I eat Liver with Onions and Mushrooms every single day

I eat Liver with Onions and Mushrooms every single day.
Why don't you?

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How do you season and prepare it

The times ive tried making liver it came out like shit

Cayenne, paprika, salt, pepper, pan sear and then broil a bit.

Because eating meat is incompatible with being ethical.

I want to live past being a 25 year old boomer

>being ethical

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>giving a fuck about animals

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Organ meat meme?

What about the total destruction of environmental systems in order to attain the land necessary to cater to all the crops for vegans and vegetarians? You're still killing animals, just indirectly. Life consumes life, user, you can't escape it.

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You don't actually understand life

I haven't had liver and onions since I worked in an old folks home years ago. Doug had me believe it was gross but that shit was breddy gud.

ive never tried it with mushrooms

with onions and lots of fat its great
potato puree as side and some salad


Except the meat industry is the biggest polluter of all you fucking dunce

Liver has a shit load of toxins so I wouldn't eat it more than once a week. Treat it like fish basically.

Can't find liver in my poshy progressive town :(

Two wrong's don't make a right, user. If the meat industry was totally eradicated and replaced with that needed for a vegetarian diet, you would need even more land than whats already used in order to compensate for the lack of nutritional density. You can act high and mighty all you want, but at the end of the day the cost to feed so many humans is going to be animals, whether they're feeding us directly or dying due to lack of habitat.

If you purged most of humanity though, it could work.

you sir, are correct. It's a breath of fresh air

To add, there's also the fertiliser and pesticide element. So not only would it rape the land to get space for the crops, it would also leak and ruin those around it.

I don't think this is true. It's not a filter per say. I think it's the fat that actually stores toxins.

Not him but the only problem with eating too much liver is that it contains a lot of vitamins and general minerals, eating a lot can lead to levels in your body being too high. Not a huge deal but a few of them can have long term issues.

>Not a huge deal but a few of them can have long term issues.
Like what ?

Yup especially copper, too much causes dementia

retinol for instance will lead to dry skin and an enlarged liver, but its the same with anything really, too much water will fuck you up too. you need to find a balance in all things.

Erectile dysfunction from the mix with the high vitamins from the liver and the flavonoids from the mushrooms.

I recommend you to drink a lot of water and never eat liver with mushrooms again.

Which animal's liver is the best?
Chicken, beef or pork?

They're just animals, faggot.

lol yall retards arguing about ethics and shit while this silly nigga op is working towards hypervitaminosis A

All the enormous quantitiy of food that's produced for animal feed is already sprayed on with pesticides.

Just one cow liver puts you at over 3000% of copper RDA

and copper toxicity which is far more dangerous

1 cow liver is fucking huge.

a full one puts you at 5000% to be price

100g of cow liver puts you at 2000%

There is really no such thing as "ethics" or even an absolute morality for that matter.

why stop at 1, eat all livers

too expensive and difficult to make

otherwise I too would eat this goat food every day. without burning the onions though. gotta eat them raw to acquire the test boost

Dude liver is insanely cheap wtf you talking about


i get my liver, kidneys hearts and bones for their marrow for free from my butcher, literally no one else buys it
i eat all that shit

well I live in shitzerland everything is expensive as hell here and I have never seen cheap liver in a grocery. finding liver at all is near impossible

good idea I will try that. I never go to a butcher though so I dont have any relationship with any. they treat you 100 times better if you know them well

100g of beef liver contains 11mg of copper.
the tolerable upper intake is 10mg per day.
meat also contains a good amount of zinc, which balances copper intake.

start shopping there weekly

this. several nutrients compete with each other for absorbtion. for example zinc and magnesium and I assume copper as well. there's a limit to how much you can absorb so eating too much should not be an issue because you will just shit it out. the only issue is if the balance is off, for example a ton of zinc and copper, your body will have a magnesium deficit which especially for lifters can be detrimental due to cramps and so on

isnt butcher more expensive tho? I always go to discounter and buy only the cheapest stuff. my budget is tight

livers have a shit ton of vitamin a , you'd overdose if you eat too much

add some leafy green to it pls

> not adding mashed potatoes, gravy and bacon to the meal
Come on

buy cheap bulk sausages


sausages contain a lot of salt. thats shit

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define tolerable
this is just from 100g of liver
check the imbalanced mineral content too, liver is a shit food.

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Dietary Reference Intakes (DRIs): Tolerable Upper Intake Levels, Elements
Food and Nutrition Board, Institute of Medicine, National Academies
"NOTE: A Tolerable Upper Intake Level (UL) is the highest level of daily nutrient intake that is likely to pose no risk of adverse health effects to almost all individuals in the general population."

>Dietary reference intake of copper in adult males
>700 micrograms
>100g of beef liver has ove 15000 micrograms
wow wtf I love liver now
>daily upper intake level(which btw is NEVER recommended to be that high, but only as an estimation of what's a "safe" upper limit that is not actually proven to be safe long term, is 10000 micrograms
>100g of beef liver has well over that

huh, ok

Ok idiot.

All the vegan food is produced on farms where every fucking animal that enters the farm that isn't the farmer's fucking pet is fucking killed.


Devour to survive so it is so it always is.

I eat Brussels pate daily. Good shit. Cheap. Nutritious.

Yes and it means the bigger smarter things get to use the dumber smaller things now fuck off

>Treat it like fish
Only certain fish, it depends where on the food chain they are.
Tuna for example, high mercury.
Sardines, almost none.
Although, the mercury in tuna doesn't typically cause problems.

I don't like mushrooms. Their texture bothers me.
Never tried liver. Onions are nice though.

Eating plants causes less environmental harm even before factoring in butchering, transport and keeping of meat products because you end up feeding more plants to animals to eat those animals than you do eating plants yourself.

Your meme is dumb and you are dumb.
>Although, the mercury in tuna doesn't typically cause problems.
Yeah it's magical special mercury :^)

is it safe to it liver all days? i want to bulk with liver because is cheap af in my country.

>bulking with liver
Lmfao "never gonna make it" really isn't just a meme for some of you, it's fate.

You should probably unironically kill yourself, you wouldn't want to risk stepping on a bug sometime this week - forfeiting your moral high ground.
You not being alive would be the best option for minimizing animal harm.

You should add garlic to it

>minimizing animal harm
>uses the term minimizing but gets it confused with eradicating
Brainlets trying to act smart are the funniest but also the worst.

>uses the term minimizing but gets it confused with eradicating
Killing yourself does not eradicate animal harm as it doesn't undo animal harm you've already caused, it just minimizes it by removing any responsibility you have over the harm suffered by animals in the future.
Good to see that your B12 deficiency has made you brain-dead to the point of not understanding simple language though.

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i get my macros fine with what i eat usually, but im always open for a cheaper way to do it.

>Killing yourself does not eradicate animal harm as it doesn't undo animal harm you've already caused, it just minimizes it by removing any responsibility you have over the harm suffered by animals in the future
Oof, anime fag doubles down on trying to be smart. The problem here is we are talking about the harm I do otherwise the solution of killing myself would be pointless because it does little overall to reducing the suffering of animals.

> by removing any responsibility you have over the harm suffered by animals in the future.
You admit as such here.

Therefore by killing myself I would be eradicating all harm to animals done by me (the subject of your argument). Furthermore, veganism is a position of minimizing animal harm now and in the future, not in the past.

>Killing yourself does not eradicate animal harm as it doesn't undo animal harm you've already caused
Making this statement pointless. You should have already realised it wasn't pointless because nothing can be done about the past but in your brainlet mind you think it supports your position when it's actually completely irrelevant.

>Good to see that your B12 deficiency has made you brain-dead
Is this projection? Are you one of the 39%? I think you might be :)

Joe rogan pls

How is 1587% possible
isn’t it 0-100%

>Therefore by killing myself I would be eradicating all harm to animals done by me
I'm guessing English isn't your first language, because that isn't what the word eradicate means. All harm you've done to animals isn't magically gone when you inevitably decide to gag on a clorox popsicle when you learn your boyfriend's cheating on you.
Posting more anime just for you, faggot.

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i prefer them with fava beans and a nice chianti

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Reminder to ignore and report vegan posters

I think you shouldn't eat liver too often as it can contain harmful substances.

Why would there be livestock where corn is grown? Have you ever stepped out of the city you retard?

if you got the space aquaponics and a greenhouse beside it give you w/e you want fish wise with no heavy metal contam. Once I make it with crypto thats what Im going to build.

Gotta get this fuckin Skyminer built though. Cunts a cunt

Read his post over again, I think you misunderstood

>eating an organ whose soul purpose is to process all of the garbage and toxins out of filthy diseased farm animals 24/7

sounds gross

Census takers don’t knock on my door everyday.

>"All the vegan food is produced on farms where every fucking animal that enters the farm that isn't the farmer's fucking pet is fucking killed."

Vitamin A overdose, it killed a ton of cavemen. It’ll kill you too.

>Actually caring about this

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mutt detected

>All harm you've done to animals isn't magically gone
>Furthermore, veganism is a position of minimizing animal harm now and in the future, not in the past.
Brainlet tries to play semantics; loses.

At least eating your mama's pussy is ethical

How can you be this stupid

Uh oh, the vegan's got reading problems.
Not surprising, but still sad.

>when the retard has problems with logic
You can keep projecting your reading comp issues but it's not going to work. You're the type of kid who was always told he was smart because he was a nerd but doesn't handle losing debates well because of it. You shouldn't base your worth on false platitudes

You realize we have to clear land to grow crops to feed livestock right?

>claims projection
>You're the type of kid who was always told he was smart because he was a nerd but doesn't handle losing debates well because of it. You shouldn't base your worth on false platitudes
Not only did you project, but you projected the fact that you're projecting. I'm actually impressed.

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>gets blown out all thread
>comes back with no u
You're really on your last legs here.


That was textbook projection, friendo. You can call it a "no u" if it makes you feel better but that post was really unfortunate and ironic no matter how you look at it.


>btfo nerd all thread
>share some home truths with him
>suddenly he thinks i'm defensive due to ???
Is this another situation where you're saying things without fully understanding their meaning? Because you think you're smart but aren't?

>Is this another situation where you're saying things without fully understanding their meaning?
You're doing it again, kek

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>another no u
Projection requires me to be putting my feelings onto you. How could I feel inferior if you've gotten btfo each time you post? I won't make you feel any worse though because this is your third no u in a row. Develop your personality and maybe start lifting or something Good luck

That one wasn't a no u at all, you've definitely gone off the deep end. You're reaching harder than Michael Jordan at the end of Space Jam.
Glad you're done shitposting though.

>You're reaching harder than Michael Jordan at the end of Space Jam.
The only good thing you've said all thread though probably stolen from someone else better than you.

>liver and onions

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