Questions that don't deserve their own thread

Is it dangerous to do military press with an ez bar? I have to snatch the weight from the ground because I don't have a rack.

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Just snatch it.

I did a mini cut for a week on keto, at a pretty big defecit. I have a blood test for testosterone and estrogen next week, and I want an accurate representation of my hormones. Is a weeks eating at maintenance of a balanced diet enough for my testosterone levels to return to normal, after the mini-cut.

How do I get a nice booty

How do you go back to working out after 4 month break? What kind of programme should you do?

i really need help gentleman, i got hit on the chest while sparring and wake up the next day with pain there which is common and i had befor, the problem is when i started doing chin ups that day i felt a sharp pain there i was able to finish the sets that day but i felt like it make the pain worse so i havent done chin ups for about a week, now it still hurts but just a bit

what should i do? do chin ups with that bit of pain? or wait till i am fully healed? i dont want to lose my lats gainz

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Kickbacks and reaaly low squats

How do I improve my memory? I forget almost everything.
> inb4 dont smoke dope
I didn´t drank or did drugs for over a year now.
Still think that might have been the cause

you should unironically go to a doctor. you got hit in the area where one of the most important organs is along with literally vital arteries.

I cant fucking squat and its pissing me off got injured and now my lower bodies weak as fuck? What can i do to get back on the saddle.

Dude, you´re a beginner, go easy on squatting.
Do Leg press firstly and only slowly start squating.
If you lack coordination, than train that at home without any wheight.
If you can do it than train legs on machines purely for the beginning, its much safer.

ah crap i forgot to add i already went to a doctor its fine my pec just got all bruised and shit, weirdly enough it hurts much more to do chin ups than bench pressing

Whats the best form of zinc?

I like eating shrimps and clams for zinc
but the best is probably regular zinc as a supplement

When I'm doing pushups the most comfortable position for me is hands shoulder width or less, and my arms and elbows practically touch my sides throughout the whole rep.

Is there something wrong with this? Would this prevent chest activation?

I have not recieved a single answer on these threads yet, but here goes

Why are my legs disproportionately fatter than the upper half of my body? How do I fix this?

Me too man, I'm skeleton but my legs are what hold the majority of my fat, which makes my upper body look even more skele. Idk how to fix

Genetics. It’s how your body prioritizes fat distribution. Bring your upper body up a bit and it won’t look that bad.

i used to have this problem nothing worked except hitting upper body hard til it was a decent size and then cut to low bodyfat and look more propotionate

The inside of my left ankle is sore, right below that bone ball thing. I think it’s a tendon but am unsure. Anybody have experience with this kind of pain?

If you feel your chest working, it’s enough. The wider you go, the more mechanical disadvantage you have. For some bodyweight exercises it’s good, but not for push ups or dips. Shoulder width or narrower is ideal and make sure you go full ROM. If they become too easy, work towards archer push ups.

Thanks homey. I make sure to lower myself till my chest hits the ground. I can do a few archer pushups with good form but my rotator cuffs seem to be pretty weak. I stopped doing lateral raises for that reason

>lift weights, pull/push up and dip
>skip leg day
>1 year later cut 1000 calories from diet

I’ve got pretty severe quadricep tendinitis in my right knee which I have been pushing through but has got to a point I think I need an extended break from squatting. I plan to continue to train everything else including hamstrings as normal.

What exercises for quads could I do that wouldn’t put too much strain on the knee and allow my tendon to heal?

Have you tried doing face pulls with a rubber band? They’re very good for shoulder health. Lateral raises are pretty trash in my opinion. If you do ohp or pike push ups / hspu they will target your lateral delts also. No need for a strange movement.

nah keep doing legs on my case i only squat like once a week but do some legs, when i got to low bodyfat i lost a good amount of size on my legs since they were so fat

So I just need to work them legs once a week just to make sure that after the cut I will stay musculous. Not worrying about becoming le leg day skipper is nice though

If you burnt 700 Calories would you add those back into your diet ie if my target is 1700 and I burned 700 calories I should add those back

No. If your target is 1700 you stay on 1700. I don’t know how you can function with so few calories but whatever.

>bulked too hard
>4 kg in 2 weeks
>pull ups im able to do went from 8 to 7
>barbell row went up

i-is this normal?
already reduced my caloric intake to avoid gaining that much fat again

So then, eat 150 or 200 g of protein is a meme? For my cut should i eat just 0.8 per lb of lean mass that means is around 120 proteins only and thats it ?

Why is my hex bar deadlift over 200lbs more than my squat ?

you arent holding up all your fat in a barbell row

What can I expect if I workout for summer only and dont follow any program? I know basics of progressive overload tho and basic rest times. not gonn bulk also

How are chicken wings for gainz? Or if possible how good?

everyone says too much protein on keto is bad, but how do you know how much is too much?

next question, how to tell how much calories is burned by lifting? Why everyone knows how much calories a 185lb/6' male burns jogging 4 miles bbut nobody can tell me how much is bburned by 5x5 squat @ 245lbs or 5x5 bench @ 205lbs etc. Is there no calculator?

last question: seated OHP vs standing, is it really such a big difference in terms of which is better/worse?

How do I get motivated to get back into lifting? I stopped due to an injury then later due to work hours and I basically lost 5 months worth of progress and now feel like absolute shit, how do you guys motivate yourselves to lift?

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Not much. It’s called fuckarounditis for a reason.
Just do some cardio and forget about keto. It’s a diet for retarded children, literally.
Standing OHP allows for some leg drive which can give you an advantage. Plus, in the real world you wont lift heavy things above your head while sitting on your sofa.

I Wana lose 10 pounds in like 30 days
Should I just starve myself and hope for the best?
Or is there a diet for that

still, this is something your doctor has to know about

I've been lifting for a little over a month and cutting 2lbs a week for 3 months, and finally my lifts are stalling.

I have already deloaded, and even just started at the beginning with some lifts since I am still brand new to to doing this. Should I just eat more and lose 1lb a week instead? I still have 20-25lbs to lose but I really did not want to be on a cut into the end of November still.

Does it matter if I track progress or can I just lift and figure that I'm making progress as long as I go to failure every set

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What is 1/2/3/4?

Candito's beginner LP has me doing 2x6 of deadlifts. I don't really feel fatigued after the first set, but my grip strength completely gives out after 1 rep of the 2nd set. What to do? Is 2x6 just stupid?

1pl8 OHP, 2pl8 bench, 3pl8 squat, 4pl8 deadlift
pl8 = 45lb, 20kg plate

slow and steady bud. reality is you're gonna have to cut slowly if you want to retain strength. reevaluate your goals and make a decision: fast cut, lose strength; slow cut, maintain strength. You could always try a recomp as well

do I have a hernia

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>next question, how to tell how much calories is burned by lifting? Why everyone knows how much calories a 185lb/6' male burns jogging 4 miles bbut nobody can tell me how much is bburned by 5x5 squat @ 245lbs or 5x5 bench @ 205lbs etc. Is there no calculator?
any other answers out there, friends?

What is a good starting weight for lifting? I tried 15/20kg (not even sure) and it was tough, I'm pretty sure some dudes were staring like "wtf is this nigga doing?"

Today I tried 10 kg and even still, I struggled to keep my arms consistant, felt wobbly and it also was tough.

Do I really have to go for 5kg or something? Looks like baby weights. Or is my form wrong?

Hip thrusts

What lift are you talking about? Also don't pay attention to other people. 90% of ppl at the gym don't know what the fuck they're doing, even if they look like they do

Anyone still talking about the ECA stack for cutting in the US? how do you get ephedrine?

not fbi i promise

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pretty terrible. so much fat and the sauces... chicken nuggets however... and from chick fil a in particular, are good ratio

rip your GI tract though

just remember... you can force yourself to go to the gym and get one more workout, but the risk is that you tear something and then you'll be out for weeks maybe months. might as well give yourself some rest to ensure you'll be able to lift for the years to come. cheers

Arm curl? I think.

memory is a muscle. there are books about how to memorize things (tricks and such) but that's not important. If you want to remember things, force yourself to remember things. Do you know all your credit card numbers + security codes? your closest friends' & family's phone numbers? all the states and their capitals? etc.

I have no idea what you look like what your base is/was. Typically though, it's better to start lighter and progress every workout or every week. aim for like 3-4 sets of 8 for curls. If you meet that goal, increase the weight. Start with a weight lighter than what you can handle so you can get the form down first.

I am basically already doing a body re-composition, but I think I am just going to have to face the facts and cut down to one pound a week. November really isn't that far away, beside the goal is to look good for next summer.

Hey guys trying to turn my life around. I got a new job and moved to a new city. I lost 25-30lbs from a waterfast and am starting a lean bulk. Should I incorporate running into my routine if I'm primarily concerned with aesthetics?

Also how to/where to meet girls? I don't have have any friends and I don't know how act at a bar if I'm by myself. Do I just go up and talk to them? How come no one taught me how to talk to girls?

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I suck at barbell rows. Are one handed dumbbell rows just as effective?

the meeting girls thing is an everlasting struggle. In my life I have had the best success through hobbies. It's super lame if you don't have anything you won't hate... if you're part of some nationality going to the culture center is something... i started salsa dancing recently and have met some girls that way... it's slow. and then there's tinder, of course :)

can you not come on here and ask questions you already know the answer to...

if you do the form right and progress it's all the same, especially if you're a beginner

Yeah it's a real struggle and it's got me down. Tinder is not working well only made 4 matches in 6months all turned out to be obese. I don't think I have cultural center or a culture

your tinder profile should really be something you experiment with. i've found that small changes can make a big difference. If you haven't read on types of pictures you should have and things like that, I highly recommend it. also make sure a girl you know reads your profile so you don't sound like a creep or serial baby rapist

You guys think PHAT is a decent program to run for a guy with stats like 0.5/1/1.5/2.
I'm trying to fill out my loose skin from losing weight too so how much you think I should be eating? Like maintenance + 300 calories or something?

Do you live in bumfuck nowhere

Near Mississippi coast
Ive read the rules for pics but I'll read up on some more. I don't have a pet or a recent group picture. I'm kinda bummed about that.

Not a question, just a rant. I'm new to lifting.

>know nothing about lifting
>hire personal trainer
>shows me the exercises and corrects my form on squat and deadlift, but says my bench press is good as is
>"guess I'm just a natural at it"
>wonder why my wrists and shoulder are sore and my gains are pathetic
>watch YouTube videos on proper bench press form

I was making every horrible mistake that someone could make during a bench press and my trainer had jack shit to say about it. Holy crap, I could have been seriously injured. I'm so glad I decided to do some of my own research. It seems like any sperm sandwich of a human being can be a personal trainer.

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Unironically foam roll your whole quads, it worked wonders for me

How big of a difference is there between sumo deadlift and conventional? I've been doing sumo from the start just because its more comfortable and it doesn't make my back hurt.


I've spent most of today drinking beer, eating steak, and generally celebrating freedom.

How fucked is my workout going to be?

what's the name of that one interactive website where you have sliders for height, weight, waist size, chest size, etc etc?

you could make some really fucking hilarious body types

muscle memory is real bro

get back in there

I'd say the ghost of Uncle Sam will rise up from Hell to imbune you with the power of the spirit of the mighty bald eagle - unless you're mexican

Does fapping increase of decrease test? I know looking at porn increases it but does actually cumming make that go away or no?

Should I continue masturbating if when I cum I feel like I'm cumming blood?


Probably not the best place to ask but I'll give it a shot.
I'm planning on getting a new mattress, what should I have in mind?

I'm sorta new to working out and I'm pretty comfortable choosing workouts but confused on scheduling; Is this schedule okay?

Sunday: Upper Body/Abs
Monday: Legs/Glutes
Tuesday: Cardio
Wednesday: Upper Body/Abs

Should days be more specialized? Is it bad to break two days in a row?

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Do push up good for delts?

nice try FBI

>im sorta new to working out
Then don't make your own routine. Read the sticky and use one of the beginner routines.

You're most likely gonna burn out with a schedule like that if you're just starting.
3 days a week works fine for me while doing this routine.

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How do I know if I'm doing RDL's correctly. Sometimes I feel the ham stretch and sometimes I don't


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I'm really struggling to eat more. I've been doing Stronglifts for a month and I just started tracking my meals with my fitness pal. I was shocked to see that I was only getting between 1000 and 1300 calories a day.

I'm confused because my lifts have been consistently improving and my weight stays at 160lbs.

I guess the obvious thing is to just eat more but how is it possible for me to be at this weight consistently while lifting and only getting so few calories?

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are arnold presses ok for a beginner to do? i want big as fuark shoulders

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If you're a beginner you will make gains even if you're eating like shit/training like shit.

Do lateral raises if you want big delts

Anyone ever have a toe injury before? I managed to stub my middle toe in such a way that I partially separated the nail from the skin and it hurts like hell to put pressure on. I'm looking to head back in as soon as it heals, just wondering how long that takes.

Recently got into fitness. What are the best weight machines to be able to bench more? Also how do I stabilize the bar? My form is eyes under bar, pinkie near the line and heels as far as they can go back while touching the ground.

27yr old male, 11.5% bodyfat but still have love-handles (they may not be very visible but you can definitely feel them). What percentage do they go away at?

anyone got a link to 3rd edition SS book?

If I don't use protein powder or creatine or steroids and the only source of protein I get is by eating actual food then what is the best time to eat in relation to my workout?
Should I eat before or after?
I always assumed I should eat before a workout since it takes time for the food to digest and my bloodstream to have access to the protein but this manga Jow Forums recommended says you should get protein after a workout.

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Anyone here does 5/3/1 and uses the app to track it?

How often should I go for the "X reps on 3rd set for new PR" thing that is always there?

At what bodyfat will my abs start to show? Currently around %18 and want to see them for the first time in my life

Fellas is drinking juice bad if youre on a cut?

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I've read the same. In fact it's supposed to be 15 mins for about 150 kcal of some kind of fast-metabolised sugars like fruit, juice, honey etc and then 30-40 mins for your protein.

What are some supplements that you should take that are not bullshit?

Protein powder

test and tren