion ruined this whole site?
You know (((why)))
>DYEL OP talking about benching "315lb for reps" liks it's an amazing feat of strength GDEs can't accomplish
Post vid of you benching 315 at 16 faggot.
Hitler ruined it for everyone
I'll post a video of me fucking your mum lmao
Ha. Got me there friend.
>Imagine if the AVERAGE person could bench 315 plus for reps or run 100 meters in 11-12 seconds.
For what purpose? The average person would then use a lot more resources to keep his physique well fed. Those attributes are also useless in modern society.
Do you just want to make your pathetic gym accomplishments even more pathetic by moving the bar of what is average past your own capabilities?
Who dis 4?
I want a race of Joseph G. Newton's. Extremely smart and Jow Forums, minus the sociopathic tendencies.
hehe i said it again ma hehe they're gonna get so madd ~