How the fuck do you get out of skinny fat

how the fuck do you get out of skinny fat

I know what absolutely does not work

1. cardio
I got into biking, I would bike an insane amount, I did this for 5 years, I became really fast (5w/kg) and my body wound up under 120 lbs

still skinny fat
still love handles and a gut

2. bulking to build muscle so I had muscles inorder to enhance metabolism

I bulked up to 180 pounds, I lifted for 8 months
my strength increased a lot during this time

still skinny fat and disgusting looking

I never ate tons of garbage
My diet was pretty good but never complete meme tier like keto or planned meals

what the fuck are you supposed to do
I just want to fucking kill myself at this point

20 hours of cardio a week and no body fat loss??

what the fuck

I swear to fucking christ my body turns protein into fat
it turns everything into body fat
its incapable of building muscle or using fat for energy

Attached: 1442658924680.jpg (1200x931, 244K)

You gotta bulk waaaay longer, build up a really solid core and everything else and then just look good at higher bf.

If I had slow/clean bulked for an entire year doing strength training, I would just look like this, probably much worse actually

Attached: img0457.png (400x524, 408K)

Then hop on the yotrain.

Attached: yohimbine_infopic.png (587x436, 36K)

that shit about it loosening up fat in certain areas is complete bullshit. its a thermogenic, and not even a good one. you can replicate its effects with caffeine if you really wanted to

What kind of cardio do you do though. Just straight bike or do you mix it up with sprint days? That may be the issue without knowing more

How much protein did you eat while bulking/cutting?

completely structured, used a powermeter, HR, calorie tracked
usually 2 interval days (5x5 Vo2max), 2 endurance rides, 2 recovery rides, one day off, but also typical periodization, raced some cyclocross, was ok at it

I liked cycling because I could actually see massive improvements in fitness by putting genuine work into it

I put genuine work into trying to not look disgusting and I see absolutely nothing.

But im just sick of being incredibly weak and tired all the time from cycling so I'm stopping and lifting weights from now on. Maybe bike a couple times a week, go bike camping and shit.

unused protein gets shat out, protein will never get turned to fat.

>is complete bullshit

please share source telling us that everyone was wrong about alpha2 receptors and how yohimbine is not an antagonist

>I never ate tons of garbage
fatty tier diet detected

1g per pound of body weight

something weird I noticed with my metabolism is that I smell ammonia on my breath really easy, like only after an hour of fairly hard but not insane cycling, even with a ton of carbohydrate on board.

I think skinny fat must be undiagnosed glycogen storage disorder.

I have zero muscle tone.
After benching and shit I'll be pumped up when I look in the mirror but it will be gone in 30 min and I will look disgusting again.

Stat right now is 135 lbs, probably 20% bf
Bench is 145x5
DL is 200x5
OHP is 85x5
Don't even know what my squat is, it feels so fucked up with just the bar.

Years of exercising nothing but my legs and my squat is like 100 pounds and easily the worst of my pitiful lifts.

makes no sense.

you people do not understand skinny fat unless you are skinny fat

You should do sprints or HIIT, and no long-distance cardio. If you want to cut do it purely with your diet. Figure out how to squat.

Your numbers on the other lifts look solid enough that you should find an intermediate program (don't do SS) and stick with that.

HIIT like 10 hill sprints in the morning fasted?
then wait a couple hours before eating?
I'm doing that intermittent fasting now (stop eating around 8, don't eat till noon)

for lifting I'm doing 4 sets heavy of a compound, switch to a different compound for 4 sets heavy, then repeat with 3x10 with lighter weight).

I'm thinking I should do Bench, OHP, DL and Squat every day but switch it so its heavy with two of those lifts one day with hypertrophy on the other, then switch that around the next day, then a day of rest.

Pumps disappearing after 30 minutes is normal. Your protein input seems to be good enough too. Not sure what your problem is. I was only mildly skinny fat when starting and that went away after a year of lifting for me.

Oh Jesus no. That's hella overtraining. Generally you want to stick to 3 heavy compounds Like, Bench, OHP, and Rows per upper body day. You also don't want to train upper body more than twice a week. Someone correct me if I'm wrong here.

I do 8 sprints, a 5 minute break, then 8 more sprints, mostly on flat ground. Planning to add a third rep soon. Been doing this for about a month, before that I'd been doing distance cardio.

In that month I've noticed that it's (a) way harder and more tiring, (b) more fun, (c) my speed has been steadily improving even though I didn't mean it to, (d) it makes my calves, hamstrings and core sore as though I'd been working out.

I wouldn't worry about food timing.

You might be overtraining. Especially if your lifting ontop of that. Are your cardio and weight sessions separated by at least 6 hours?

What I'd suggest is 3 cardio sessions a week, do them all as interval sessions lasting 20-30mins maximum. Do that mornings, than do your weights afternoon.

The issue as I see it is your training for two different things. On the one you are doing weights for strength but than you do 2 endurance bikes a week.

See what happens after a month

You most likely have a hormone disorder. Get a full blood panel done.

Litterally did 1600 calories whilst fulling Renissance 6 day a week PPL went from 80kg to 74kg in like 4 months yet looked much more in shape for a 6kg loss. After going from 120kg to 80 during 2017

try cutting out all high glycemic carbs. i've had a disgusting skinnyfat bod my whole life too and i finally cracked down on my diet and cut out all refined carbs and i've seen the best results i've seen in my life. not keto, but just cut out carbs that spike your insulin levels.

>tfw also pouch and love handles like a motherfucker
feels bad man

Have you had your whoremoans checked? Tried to max your natural test? Endurance training can blow your test out, so the biking may be fucking you over.

Cut u retard

>its a thermogenic

no its the only thing you can buy over the counter that can actually change the way you burn fat , retard


Unless you are 5 foot 2 or something this is inexcusable. You are dieting wrong and lifting wrong. Get yourself a real fitness coach. Pay the money. Its worth it.

It took ages to become a muscleless skinny fat why do you think you can fix it overnight?

Yes, I had them checked about 3 months ago, they were 680, which is typical for under 25 year old men, although im 32.

Another thing which makes no sense to me because I have somewhat higher levels of test for my age I guess, but I have never had muscles or the ability to grow a good beard.
Makes me think I have some kind of endocrine disorder, seen numerous docs about it, they say nothing is wrong.

Never tried to 'max my natural test'...not really sure what that means.

I've gone down to really lazy riding for an hour a couple times a week, even just turning that into hiking in the morning for an hour.
I always read about "overtraining" on weightlifting/strength training forums, which is completely bizarre to me coming from endurance training background.
I do far more damage to my body in one VO2max interval session than an entire week of strength training (endurance stuff is far, far more catabolic). An it is entirely common thing to do 2 or even 3 of these types of sessions in a week, in addition to two 3-5 hour rides where your HR is averaging 150bpm (if your max HR is 190-200, burning 2000-3500 cal), yet overtraining does not start to occur until about 3 months into a training block like this.

I wonder how many people in weightlifting actually get into overtraining or if its just a term thrown around a lot?

Only eat carbs once per day.

Everything else should be meat, low calorie vegetables and nuts and maybe some whey.

No I am 5'9"
So what the fuck, when I was really focused on competing in cycling I got down to 119lbs and was still skinny fat. Explain that. I was really fast for an amateur too so its not like I was just fucking around all the time. My w/kg would have been insane if I had gotten down to like 7% BF. I have KOMs from some sections of climbs (obviously the really steep parts) around me where a dometique for Sky trains a bit a couple times a year and he does intervals on them.

fuck off

You're going to have to post some pictures. This just isn't coming together op.

post body