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The Chad Throne

I... is that thing alive?

looks like the fucking spider mastermind

Attached: 1464783996021.jpg (528x424, 21K)

Gonna need an explanation

C'mon user, you lift the weight.

Are you sure that isn't just multiple machines stacked on one another?

>Not doing seated shoulder stabilized leg core raisepresses
>Making it
Pick one

Attached: 1529321118637.gif (426x470, 67K)

its a cup holder


Attached: 1530624783417.jpg (374x347, 39K)

is this an optical illusion to train the brain at the gym?

Attached: 1431371710465.gif (400x300, 986K)

A weapon to surpass Metal Gear!

plate loaded catapult to eject the manlets

is this assembly gone wrong or bants or an actual machine?

Someone has been reading a lot of broscience workouts

It's like a leg-press machine that simulates a squat better.

>Fools! This isn't even my final form!

Attached: 1457019388143.jpg (717x960, 141K)

harvested parts

I would feel like a huge massive faggot having to climb up into that thing and lay down lmfao

I had one at my old gym AMA

>All these newfags
It's called a gym lifeguard, if you don't have one at yours you'll never make it

I still don't understand how this shit works. The whole bottom half of the machine is fixed and useless. Even the platform he is pushing on looks to be fixed. It doesn't appear there's a way to load the machine. Why the fuck is it this complex?

Sorry guys I'm off to sleep maybe next time

>knowing what this hunk of shit is

Attached: A416F009-11BB-4867-B863-6F9021D7F994.jpg (124x106, 16K)

so it's a hack squat

Attached: 1529941611657s.jpg (248x250, 8K)

Holy crap, a quality thread in fit?

looks like a fucking gym mecha

Attached: 1530400874344.png (360x474, 125K)


Jesus Christ, whoever invented this thing deserves to be pressed to death by loading 45 pound plates onto him. It's apparently ten feet tall.

Look again user, the longest bars rotate on an axle a little above the second step. That's why there are wide legs that go around them, those are part of the support structure that doesn't move.
It seems ridiculously complex for what it does.

>not squatting ass-to-air

what kind of brainlet wants a higher ROM leg press? squat u fag

Will this still snap your shit up like a regular leg press?

Imagine snapping your shit up on that thing.

they'd need a crane to get you out

"This thing looks like Optimus Prime and a Nautilus Rack had an illegitimate child."

I... I'm in actual awe of this thing

Attached: ld.jpg (277x296, 22K)

I'd feel like i'm climbing into a mech suit.


(Also checked)

It's actually interesting biomechanically. It's very similar to a regular leg press, but it rotates in relation to your spinal alignment. It allows you to full extend at the hips during the movement, and gives a much better hamstring and glute workout. Regular leg press leaves you partially flexed at the hips, and is more quad focused.

It does look ridiculous though.

Attached: big lats for the diplomats.jpg (2560x1701, 291K)

Jesus dude, you fail a rep on here and the thing's just gonna eat you.

Attached: 1530556129145.jpg (524x492, 121K)

I don't know what the fuck that is

>that boomer music playing

>this is not even my final form

it's a horizontal hack squat machine.
idk why they exist

It apparently allows for a full ROM without putting too much stress on the hips and knees. Seems way over engineered to me.

More similar to a hack squat than a leg press, although I get your point with the hips. Regardless, it didn't work commercially. They stopped making them. They probably didn't sell a lot in the first place because it's a 900 pound tower for you to squat on that takes twice the amount of space as a similar machine and is still less effective than barbell squatting.

It's also a liability issue getting on and off of something that is eight feet in the air after heavy leg work out. In the two videos I saw of someone using it, one person almost ate shit when getting off. It also sucked to load because of the leverage the arms give you. 14 plates on one machine is a waste of money.

You can read more on the dynamics here. I don't care enough to. There's only a few of them still around and they basically sell at scrap metal prices.


>Terran music plays