Neil deGrasse Tyson accidentally admits the Earth is concave

>"You have to ask yourself, what kind of surface would produce that effect?. [imitates concave horizon with his hand] If it's conc.."
>*nervous laughter, trying to change subject

Have you ever wondered why the Flat Earth movement even exists? It is readily apparent that the movement was founded by Zionists, but why is it being pushed on such a massive scale?

There are two simple answers:
1) Disinformation.
The elite know something about the true nature of the Earth/Reality and are intentionally misleading people into lies mixed with truth.

2) Discreditation by Association.
By creating the flat Earth psy-op with cringe-worthy new age/metro-sexual douche bags and willfully ignorant and obnoxious shills, they make the alternative Earth theory -Concave - seem ridiculous by default.
They know the Earth is Concave and they want to discredit it as much as possible by associating it with the Flat Earth. The surface curves UP forming a hollow sphere, it is completely stationary, and the entirety of the "universe" is contained within the Earth.

Flat Earth is not the only thing being associated with Concave Earth. What other theory in existence has as its top content producer a guy who calls himself Jesus Christ and tells everyone to get his Mark of the Beast tattoo? You cannot do a search on Concave Earth and NOT have this guy show up on the front page. Don't believe for an instant that this is by coincidence.

I'm going to dump all the evidence now

Attached: 1522534744463.jpg (1300x1085, 590K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>OP, why can't I see the other side?
Because light doesn't travel in straight line, it bends upward. Mainstream science knows about it, but they are very reluctant when it comes to sharing such discovery.


In Riedern A.S. in Klettgau on May 24 2001 between 11 and 12am, the engineer Wilhelm Martin (deceased since 2009) conducted on experiment (which was witnessed by Rolf Keppler) with a theodolite (leveling device) called a dumpy level.

Attached: 1522539003435.jpg (213x300, 10K)

No.1. (The control) Two measuring poles were placed 1000m from each other. The dumpy level was placed in the middle of these two poles at the 500m distance. The built-in plumb line (spirit level) was then used to make sure the device was absolutely level to within 1 arc second, which is an accuracy of 0.5cm to 1km. Wilhelm then looked through the telescope and with the cross-hairs marked the zero mark on the measuring pole. He then turned the dumpy level around 180° and did the same for the other pole. These marks are now used as a control for the future measurements.

Attached: 1522539020933.jpg (300x225, 10K)

No.2. Wilhelm then positioned the dumpy level 4m from the left measuring pole and adjusted the height of the theodolite so that it was level with the zero mark made previously when the dumpy level was located in the middle of the two poles. The dumpy level was then turned 180° and the cross hairs on the theolite were used to find its position on the right measuring pole 996m away. This was 12 to 14cm higher than the zero mark in the control.

Attached: 1522539044604.jpg (300x225, 14K)

No.3. The exact same procedure as no.2 above was carried out, but this time moving the dumpy level 4m from the right pole, sighting the zero mark, rotating the level 180° and sighting the position on the left pole 996m away. The result was nearly the same as the other pole with a deviation of over 14cm higher than the zero mark.

Attached: 1522539071406.jpg (300x225, 15K)

Source: Source:

Here's a graphic showing what's causing the ships to disappear.

Attached: 1522538637316.png (1280x720, 221K)

Attached: 1522544120549.jpg (600x297, 86K)

As you can see in the diagram, the degree of drop expected from a convex horizon, "dg" can be easily calculated with Theta = ArcCos(adjacent/hypotenuse) or ArcCos(Radius of Earth / Radius+Elevation). So in this following picture with the image on the right at E=22 miles, Theta should equal 6 degrees:

Attached: img.png (483x365, 17K)

Yet clearly the declination of the horizon is close to zero, therefore showing the Earth is not convex.

To get an idea of how large "degrees" are in a field of vision or camera photo, hold your arm out in front of you and use your 3 fingers + pinky:

Attached: img (1).png (1140x313, 378K)

Attached: HandAngles.png (450x144, 5K)

As you can see, 6 degrees is significant a difference and would be easily noticeable.

Attached: img (2).png (1141x313, 395K)

>Round Earthers will deny this
People that try to argue that the Earth is a round globe too hard are the main reason I doubt their shit


It's a globe, but we live inside it. There are other lands on the other side.

Attached: images.jpg (266x400, 18K)


Shame this got moved

I mean the external globe with a fiery molten core

nice nubs
what are some redpilled haircuts?

Hello Jow Forums's trashcan

pls enlighten us

good post senpai

should've been earlier on a imptrash thread tons of fun

hello best ally

We do pay your bills
