Pics with useful information

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Those are called infographics retard

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good thread, dumping what I have

Attached: anatomy.jpg (705x848, 229K)

>tfw your mom is fat

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chad larry and virgin johnny

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Join the fitness discord.
We have->
routine and posture advice, motivation, awesome stories, feels, food pics ,recipes and diet checks, fasting, etc. Self improvement, nofap, relationship advice, CBT, PLG, fraud and memes.
contests: post a cbt pic in begin of the month, and one at the end. Then users vote and the winner gets prize money!
We accept everyone
dis cord (dot) gg / Dzj9HkQ

Attached: posture.jpg (1536x2173, 287K)

Attached: running form.jpg (2084x4576, 1.05M)

this only applies to manlets btw

Attached: satiety.png (600x400, 24K)

Attached: setrep_structure.jpg (500x500, 57K)

Attached: squat rom.jpg (1403x981, 119K)

Attached: startbodyweight.jpg (2481x6600, 1.79M)

Energy needs dont change based on height, only weight and activity level.

that's the last one from me, keep it coming anons

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You correct him then post the most shit information of all time

Lmao bullshit. I'm like 80kg soaking wet, eating 4k calories still seeing my abs.
>inb4 your not counting correctly
I am.

those numbers are just estimates. either you do a lot of exercise or your body is very inefficient at absorbing energy

>kali and escrima is C-tier together with capoeira
Lol, bullshit. Stick fighting is legit

>Superman the dickhead compares himself to normal humans

Superman is on dat sun-gear tho

Attached: a.jpg (450x683, 203K)

>First pic
>its already dogshit garbage

well memed


Yeah and taller people also don't have it harder lifting things

Lmao I wish I could bulk on 3400 calories. That's fucking maintaince at best.

>bullshit unscientific propaganda
get the fuck out

That’s way too much protein

got this from another thread, mind blown

Attached: 1530855359779.jpg (500x500, 139K)

drew this on a piece of paper, memorized it immediately

This pic is great if you want to gain 10 grams per week. Lean bulking is the biggest meme out there. Add a thousand calories to each weight.

is this real?

yep. I've noticed after a night of drinking i hit that woosh and piss all that extra water out. just means you won't look thinner at a steady pace

It’s all I have on my phone atm. I mean doesn’t hurt to know at least some core exercises

this shit makes you sterile, doesn't it?

Prove it wrong then

yes, fat is mostly lost by breathing it out the rets is by fluids but around 16% according to some IG post I saw earlier today

No, but results may vary. I tried it and didn't notice any significant change after a week.

This is honestly some good shit. I might have to hang that up somewhere.

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>tfw scores a 7

Hopefully Keto and weight bump me up, eh


How can one score only 7 points?

probably social shut in thats also a poor neet and is mentally fucked


not chad though

step 5 is a joke, yeah?

how tho? i've been stuck at 160lbs bulking at 3100 cals for months and i've only managed to gain 2 pounds when i upped it to 3400 last week. 5ft8 btw

Attached: exert.png (2120x1324, 3.04M)

Scored 90, and that was me being extremely judgemental against myself. I'm gonna make it guys

Noticing a lot of these guys reccomend gymnastics. Anywhere in the USA (inb4 amerimutt memes, I know I’m a mutt) where I could learn basic gymnastics as an adult man, like adult dance classes? Or is it all kids classes for 5 year olds?

Your sarcasm does not disprove the laws of thermodynamics. A 130 lb 6ft sedentary skelly needs the same amount of calories to maintain their weight as a 130lb 5ft sedentary manlet.


Actually enjoyed thinking about some of those things. Some things are also weird, for instance, got a bonus point for a having a good smartphone, but when I think about it, that's not such a big deal at all. I have plants at home, this is something that makes me proud and yet there is nothing there to award me a point. So I guess it doesn't matter.

Does thinking that the 19th amendment was a mistake count as a healthy view of the opposite sex? I know that they're very emotional creatures.

>having plants
I've talked to girls that actually think that's points towards a guy. Shows responsibility, some level of empathetic compassion, and the whole mysterious side thing.

Got a number talking about succulents once. Fell through because I was lying through my teeth about actively having them.

Too easy to get chad. Lame test.

>Have children you're proud of
>Own or rent a living space
>have disposable income
>decent smartphone

Who the fuck came up with this shit?


>unemployed and living with parents
>considered successful

Any meal prep ones?

you are potato dumb

>eat what your parents tell you to
>parents feed you nothing but chicken nuggets for 18 years

Brotier bullshit.

your towns local rec department should be able to help, if you have one.

also gymnast that just graduated hs after competing for four years, it does wonders for you

how to improve hip hinge?

Still saving money to move out, but is it actually worth living alone?


Back when morals were a thing and it wasn't all about being a flaming faggot

>chad stride vs virgin hunch

>probably causes cancer

based honestly

103 here’s how my score broke down:

28 PHY
16 MEN
29 SOC
17 ACC
13 BON

I just need to fix my depression and love myself ;_;

needs a "do you regularly visit Jow Forums -25" in the special column

Thanks for the posts, user

You already know the answer is no.

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i'm definitely not a chad, i feel like 100+ just makes you a relatively normal person, this is clearly made by some turbo incel



all i see in that image is a bunch of gains goblins. the lower your score, the better

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No, but it's mostly nonsense. The main thing to increase your cum is hydration and not cumming. Wearing looser underpants and eating all this stuff might help (could be good for you anyway) but not cumming is the only surefire way to increase your cum.

87, slightly strange, story of my life.


PHY 24
MEN 28
SOC 31
ACC 13
BON 20

When your a virgin and a chad

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Shit I'm barely a normal fag

>mfw 116 and still fat

I'm a normie

>thinkgen of cookies


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that's even right fuck my life