What's the point of lifting if girls don't even care about muscles?

What's the point of lifting if girls don't even care about muscles?

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that's a 14 year old child

wow so girls are pedos?

>rich skinnyfat attracts other rich skinnyfats
A bloo bloo

I'll let you in on the real secret

they dont care about looks either

or personality

they only care if you're black or act like a wigger faggot. women only care about modern black culture

To become a big guy.

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women only care about 30 year old boomers *sips*

You're in it for the wrong reasons if you're doing it for women or anyone else for that matter.

all other things being equal, most guys prefer guys with at least some muscle and low body fat. but of course there are many other factors like money, personality, grooming, style, humor etc that matter.

also lifting is sth you do for yourself most of all.

Posture, health, perceived dominance which in turn influences self-image which in turn influences hormone ratios which in turn influences health which in turn attracts girls.

most girls of course, not most guys....

>lifting for other men
You realize how gay that sounds, right?

Oh dear. Oh dear oh dear.

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I'm doing it for myself, so I can masturbate to my reflection in the mirror. Am I gonna make it?

The one on the right is a child, the one on the left is a woman. Yay for sexual dimorphism

That's an average looking teen couple user

This guy is actually right but a 30 year old who lifts & bear mode/>10% ripped boomer >>>>>>>>>>>>> 30 year old limp dick flabby skinny fat boomer

For yourself.

lifting for other men is brotherly and manly

does it make me more manly if there is a man cumming inside me

Think about it user. You're sitting in a college classroom. The class is in some heated debate and the class nerd gives an elaborate explanation arguing for his side. But you, user, are totally jacked and are only required to say, "Hahahahahahahaha shut up nerd" - all the girls flock to you, your teacher gives you a 110% for the class, and the class nerd curses you under his breath and posts about it on Jow Forums.

>things that have never and will never happen

>girls prefer fat fuck "bearmodes" like me!

to make them wet when u flex 'em

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>doesn't it make me more like a key if a key opens me

wtf i'll just become a famous multimillionaire now