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Stop fapping.

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>Ignoring your body

Just fucking do it

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Is the issue here that you want to use porn to do it? Because if not then go right ahead. It's only when porn is involved that it can cause problems.

Fucking just jerk off, it doesn't matter. Just stay off porn to avoid ED.

just do it or don't you nuked wojack posting retard, what are you? a child? or worse, a woman?

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>bf’s autistic little sister starts texting me
>not even about anything sexual
>pop a rock solid boner
I don’t like this

thanks guys. This is unironically the best motivation for me to not fap. Day of the rope soon juden

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Just don’t touch your did op, how hard could it be? Put some pants on, lol

what did she say

Your hand will grow hair faggot, dont fap

>falling for nofap jew control
Way to supress your own sexuality for mr Goldstein faggot

think of how shit you will feel afterwards bro

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I just fapped lol

I know that feel OP. Balls are sore and dick is hot. No pussy around though. Fucking texting this girl and either she’s playing hard to get or she don’t want.

Always remember that your grandparents are looking up at you from Hell. All the time.

sort yourself out, bucko

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I don't get people who say this, do they just convince themselves to feel bad or some shit? after I jerk it I feel refreshed like I just had all the weight of the world lifted off my shoulders I feel estatic and full of energy

I know how you feel user. Stay strong.

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Anyone got the original of this?

Here are some nice tits for you my good sir

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It annoys me how obviously shopped this is

Don't give in. I'm on 2 weeks of nofap and the energy you get from it is totally worth it.
