Should I end lifting ?

Hi fit.

I can't deal with it.

I have a little brother that was always successful at everything he did. Meanwhile I failed miserably everything. He's five years younger than me and yet he bring a new girl friend at home every two months despite knowing I'm still a virgin. That's not fucking fair.

That's why two years ago, I decided to get in shape seriously to make him stop laughing at me. I researched, counted every calories and nutrients in order to get the right macros, planned everything to get my revenge. I started with SS then GLSP and finishing with Texas method.

I was making progress and last year he asked me if I was lifting. I answered proudly that I was and how naive I was to do that. The next day he started to lift in my gym center, doing a split, working a muscle group per day. Not only he's doing an inneficient method to grow muscles as a beginner but he was partying hard and ate a lot of fast foods. I thought victory was within my grasp.

And how wrong I was. Despite not knowing what is bulking or cutting, not knowing alcohol is bad for growing muscles, not sleeping enough because he has to party, study, sociablize and lift in the same time, not counting his calories, not fulfilling his macros, not cooking and eating outside junk food, he somehow managed to get more fit than me.
As a last effort I tried to do what he's doing, targeting a muscle every day. No gains and worse I'm getting weaker.

And just ten seconds ago, he walked in front of my desk, contracting every muscles, moving his pecs while smiling at me.

I can't deal with it anymore.

I need a rapid solution to get the better of him.

Help fit or I'm ending it.

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Get roids and test

Sounds like you expected to “beat” him easily. What are your stats?

unironically low test. Get it checked.

Roids are the last resort


Start going more often. Maybe 2 times a day every other day or just beat the shit of your brother to show dominance. That’s what I do to my younger cousin

You're not eating enough and that's why you've made fuck all gains in 2 years.

Your brother is literally Chad. Deal with it.
Stop comparing yourself to him that's unhealthy

Good for you mate, don’t let people tell you it isn’t good enough.

That said, from your pictures and stats it’s clear that you haven’t got enough muscle. Aim for 1/2/3/4, eat big and push yourself hard in the gym. Your form will be better than most now so it won’t take that long. Fucking lift hard.

You have underestimated your calories, seriously you should aim for about 160grams of protein a day and around 2000 calories (less calories if you are short). Just get serious about your diet. Fucking eat properly, eat big and eat clean.

Finally, don’t listen to that cunt in your head that is telling you that you aren’t good enough. Fuck that guy. Beating him is harder than any other battle or struggle. Just keep going, don’t listen and actively be proud of yourself. Remember that slow is smooth, and smooth is fast. So go slow, work hard and eat big and clean. You will make it, I believe in you.

you sound like a sociopath, see a psychiatrist or at the very least a therapist

Time to turn to steroids and not tell him. You should still feel bad that in the particular payload your daddy dropped in your mommy, you were the fastest sperm cell but not the best.

move out of your parents house you filthy pajeet

>2 years
>those stats
>gets mogged by his dyel brother
Lmao just kys

Yeah, how do you lift for 2 years and still look like someone who has never touched a dumbbell.

you are such a loser it is not even funny, you think you know everything and you still look like a dyel. Fucking ignorant cunt. you deserve to get mogged you little whiny bitch


This is going right into the pasta folder

>Last year...
>It's currently July
>You look like you've never lifted
Get gewwwd

You should probably just ignore him. Hes going to injure himself and his character sounds like shit anyways. Unlike him you have a real sense of dedication, which is practically the only thing in the world thats valuable. Just keep lifting and ignore the idea of comparing yourself to him. Also get your test checked. And you should probably permabulk. Im guessing you're a mesomorph which means 2 months of cutting is the same as 2 years of cutting for a fatty. Literally the only thing that should matter to you is gains.

What I do is I do cardio and lift on the same day, then I eat around 2500 calories. When you eat high cal foods, you get your protein intake easily and you also get to enjoy what youre eating.

But yeah, your brother sounds like a faggot. The fact that he doesnt care that hes hurting you is a pretty big sign that he'll crash some day and end up like boomer wojak. Youre family and he should be helping you. Instead he just wants to pummel someone thats down.

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>Those stats

Eat. Just fucking eat more.

eat more and stop fucking comparing yourself to your brother, fucks sake dude.

I don't think you know what a sociopath is

honestly user at this point eat a lot, lift a lot, get roids.
I'd say with roids start at 500 mg of test e per week

Keep working, you can still win.

Plus, you have many last resorts:

Use steroids
He could get in a life-ruining accident someday
He could get in a life-ruining "accident" someday
Encourage him to do hard drugs (preferably mixed with alcohol) until he becomes schizophrenic
Kill someone he loves and get him hooked on any drug when he grieves
Kill him
Rape him
Do heroin (never a frown with golden brown)
Commit suicide

Last two are not recommended, but they're there.

Take roids and keep us updated with your progress. I wanna see just how tight, thick, and solid you can get.

Where is this from?

cain and abel

Virgin, stop competing with your Chad brother.

You look like a soi boi

never going to make it.