That guy who brings all those gimmick accesories with him

>that guy who brings all those gimmick accesories with him

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Other urls found in this thread:

>that guy who laughs at others in the gym but does "squats" at the smith machine

There's a guy in my gym who brings a whole BAG of his gimmicks bullshit with him. Sure thing he's a dyel.

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mirin that pump

>that guy who drinks water out of his shaker bottle

>that 50 year old guy who wears a belt and does 10 types of curls for an hour

Attached: 1413907485782s.jpg (229x250, 8K)

I use that for running

That guy doing 6pl8 seated calve raises

What does he know that I do not, apart from everything?

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>that girl who squats for an hour in a squatrack and then go home

Attached: womenLiftin.gif (480x270, 3.86M)

>that old guy blowdrying his balls in the change room

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>that guy that brings a notebook and track weights and reps

Does if work? You'd think it would because the concept seems simple, but apparently it doesn't do shit

you mean
>that guy that does SS

Attached: irapepe.jpg (201x201, 15K)

Why do girls only work out legs? Why do they also do retarded meme exercises too?

>That guy who uses straps on every lift

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>the old guy who literally stops naked in the center of the changeroom with his balls hanging like a pair of iron marbles in pantyhose looking up at absolutely nothing in momentary deep thoughtful contemplation

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saw a person with a notebook and pen the other day for the first time in my entire life

he was DYEL as fuck, probably 28 years old
I work out at a very popular university gym, too. was fucking mind blowing seeing that.

Had to look up wtf a "seated calf raise" is. Of course it's a meme machine exercise.

Why not do a normal calf raise so you can also work your grip and your core?

It gives negligible results, but I like how it suffocates me. So I guess it's more of a mental workout?

Actually there's a guy who does almost only squats, his ass is something special. It's like he took some thicccck latina's ass and stuck it to himself. Looks comical as fuck.

>probably 28 years old
That's very specific

Well it's retarded but most girls who lift properly look like more like men. Only those who train with a pt look good and fit and yet feminine.

Nope. Altitude training masks are a hoax. The only way you can simulate altitude training is if you breathe in low oxygen air, not increase the mechanical effort of breathing.

they fell for the THICC meme and only workout to post their ass in leggings on IG

>that guy who squats

So it doesn't help with endurance at all

What's wrong about that?

You'd get the same benefits if you breathed out of a straw during cardio; increased stress on your diaphragm and intercostal muscles.

>like a pair of iron marbles in pantyhose

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>that girl who thinks squats will cure her hank hill ass

>that one uncircumcised guy in the locker room

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>anybody wearing gloves, ever

>someone wearing a belt lifting less than 300 lbs

>the masked man doing cardio and 15 lb dumbbell flyes

>the guy using kettlebells for lifts that can be done with a barbell or dumbbell

>the guy with a fucking camel bak instead of a water bottle

>the guy or gal wearing "speshull kinesthetic tape"

>the guy wearing a plate carrier not doing a murph

>the guy wearing ankleweights

>the guy wearing track pants under basketball shorts

>the guy who does 1 set only each exercise

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>that guy wearing a belt for the warmup sets

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>The obese guy who does nothing but walk on the treadmill or bike.
>He never loses weight.

Gloves are okay when your hands are sweaty. But I don't see the point in them being used for every exercise

my gym doesn't allow any home equipment in the building for insurance purposes

>That guy half repping ohp and bench till failure but still looks the same every week
>That girl who only uses the vibration plate machine
>That guy that paces around the gym in between sets
>Those people that mire you for being the only one that goes ass to grass
>That guy who uses clips for bench press

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Calf raises are something you do after your core and spine are completely btfo. Plus, the toughtest spot in the squat and deadlift is the seated pssition.

>Those people that mire you for being the only one that goes ass to grass
I was this today. Someone else was doing ATG squats and I said "nice range of motion. very deep". He said thanks. I thought to ask him if he browsed Jow Forums but then I got anxious and looked at the ground and walked away.

Well, from what I read you need to do both because there is two muscles in the calfs.

>That guy who uses clips for bench press

fuck off, i use clips even for swiss bar hammer curls
theres no reason not to use clips for everything

>That guy who keeps slowly doing his bicep curls in pure befuddlement

Attached: Trying Not To Laugh.gif (320x289, 3.63M)

>that guy who stares at your reflection in the mirror while you do a set

Attached: Creepy_Dude.webm (1920x1040, 2.32M)

The bigger the gym bag the bigger the dick come at me bro

White people are so ugly lol

wtf why is she watching him like that. I could probably last 1-2 second with her looking me like that. Shit's freaky

Mindfuck: he was talking about himslef

There is if you have no spotter and don't want to get guillotined

lol, nice try

I tried looking this up and everyone talking about it thinks that "standing calf raises" also require a machine, and some even suggest using multiple machines for it. Sounds like bullshit to me. Just hold a couple dumbbells, stand on the balls of your feet for a second or two, and repeat 10 times.

>benching with no spotter
>not leaving 1 rep in the tank

you deserve to get guillotined

Unless you're Auschwitz mode, you'll need several times more weight than that to work out calves.


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There is alot of exercises for cal that don't use machine. There is a funny one, donkey calf raise. There are pictures of Arnold Schwarzenegger doing it.

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Ok, that makes sense. Even with 120 lb I do feel it in my calves after a few sets of 10 reps. But my real goal here is to reduce the chance of sprinting injury and to do something interesting that'll train grip. I don't really care about calf development for its own sake.

>That guy who asks you how many sets you have got left and then stares you down while you finish your remaining sets

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> "doesn't use machines"
> just grab another human and hold it between your knees
What did Arnold mean by this?

should've manned up, buckled your belt, give him a confident stare then ask to go deep inside him gayboy

Idiot. You use shoes to run. You use that piece of shit to waste $20 accomplishing nothing.

>Gloves are okay when your hands are sweaty.

That is what chalk is for, you fool.

I mean, I get that we're in a smartphone world but I don't see anything wrong with this.

Lmao, i can tell you cant bench 4plates

>Sit on a bench
>put plate on lap
>raise the calfs like their dead and you chose necro for your D2 character

I did that when I first started out and my phone was broke. Couldn't remember my routine for shit

>lift properly
>look like men
>do Zumba ball meme exercises
>look like women

Roastie pls go

would you have noticed him if he didnt wear the mask?

Based not-jewed man

I basically do this even though I have a phone. I write down the results in a text editor then copy them into Excel when I get home. Phones are horrible at managing data and every app is confusing and stupid.

Hmm, interesting. I guess I'd have to pull the bench over to the plate stand, and then take half the plates for myself while awkwardly sitting in everybody's way. Sounds about right for a Jow Forumsizen.

>...feelin' fit?

I only bring a drink and some lifting tape

Have you ever thought that if you pull it off he could die?

hey that's me!

>unironically being (((cut)))

>That guy that paces around the gym in between sets
>That guy who uses clips for bench press
Literally nothing wrong with these

that would be painful


>premature ejaculator

Only app I've seen that had a half decent interface is the SL app. But since it's strictly SL it won't work for most people.

I used to do seated calf raises when I was at Planet Fitness. But yeah, doing weird isos like that might mean you gotta workout in the slow hours.

I looked it up, the guy between his legs does calf raises using Arnold's body as resistance. Looks stupid as hell still but I'll never look like them.

It fucking tells you to in the sticky

>being a Jew/Muslim
>thinking no foreskin looks anything but ridiculous and disgusting
>defending decisions of retarded parents

>That guy that paces around the gym in between sets
literally me

>that guy who is his own hype man and talks to himself during his set extra loud because he can't hear himself over his tinnitus inducing music blaring from his beats headphones

Whats wrong with being a Muslim, user?

That guy that has a seat between sets

>that guy who death stares into the mirror mid set mouthing things like "pathetic", "loser", "weak", "pussy" to himself

>thinking that women like uncircumcised dicks

>track pants under basketball shorts
What is that? Is it an american thing? I have never heard about wearing pants under shorts. Google didn't help me

I’m 19 and don’t need to brace my core doing 4 pl8 dead’s or 3 plate squat

I think he means compression pants

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>the cheeze pizza

Thanks. That makes more sense, I was thinking about something like pic related. Still, I don't see people using things like that in my 3rd shithole, maybe it's because it's always hot as fuck

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I'd call those tights not track pants, my gym is just full of DYEL indians and arabs in full hypebeast mode wearing all branded gear and shit like that. There is one jacked as fuck indian guy who always wears the tights without the shorts and he looks hilarious

looks like those are to hide skipping leg day more than anything

>that guy who brings his fat grips
>that guy who trains on a split and clearly doesn’t do steroids
>that guy who gets overly dressed in fitness clothes and roams around the gym in his bullshit workout attire
>that guy who uses the cardio equipment at the gym and doesn’t use the outside natural landscapes for cardio

Only women that are brainwashed by USA media, it is unnatural to cut off your your dickskin and anything that is unnatural is normally ugly

This dude was literally on To Catch a Predator: Ryan Gosselin

genuine question user, is SS a meme?

You should run into traffic