I've been working out for 9 months(5days a week),i made shit progress, im 5'8/63kgs...

I've been working out for 9 months(5days a week),i made shit progress, im 5'8/63kgs, should i change my workout to a 5x5?

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Please tell me you are a woman, because i you have a penis and weigh 63kg, you don't deserve to be called a man.

Either way, eat more, retard.


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Eat more little man

Are you doing a bro split like a retard and not eating enough like an even bigger retard?

I would just end up skinny-fat you fat nerd
Bro splits yes, but im eating good

Squats and oats

Don't do bro split. do full body and make absolutely sure you are eating enough by counting your calories.

How many oats should one consume

I will, thats the 5x5 right?

bro splits are designed to benefit enchanced lifters, not natties

>comes for advice
>shits on people
GTFO this board you summerfag

Attached: 1528413293097.jpg (400x400, 27K)

Greyskull LP or RR from Jow Forumsbodyweightfitness, aim for 3000calories, 140g of protein. Your target weight should be 80kg. Then cut down to 72-74. Buy a jump rope and do at least 15 minutes daily, even if you are bulking. Now get to work and stop being a pathetic faggot.

Then why did this faggot of a trainer wrote me a split workout

SL, SS or GSLP (GSLP is best) is a good place to start, then you can graduate to an intermediate program. Always stick to fullbody, puspull or even upper lower, bro splits wont do shit anytime soon

I meant my gym coach

Sub out back squats for front so you can show off those quads

mind posting the routine?

Bro splits are the mainstream and he only had mainstream knowledge regarding lifting

i tried 3k calories in the first month but that just made me skinny-fat

Just fucking do what I told you and shut up. It’s literally easy mode gains.

this 2bh. I did SS GOMAD and got 1/2/3/3.5 within half a year and my life has improved immeasurably

because he's a moron?
I don't understand the question.
are you the type of person that believes someone just because he's an "authority"?

Yeah, it’s doable if you put some work in it. Moaning on basket weaving forums won’t help you make progress though.

Day 1
Incline bench press 8-7-5 (reps) 3 sets
(Knuckle?)push ups 8-7-5
Dips 7-7-6-6
Decline dumbbell flys 4 sets 8 reps each
I have no idea how to translate the rest from my language (what they called in English) but this just gives you an idea

>did it for one month and became skinny fat
lol count your calories you probably arent cause "it's too hard :( " stupid idiot

you're pretty good

I have been lifting for 3months following a brosplit. 6'0/83kg skinny fat and now im 82kg lean. My shoulders and arms got bigger and more defined, sixpack and obliques clearly visible.

Squat at begin was 40kg, now i can do 120 for 5reps

Deadlift 40kg now its 130

Dumbell press weight begin 8kg, now its 35kg

So whats exactly wrong with following a brosplit???