/run/-Running General

Go run. Running works out the most important muscle.

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Did 9k today and yesterday. The day before that i did a 5k. Feels good getting back in the groove. Damn i love running shirtless in the summerair blasting fullon psytrance and feel the clouds under my feet!

been running for a few months.
done two 5k races since, ran a 21:23 on the first one, and a 20:58 on 2nd one.
My issue with increasing my time is I can't catch my fucking breath.
I feel like my legs could go much faster than my oxygen intake is allowing.
During the races I didn't get any sort of burn in my muscles, but I couldn't push myself to go faster because my breathing was maxed out it felt like.

how do I improve this?

Lifting I have to do. Running I want to do.

Already ran 7k today, bruv.

Buy nose strips to allow more oxygen in through the nose. You can thank me later.

Interval sprinting today, just did 2.5km of it.

How do they work?

how do you guys keep motivated?
I've been lifting for years now and I always try to add some cardio to my routine and stop after a couple of months although I see results in lifting and boxing

started doing 5k runs every week

explain this shit and help me out

>1st run set PB without a steady pace because im a noob who couldn't judge the distance ended up running out of breath and walking for parts
>2nd run is 2 mins slower than PB with same dodgy method
>3rd run ive cracked it and worked out a steady pace and is is pretty much the same time as 2nd run, never ran out of breath or stopped to walk this time
>4th run go steady for half of it then just start using the dodgy method ending up walking some parts but shave off 2 minutes from the PB set on 1st run

Lean to enjoy the suffering, because the pain means more gains, that's how I cope anyway.
Have you done any long distance running before? It's usually a bad idea to jump straight into 5k because you probably won't have the endurance to not feel like dying every time which kills your motivation and causes you to fail.
Yeah you can just power through it if you have sufficient discipline but it's always better to have higher physical reserves too as well as mental ones. Try pic related, once you can go for 30 mins at a good pace it's a hell of a lot easier getting more distance in.

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I fucked that anime girl in the game

How long should the bursts be I sprint for?

What works for me is deep controlled abdominal breathing, all the way in all the way out using your belly and diaphragm instead of your chest, through flared nostrils and gritted teeth (never open jaw).
It feels wrong as fuck at first because it's slower than normal but it's a hell of a lot more refreshing.
Folks tend to give up real quick when you throw their jokes back on them.

start biking lol

don't run if you are just wanting to do cardio.
While it's great to be able to run, for social and practical reasons, it's not the most efficient way of increasing your cardio health.
stationary bikes, rowing machines, stair climbers, jump rope, etc are all much easier forms of cardio.
don't take this as me saying running is bad, I run 40 miles a week typically, but I run solely because I like running. I never even think about it as being cardio. It's just a hobby of mine

>tfw ran 12.14km in 56:40 the other day
how good did I do? I couldn't run a full hour though

Distance is alright but the fact you gave up not so much.
Consider it a milestone to overcome, next time you get to it you'll know it's only 300 more seconds, carry that calf.
I just like the idea that if there ever is a zombie apocalypse I can comfortably jog into the sunset.

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if zombieland ever happens, we will be safe.
I can pretty much run indefinitely if I keep it at an 845-9 minute mile.
I'm sure something would eventually give out but I've never done an ultra or anything so I've never found out

The adrenaline rush from fleeing lethal predators would probably be enough to send any reasonably fit runner over a few county lines, all they have to do is not be the slowest!

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thank God there are so many fatties in America to keep the zombies busy/full while fit people get to safety

You’ll just have to wait for your oxygen capacity to catch up to your speed

Can I add muscle mass while also running? I'm thinking about running a few 5ks this year once every other week or so. But, I want to train with shorter distances so I don't lose too much muscle.

of course you can, but you won't run as fast as you otherwise would.
Also just so you know, the best 5k runners put in 50-100 miles per week.
Despite it being on the shorter end, 5k is an endurance event.

I tried weight lifting but it is was always a chore. Sometimes I don't have the motivation to run. Though I can never say I didn't feel 100000% better after a run.

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Bought a 20kg weight vest for running gains

>my mind and body can keep running
>my lungs cant
feels bad man. think i'll pick up a jump rope, i've started to enjoy running. also, how do you guys track your run? i used to run with my phone in my hand but i want a cheap smartwatch, currently eyeing the xiaomi miband 3 for the pedometer, pulse monitor etc

I would just just do interval training. Do sprints one day and longer distance and other days. If your running form is off having more weight is going to make the chance of injury greater plus more impact to your knees.

Relax your breathing. It still happens to me every run that my brains tells my body that I'm tired when I'm not. I notice I start to breath heavy after a few minutes. I remind myself to relax and keep an even breathing with 2 seconds in/out.
I just use a regular watch. I pick a route. Run it a couple times and then get familiar with the route and time it takes me to get to a certain point. I stopped worrying so much about time and just enjoying running around town.

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