What are some good fitness "hacks"?
What are some good fitness "hacks"?
>Haha violence is so epic xD
>Btw guys give some "hack" so i don't have to work so hard :D
t. low-test high-est s o y man faglord
soiboi detected
Oh I'm sorry, did I kill your thread about "Why even lift if X?"? Or "looksmaxxing"? Or tinder? Or "first puff of the day"? Or something else not related to fitness?
You don't need to isolate your arms for to get big arms. Just stick to compound movements.
LOL post arms
He was well within his rights to defend himself but there was no reason for him to be there in the first place
Real men don't go on the streets like apes to fight, even if it's faggots
Try not making a thread with Jow Forumsbait then, sage
You can't just enjoy a video of a communist faggot getting knocked out, can you? There always has to be something to gripe about
LARPing is bad, doesn't matter if it's anarchist commies or anyone else
I'm sorry but I take social order very seriously, we didn't have thousands of years of development to end up like this.
>takes social order seriously
>doesn't like seeing a faggot get BTFO'd by a superior man
ok shlomo
>Real men shouldn't be out there expressing their beliefs and political views. They should stay at home and watch anime, while Jamal fucks my mom like me.
Killing communists is social order
Social order is enforced by FORCE, otherwise commie faggots like that would swarm the streets.
He's not a police officer
Violence isn't expressing beliefs, it's being violent, nice strawman btw
He's not a police officer
He's not a police officer
Anyone who thinks he's got the moral high ground isn't any better than anarchist scum
>Violence isn't expressing beliefs, it's being violent, nice strawman btw
>He's not a police officer
He was DEFENDING himself while expressing his views, you commie piece of shit. I hope he kills you too at the next rally.
What does being a police officer have anything to do with anything?
>He doesn't agree with x
>Therefore he's a commie
Man where have I heard that one before, probably lefties crying nazi/hitler
Take a look in the mirror, is this really how you want to argue?
>I hope he kills you too at the next rally.
Keep voting for the party outlawing all the drugs you want in your life and fueling corruption and violence in your neighboring country
Good work ignoring the main argument to focus on some minor insult. Typical commie.
You're gonna die commie
I've previously said that he was well within his rights to defend himself
I'm saying that he's a faggot for even going there in the first place, clearly to fight since he came prepared and the LARPing Jow Forumsniggers who jerk themselves off because they feel like a big boi by proxy aren't any better
>only faggots bring their politics into any sort of irl space
Nice try Mr. Noseblatt
>muh drugs!
The republicans in my state respect legal weed. Now no white man here has a reason to vote left. :)
Any white man who would vote for the left purely for weed is a white man that goes into the oven last
So, like I said earlier:
>Real men shouldn't be out there expressing their beliefs and political views. They should stay at home and watch anime, while Jamal fucks my mom like me.
You don't convince the public domain by living a hooligan-lifestyle. By that logic black on black gang wars are perfectly reasonable because they're fighting for their "beliefs"
If you think expressing your beliefs entails going out and fighting, you're no better than white trash hooligans or hoodrats.
Build social status and fight with influence.
If you don't fight for your beliefs the other side wins, idiot. Niggeg chimpouts have nothing to do with any kind of belief. It's about power, money, drugs, hoes, etc.
>unironically a low test boomer
First of all, he had to fight because he was defending himselfs. Second, what kind of pussy are you? Men literally evolved to hunt and fight. If you can't stand up for your beliefs you are not a man, you're not even human.
>Niggers killing each other is the same as a guy defending himself from someone attacking him with a potentially deadly weapon
>[citation needed]
I'm starting to believe you're from a 3rd world country, I don't see how you could actually think that fighting in the streets has any political relevance at all.
If anything the people winning the fights lose votes as previously non-voters feel the need to protect the weak.
Either way you're morally in the wrong, you should read some philosophy for once and I'm not talking about MGTOW tweets
A. He and his group had a permit to rally.
B. They were all checked for weapons.
C. Antifa was not allowed to be there and came with weapons.
D. Moments before he knocked the guy out, he was hitting someone on the floor with a baton - a dangerous weapon.
E. You’re either 12 years old or an actual boomer.
>citation needed for common sense
Jesus Christ are you fucking retarded or what? Please kill yourself nigger
>If anything the people winning the fights lose votes as previously non-voters feel the need to protect the weak.
[citation needed]
>What are some good fitness "hacks"?
Compound lifts and sub-failure volume at >70% of your max.
Combined that with some fucking consistency and a lot of protein and you've a recipe for gains.
>anarchist commies
I'm not sure if you don't know what Anarchy is, what Communism is, or both.
>lift at >70% of your max
What do you think happens if you lift at 71%? lol
Progressive overload is the only way to build muscle
>5 sets to failure, increasing the weight each set
>muh weed!
Both parties are shit heads. Decriminalize drugs. Stop the massive flow of money towards drug cartels. Decrease drug use through education and safe administering of said drugs by medical professionals.
That is "greater than" 70%, putz. I'm telling you to lift at 71%. Really 70% will do, possibly even less. But there's no "greater than or equal to" sign on a keyboard and lots and lots of people have made lots of progress repping about 70-80% weights, then potentially tapering into higher intensity over a few weeks if they want to set some PRs.
Oh motherfucker I'm absolutely retarded. I thought you meant the opposite.
Eat more food to get bigger, eat less food to get leaner.
Oh also end mass incarceration of non violent criminals as well
well said
nothing wrong with self defense bitch
if anyone needed more proof 5chins is becoming leddit, here it is.