/fast/ #225 Clean Your Room Edition

>What is /fast/?
Fast is a thread for the discussion of intermittent fasting, fasting, water fasting, dry fasting.

>What’s the difference between intermittent fasting, water fasting, dry fasting, etc.?
>Intermittent fasting: Fasting for a certain amount of time with a short eating window. 16:8 (16 hours fasting, 8 hour eating window) is the bare minimum.
>Water fasting: Fasting with only water.
>Dry fasting: Fasting with no water. Dangerous, use with caution.

>Why should I fast?
Read all of these, they might answer some other questions you may want to ask.

>Can I fast if I have ___?
See your doctor before fasting if you:
>Have any sort of chronic illness
Don’t fast if you:
>Have type 1 diabetes
>Are malnourished/severely underweight
>Are pregnant
>Are breastfeeding

>How do I safely do an extended fast (approx. 4-5+ days)
New snake juice recipe here ([YouTube] ALL NEW SNAKE JUICE RECIPE!
Old snake juice recipe ([YouTube] HOW TO START THE SNAKE DIET FOR DUMMIES
>2000mg of sodium (preferably Himalayan Pink Salt) max
>4700mg of saltless potassium max
Mix these in a liter of water and sip it throughout the day. The apple cider vinegar and lemon are optional.
You can also do this if you feel lightheaded, weak, dizzy, nauseous, etc., on shorter water fasts. Don’t do this while intermittent fasting.

>Won’t I go into starvation mode?
No. It only occurs at extremely low body fat (8-10%).

>Will (something with calories) break my fast?

>Can I drink coffee, tea, and diet soda? Or anything with artificial sweeteners?
Artificial sweeteners and diet soda are bad for you and may fuck up your fast. Zero calorie black coffee and tea are generally considered to be fine.

>Do I need a multivitamin?
Not really, since the fat you are burning contains most of the vitamins you need.

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Other urls found in this thread:

ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/?term=rothman 1991 liver glycogen

fasting+carnivore diet

Alright guys, fasting shrunk my fuckin stomach. I tried to pigout on some pizza and a sub sandwich. And half a sandwich fucked me up. I still finished off the 3 slices but I think I'm fuckin done for the day. I'll try to get a salad before i hop back on the fast. Goddam....

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Anons who live with their parents, how do you explain fasting to your parents and tell them that you're not killing yourself?

Tell them about the health benefits and convince them to fast too

For all fatties, here's the new /fat/ discord discord.gg/GM8uTv

sixty-six hours in and i break down and eat beet noodles fried in peanut oil with eggs and almond butter; chicken and brown rice; kefir and cherries; and some kombucha. i waas deep in ketosis too. i'm such a fat fuck. sixteen hours in again now.

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I lucked out, my parents are Christian, and actual honorable Christians, so they understand every culture has a fasting principle. I just tell them I do three day fasts and show them tons of info about it. I'm trying to get my mom to do it.

just tell them jesus did it and you are doing it for god

77 in rn and really want to break it with a juice burger and fries

They are not extremely religious

Just get back on the horse and keep riding bro. That failure is in the past learn from it and overcome it. Goku would be proud

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Grab some caffeine. That's what I just did . What's your goal?

Wouldn't lemon juice have calories?

trying to also break my caffeine addiction
im trying to go around 21 days, 60 lbs from goal weight
how about you

i just went into my kitchen and loaded up with whatever i found. i'm not going to beat myself up over it but next time i think (a) i'm going to confine myself to three or four items max, and (b) try to eat more simple carb starches rather than oily roughage.
> really want to break it with a juicy burger and fries
the carbs were what i was craving more than anything else yesterday and of what you describe the hamburger bun sounds the best ... weird. maybe i'm craving a glycogen hit? hmm.

if you go the hamburger route, maybe try to make it yourself to avoid processed fast food shit? also, you could probably replace the fries with a baked potato or something that isnt going to fuck you up with sodium.

either way, good luck.

impressive digits and thanks

the small amount suggested by Cole isn't enough of an impact.

Only have ten pounds to lose so doing IF 20 hours off 4 on. Don't stop bro I believe in you

64 hours in
Starting weight: 98.3
Current weight: 93.6

Just woke up, so feeling good right now. Was extremely hungry last night before bed, but I just ignored it and am glad I did. Getting through the first 2 days is the hardest, so just keep going.

> 5kg in almost 3 days

Water fasting or intermittent?

i just tell them that i already ate before

Absolute UNIT.

ok let's try this. 36 hours fast, followed by two weeks of 16:8 on keto. hopefully I will be under 200 by july 19. witness me, and remind me to post again.

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I will remind you skipper
Thx guys i used to be to 90 kg
Now I'm 79/80 kg
I will start lifting heavy and doing IF

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You look like overgrown baby

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No bullying :^(

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>he fell for the keto meme

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>says lobster man on a FASTING thread

I'm gonna eat tomorrow

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No you are not

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Has anyone used yohimbine hcl on a water fast? What was your experience?

But I'm hungry and I want to switch to 23:1 IF

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Water fast. From previous fasts I have learnt that I personally need the “snake juice” after day 2, so on both day 1 and 2 I was drinking regular water. Still having little hunger pangs here and there, but definitely easier today. Again, from previous fasts I have learnt that by day 5 I start to feel superhuman; really good mentally, no hunger, motivated etc

Lucky fucker. My dad was a powerlifter at the original golds gym with arnold. (Arnold was a huge asshole btw) and he has a lot of good info but is held back by boomer level misconceptions and myths.

I wanna try IF. What's the best way to get started? websites etc.

>tfw want to fast but have to eat the food before it spoils

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Don't fucking do it you nigger

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How do you guys avoid bad breath?

48 hr dry fast coming to an end. feel ike dog shit. gonna drink some electrolyte water and pass the fuck out.

Anybody else get sudden feelings of nausea followed by sneezing while on water fasts?

isn't mouthwash+flossing+paste enough for ketobreath

can I get a quick rundown about Jordan Peterson?

I finally went from 180 to 165 although I feel nothing

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Dry fasting is dumb.

Thx "doctor"

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No problem.

Water won't kill you.
Unless you drown.

Enjoy your kidney injury.

Poor fag here, is there any way to test ketisos levels in home without buying keto strips?

Breath text is notoriously inaccurate, home blood test is expensive.

Urine seems like the least shitty option.

I can’t fast because I have to train for boxing and run out of energy too quickly if I don’t eat

Fuck life

Eating doesn't give you more "energy", lmao.

No but it gives you more fuel in the tank

Actual, unironic reminder that your muscles use the sugar around your liver, and then your skeletal muscles and heart use fatty acids instead of glycogen.

Unless you are a holocaust survivor, you don't need to eat to exercice.

You have plenty of fuel in your body already.

Exercice while fasting is very beneficial. The adrenalin boost alone might help your performance.

>tfw 10 day dry fast
>kidneys are fine
Anti-dry retards are to dry fasters what "you have to eat 3 meals a day or you'll starve" retards are to water fasters.

Crossing my fingers that this post is ironic. You don't have a fucking clue, dude.

How is the internet in the afterlife?

Stop being a scientifically illiterate dummy, dude.
Like, go on the internet, dude.

Fasting is good for exercising.

Liver glycogen is depleted in a matter of a couple days of fasting. If you're exercising on an extended 3+ day fast you're just forcing your body to catabolize muscle.


Holy shit this is a good GET.

I broke my first 48 hour practice fast with chipotle. Holiday weekend and mom's cooking got me fat as a pig again and my dad's making fun of me for it so the next time I visit my parents I'm gonna be coke thin. Starting a new, fast starting four hours ago.

This discussion is about fasting in general, not about 3+ day fasting.

Also you burn about 20% protein, some of which is degraded protein, some of which is cutaneous.

memes aside, chipotle seems like a pretty decent mix of carbs/protein/fat for a refeed. also, fyi i'm the same user & back at 24 hours, which seems like nothing after the first three-day fast. i think it gets easier, user.

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24 hour is the easiest. You either have lunch if you have friends/coworkers, or have dinner if
you have a family/gf.

Compliance is a piece of cake.

ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/?term=rothman 1991 liver glycogen


Definitely does, especially when you don't psyche yourself out. Couldn't make it 24 hours a few weeks ago and last time I made it 48 hours easy. I ended it early because I didn't have magnesium or a large container for proper snek jews.

As for chipotle, it's surprisingly healthy in terms of composition other than the fucking portion size. I felt like shit just because my stomache shrank and it filled me up like one of those gigantic dragon dildos.

Also, should I be doing bodyweight exercises like pushups, pullups and squats or taking nice cardio strolls around the city while fasting?

>filled me up like one of those gigantic dragon dildos
okay i laughed

eating on omAD IS FUKcen harder than workouts zfuck

this, two crackers and a coffe and i'm already full, trying to eat some fried chicken makes me wanna puke

>not about 3+ day fasting
OMAD is more or less a standard diet on a different schedule and ADF is kind of retarded considering ghrelin doesn't begin to really taper until day 3.
But if you want I guess you're free to keep stating the obvious by saying you can exercise if you haven't eaten in 8 hours.

Why do you type like a 17 year old girl on tumblr

>do 16:8
>1 week in and already feeling more energetic, my sleeps are way better
I can't believe I didn't do this shit earlier and I'm pretty sure it's a placebo at the moment and the real shit hasn't kicked in

Maybe stop moving goalposts.
16, 24, 36 and 48 hour fasting are perfectly valid.

No one cares about ghrelin as long as insulin and leptin are elastic, which they are.

Placebo is real.

how to shit all the poopoo before a fast?

Take your food to your room and throw away or seal in lunch box and put in book bag to give to homeless because wasting food is a sin

>stop moving goalposts
Except you were the one to arbitrarily define the conversation as only relating to 16-48 hour fasting.
Maybe understand that setting invisible goalposts forfeits your right to complain about others moving them.

It would be weird af when i take food to my room all of a sudden. And i don't like wasting food either..

I'm not an expert but I'd suggest cardio cuz that would burn fat whereas other exercises would break down muscle and you wouldn't get a chance to rebuild them. Don't quote me on that though.

how 2 fast(omad) + exercise properly?

>how 2 fast(omad)
Decide on what meal you like most through the day (most people prefer dinner)
Eat only in a 1 hour period at that time
Outside of that 1 hour, consume nothing but water, unsweetened tea and black coffee

>exercise properly
Read the sticky

i mean how do i incorporate them 2gether

You just do them together. What are you asking?
Eat one meal a day. Find half an hour in your day for some cardio or resistance training. Not sure what else you're looking for.

I didn't. Since no time was specified, the conversation applied to all fasting durations, yet you pretended it only applied to long ones.

Don't be a brainlet.

do i workout before or after eating

What the hell is a juice burger?

Cmon, I wanna hear some Arnie stories

Stupid namefag

tomorrow is my birthday and it will be one year left before im finally start teh jooos
how much does a full cycle cost if your just do test + pct - 100€?
looked it up yesterday and it wasnt as expensive as you guys say

Tongue cleaner/floss/brush apply peppermint, lemon or eucalyptus oil, in place of mouth wash. Listerine kills good bacteria and dries out your mouth. So your breath smells bad again in under an hour.

To be honest I don't know how long the peppermint oil lasts, but it's considered to be an excellent replacement for Listerine.

No time was specified and you pretended it only applied to short ones. You gave long-winded advice without specifying time and got touchy when I assumed the advice applied to something other than fasting beyond liver glycogen depletion, a state that is essentially the goal of fasting for fat loss.

What are you curious about?

Jordan Peterson is a national treasure. He's teaching millennial and genz boomers about personal responsibility.

what do if I might've gone overboard and am probably underweight atp? should I ease into eating normally again and start fasting after I've gained enough back?

Legit, I do cream cracker OMAD and you wouldn't belive the astonishing results it has given me.

>something other than

thought this is /fraud/ lmao

Let's talk about ACV/Baking Soda/Lemon Juice for "Kidney Health"

COLE'S PREVIOUS SUGGESTION: 2017 /fast/ used to call these Snake Potions but I haven't been here in months, the terminology may have changed.

Potion 1:
> 2 tbsp Apple Cider Vinegar (with mother)
> 1/2 tsp Baking Soda (~540mg sodium to consider)
> Mix these together to neutralize acidity to avoid fucking teeth

Potion 2:
> Followed by 4 tbsp organic lemon juice through straw (can consume multiple times a day)

COLE'S CURRENT SUGGESTION: Add baking soda directly into snakejuice

> 1tsp Baking Soda now added into main snakejuice (~1080mg sodium to consider)
> Also added magnesium to new snakejuice to satisfy people bitching
> No specific updates on ACV or Lemon, but it's implied they're still optional.

ACV: I can't find any actual studies on the efficacy of this momscience. I see some stuff about rats and preventing weight gain but nothing worth the smell and taste of knocking this shit back. Overall I think I'm done with it at this point.

Lemon + Baking Soda: I think I'm going to convert to the new recipe and add baking soda right into my juice. In terms of "Potions" I'm just going to have 4tbsp of lemon juice for breakfast and call it a day there.

What are you guys running for ACV/Baking Soda/Lemon in your routines?
Why or why not?

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If you've noticed yourself going through a period where you've pissed nonstop for a while, you're probably in ketosis. Your body loses a ton of water when you're getting into keto.
You'll probably also be less hungry, clear headed and your breath may or may not start smelling like nail polish.

What are your experiences with yohimbine anons? Anything I should worry about?